看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Is It Time To Give Up Hope On The 2008 Yanks? By Tyler Kepner Maybe people were just so ready for a new Yankees chapter that most of us ignored the obvious in spring training: their young pitchers might not be as polished as advertised. Intelligent people across baseball thought Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy were ready to contribute. Because of injuries, ineffectiveness or both, it just hasn’t worked out. I bring this up because yet another team has shown the Yankees what they are missing. Look at the Minnesota Twins. Consider these names: Scott Baker, Glen Perkins, Nick Blackburn, Kevin Slowey, Francisco Liriano. Five young starters. Only Liriano, who was hurt, attracted widespread hype in March. All have proven more ready to help their team win than any comparable young starters on the Yankees. Yet pitching is the Yankees’ strength. Derek Jeter acknowledged as much after Wednesday’s embarrassing loss to end a miserable 3-7 road trip. “To be honest, our pitching has been pretty good,” Jeter said. “We’ve got to find ways to score runs.” Their repeated failures in runners with scoring position might be a statistical fluke, but it’s killing the team, and the front office clearly recognizes that. What they can do about it – long term — is another story. They made a nice trade for a solid hitter in Xavier Nady, and that’s a start. But unless you believe in Brett Gardner – and maybe we should – there ’s no position player from the farm system ready to help next season. There’s a lot to fix, and it will be interesting to see if the road trip saps the spirit of the players the way it has for many fans. (Even the good folks at nomaas.org have given up hope.) Three games at home against the Royals might make the Yankees feel better, but this is a real test for Manager Joe Girardi. His lineup on Monday, after the Anaheim sweep, when he sat the team’s hottest hitter in Johnny Damon, was puzzling for many in the clubhouse. There ’s clearly a void in the coaching staff, too, with the departure of Larry Bowa. Players expected to take off toward greatness, like Robinson Cano, have slid back. Players expected to mature into steady contributors, like Melky Cabrera, have not. Bench guys, like Wilson Betemit, have been disappointing. And veterans whose prime years are behind them have started what might be a steady downward trend in their statistics: like the 2 and 3 hitters, Jeter and Bobby Abreu (though he’s driving in runs). There are deep problems, but there’s still time to make a run. The Yankees might have one last gasp in them. But there’s no evidence of that right now. News source:http://0rz.tw/074CV 翻譯:http://0rz.tw/624Eq -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
RobinsonCano:I am your father!!! 08/15 01:28
Terrill:慘.. 08/15 01:36
j094097:所以以後開心看球 有贏當賺到這樣? 08/15 01:39
aresa:這是個負運的球季,主力都掛光還能撐到現在已經很不錯了 08/15 01:58
casatwl:都已經貼原文了,怎麼不順便也貼翻譯呢?感覺是來衝人氣的 08/15 02:00
NiteCat:傷養好再來跟人家拼吧 畢竟DL大神不在大家就..(默) 08/15 02:01
KennyKuo:都已經推酸文了,怎麼不順便也貼新聞呢?感覺是來亂板的 08/15 02:01
KennyKuo:每個板友都很好心也很有貢獻了,多看點英文又沒差~ 08/15 02:02
casatwl:奇怪了,我的疑問很奇怪嗎?還是有人怕看不到翻譯文? 08/15 02:03
casatwl:既然要在 BBS 貼文,為什麼不順便附上中文翻譯?令人感覺 08/15 02:03
casatwl:只是衝人氣。真的有心,沒必要只貼原文。 08/15 02:04
j094097:別吵架啊...囧 08/15 02:06
KennyKuo:我覺得原po應該更值得鼓勵而不是疑問,而且有翻譯連結啊~ 08/15 02:10
KennyKuo:就算衝人氣,對板友來說又沒有損失,原po利人利己啊~ 08/15 02:11
cuctas:別把人家的熱心當成理所當然了 08/15 02:12
alwaysblue:沒想到貼個新聞也有問題..@@..並不是每個人都想要看我 08/15 02:38
alwaysblue:的翻譯呀..如果你覺得我是為了要衝人氣..你可以不要點 08/15 02:39
alwaysblue:我有強迫任何人嗎??只不過是覺得利用blog還可以順便貼 08/15 02:40
alwaysblue:圖片..這樣比較方便一點而已..這樣也要被懷疑衝人氣.. 08/15 02:41
kimifort:人家翻譯 捧個場給他賺人氣也不會少塊肉吧 08/15 02:41
alwaysblue:真是不知道該怎麼說..以後我看我還是別附上翻譯了..以 08/15 02:41
alwaysblue:免又被當作別有用心.. 08/15 02:42
sunnei:衝洋基板的人氣 這樣不好嗎? 自己看不懂可以按翻譯機喔~~ 08/15 03:27
kinghwang443:樓上,C大指的是衝blog的人氣啦,不過我覺得原po幫大 08/15 03:41
kinghwang443:家幫他衝一下人氣倒也無妨啦,我們又沒損失 08/15 03:42
kinghwang443: ^^翻譯,大家 08/15 03:46
gerkk:5樓很奇怪,你可以看原文阿,又沒有人叫你點進去 怪了 08/15 07:31
magicagar:五樓有病... 08/15 09:18
warchiefdodo:五樓是怎樣 08/15 09:33
yamkiang:原去年開始注意原po的文章就是這樣po的了 08/15 09:42
yamkiang:五樓新來的喔 不想衝人氣就自己讀呀 英文不好就點呀 08/15 09:43
abing75907:推 永遠藍 的翻譯...翻譯辛苦了 08/15 13:45
danbin:大推!!謝謝原PO分享 08/15 14:59
bozzio71:Is It Time To Give Up Hope On The 2008 ChineseTaipei? 08/15 15:15
subcrew02:agree 08/15 15:58
ShellyDuncan:沒人逼五樓你點 你不爽點可以自己看原文 08/15 20:45
ShellyDuncan:大家的分享都是熱心 不是在服務你 08/15 20:45