看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The mailbag opens back up By Peter Abraham Doug writes: Do you think there’s any chance the Yanks would sign Francisco Rodriguez to be the 8th inning guy, and would he be open to that role? Answer: That sounds good for the Yankees. But K-Rod is going to want to close in the prime of his career and make big money. The Yankees are already paying Mariano to close. ———— Daniel writes: I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about the Washburn situation. I just heard that he was claimed but it’s unknown which teams did that. Given the interest of the team in Washburn previous to the trade deadline, I am surprised they did not move to claim him, especially when the rotation is in dire need of an arm. Answer: The Twins claimed him, Daniel. Seattle wanted either Kevin Slowey or Nick Blackburn back in a trade. Obviously that’s ridiculous. The Mariners have an inflated opinion of what Washburn is worth and the Yankees don’t want to give in to their demands. ———— Dan writes: Do you know how many Yankees have been put on/cleared waivers? Do you see them possibly becoming sellers for any reason? Answer: At some point, probably all of them were placed on waivers. That common at this time of the year. No idea who cleared. I don’t see them become sellers in the next two weeks before playoff rosters must be set. Any players who might be worth trading are either players they want to keep or guys who have no-trade clauses. I don’t see any trades coming down at this point. ———— Marc writes: Somebody needs to ask Girardi why he refuses to hit and run with Jeter while Damon is on first. If a guy is hitting a lot of weak ground balls to second and GIDP, why don’t you hit and run to stay out of the double play? Jeter would fist one though the hole left open at second half the time, and you would have runners on the corners with nobody out. Also, A-Rod needs to bat third, and move Abreu to fourth. You have to do something to try and get Alex out his slump. And Abreu is the team’s best clutch hitter. Answer: Marc, are you available to manage the rest of the season? I’m forward your e-mail to Brian Cashman. ———— Dave writes: If the Yankees continue to play poorly, do you think the front office will forego the playoffs this year and call up some of the young prospects and let them play? As a fan, I really do not think the Yanks are going to make the playoffs this year; but I would enjoy watching the kids play. Answer: There are two problems with your idea, Dave. I don’t think they’ll give up and I don’t think they really have any MLB-ready prospects. The players in Scranton are pretty much organizational players and not prospects. You’ll see a few new faces on Sept. 1 but no wholesale changes. ———— Eric writes: I love the Yankees, you should not give up on them! They’re my boys. I feel very strongly about this. Answer: Moving right along … ———— Vinnie writes: Pete, who do you think is the one free agent they should go after next season? Answer: I was very impressed with Mark Teixeira when the Yankees were out in Anaheim earlier this month. But the guy to get is CC Sabathia. The new Stadium will be the same dimensions as the old Stadium, making lefty starters important. Sabathia would give them a true No. 1 starter as Chien-Ming Wang recovers from his injury. A rotation of Sabathia, Wang, Andy Pettitte and/or Mike Mussina and the one or two most deserving of the kids (Joba presumably) would be formidable. That would put everybody in their proper slots. It also would enable you to trade a young pitcher as part of a package to get a good young hitter. Thanks for all the great questions. News source:http://0rz.tw/3c4F0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
alwaysblue:有興趣看翻譯文章的板友:http://0rz.tw/624Fv 08/18 22:29
alwaysblue:如果翻譯有錯還請各位不吝指教..謝謝.. 08/18 22:29
baccara:CC Sabathia和Wang那一段..意思是暗指 CC 勝於Wang的意思? 08/18 22:36
akainorei:他沒有那意思, 感覺像是雙No.1 先發 08/18 22:41
akainorei:雖然我很挺小王, 不過CC應該還是略勝小王一籌 08/18 22:41
akainorei:重看一遍, 好像還真有暗指CC > 王的意思 08/18 22:42
aresa:不過說真的,CC是比王好不只一些... 08/18 23:07
kenro:會不會太敏感了些?! 爭幾號是一回事 有沙胖 小王 張伯倫 08/18 23:14
raygod:大家都要搶CC 會不會太樂觀了一點 08/18 23:15
kenro:穆帥(or佩佩)這陣容真的漂亮很多..野手也希望能補到亞當蛋 08/18 23:16
kenro:CC聽說也有意願來..當然真想搶 比錢洋基不會輸的... 08/18 23:17
philluke:我推K大 感覺沒有什麼隱藏意涵 08/18 23:27
appshjkli:CC跟Wang差距不是一兩點OK? 08/18 23:30
MRCool:老二比雞腿 CC這身材跑壘都還沒受傷 號稱洋基ACE躺半季 08/18 23:31
kenro:當然沙胖我也認為比小王更強 但一個隊上有2個甚至3個王牌級 08/18 23:38
kenro:不好嗎? 不過用跑壘來衡量投手 也太沒事找事做..為酸而酸 08/18 23:40
siliver:話說大家對這個排名還真敏感,其實人都還沒搶到說 XD 08/18 23:41
appshjkli:排在拿過Cy的投手後面真的是很難堪的事嗎?╮(╯_╰)╭ 08/18 23:42
AceCash:第一次看到用身材+跑壘判斷投手能耐的 真是大開眼界... 08/18 23:50
bigsun0709:山大王還沒簽下來前 我也做過這種夢~ 08/19 00:05
slidshodness:不用一直拿跑壘酸王吧,王的工作態度不錯 有點倒楣 08/19 00:30
miumiu8271:好歹前2年表現的很好麻..不要這樣.. 08/19 00:48
andy76222:第4個問題的答覆讓我笑了XDD 08/19 05:11
Minamii:Peter胖也會開大絕 08/19 09:15
decorum:ace要有我就是老大的領導企圖,王好像一直不願扛這招牌 08/19 17:46
decorum:把K-Rod 挖過來,兩人投一休一,輪流關門啦!好奢侈呀! 08/19 17:50