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Will He or Won’t He? Pavano May Be On Deck By Tyler Kepner August 19, 2008, 7:49 pm Rarely has a “To Be Determined” caused more intrigue than the one on the Yankees’ schedule for Saturday. That is when the Yankees play in Baltimore, and their starting pitcher could be Carl Pavano. It could also be Phil Hughes. Or maybe even Victor Zambrano, based solely on his five strong innings for Class AA Trenton on Monday. But it really could be Pavano. There was chatter today that Pavano had complained about an issue with his lat muscle, but General Manager Brian Cashman said there was no such issue. Maybe it was only idle talk, but there is no groundswell of excitement in the clubhouse for a Pavano return, and a good deal of skepticism. The Yankees have been fooled before. Say this for Pavano, though -– he has worked diligently to come back on schedule from last June’s Tommy John elbow surgery. Perhaps he is motivated by wanting to showcase himself for free agency this winter. Or perhaps he will beg out of the start for some reason. But for now, he’s an option. The man who has pitched two major league games in the last 1,149 days might really start for the Yankees on Saturday. A strange season would get a lot stranger. Then again, a start by Zambrano might be just as strange. Michael S. Schmidt ran into Zambrano in Trenton on Tuesday, and he’ll have a post soon about what he learned. News source:http://0rz.tw/534Bd 這,痛痛人該不會又在找藉口了吧...... =.=|| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
alwaysblue:翻譯:http://0rz.tw/194F3 08/20 11:26
Darvish816:囧 08/20 11:36
beek:搬板凳跟零食來 看戲 08/20 11:37
paoan:台灣時間是星期天~還好不是8/23 因為星期六PTT要停機一整天 08/20 11:41
paoan:如果真的是痛痛人~版友應該都不想錯過和大家一起討論的時間~ 08/20 11:42
j094097:到時候版主開個聊天室好了XDDDDDDDD 08/20 11:42
danbin:開聊天室XDDD 08/20 11:44
HwaJet: PTT 是單指P1還是包括P2? 如P2沒停 那還可上P2討論 ~~ 08/20 11:47
mepass:全台大都會停 08/20 11:48
minamumumi:大神要出關囉~~~~~ XDDDD 08/20 11:55
a2156700:有一種不真實的感覺.. 08/20 12:39
blunt2005:他先發那場全球通訊會大亂 08/20 13:37
j094097:股市會因此而崩盤嗎XDDDDD 08/20 14:00
greatdemon:河水會化成血,青蛙虱子蒼蠅滿地,牲畜會倒下,人長瘡... 08/20 14:01
edward0147:推 翻譯~~ 08/20 15:29
stormyuan:因為痛痛出山所以ptt停電?? 是這個意思嗎? 08/20 23:51