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RollingWave:Homer Bailey評價之前比Hughes高是因為他能丟出100mph01/08 10:51
RollingWave:但是他過去兩年的速球基本上跟(失速後)的Hughes一樣01/08 10:52
RollingWave:而原來就不大行的變化球跟控球還是沒變好01/08 10:52
只對原來不大行的變化球這句感到很感冒 這篇簽約官網舊文是這樣說的 06/07/2004 1:43 PM ET Reds pick Homer Bailey No. 7 Cincinnati selects high school right-hander first By Todd lorenz / MLB.com As a 6'4", 185-pound pitcher, he probably wouldn't have been so highly sought after if it did. "We like his physical abilities, first of all," said Reynolds. "His fastball is 92-96 mph. He has an outstanding down curveball, excellent makeup and has been a premium performer in the state of Texas since his freshman year." Homer Bailey School: La Grange HS Position: RHP B/T: R/R H: 6-4 W: 185 Born: 1986-05-03 Class: HS Scouting report: MEDIUM-LONG FRAME. GOOD BODY. LONG, SLENDER, BUILD. HIGH WAISTED. LONG ARMS. LARGE HANDS. LOOSE, EFFORTLESS ARM. COMFORT ZONE 93-95 W/ LATE SINK. BALL EXPLODES OUT OF HAND. 11/5 CB W/ TIGHT ROTATION, SHARP K ZONE BITE WHEN OUT FRONT. EXCELLENT MOUND PRESENCE. YOUNG RHP W/ EXTREMELY HIGH CEILING. EFFORTLESS POWER ARM W/ PLUS PITCHABILITY. 另外 http://www.baseball-intellect.com/Articles/scouting-homer-bailey.html Homer Bailey - Ace or Talented Underachiever? 這篇文也提到失速及控球變差的問題, 但懷疑是鼠蹊傷勢的問題 小小摘錄一小段 Bailey also has a plus curveball of the power variety in that the bottom drops out as it approaches the batter. Again, when Bailey gets excellent extension, it helps his off-speed stuff play up as well. His change-up is mostly a show-me pitch right now, but it is slowly improving to average quality. For a guy with such electric stuff, Bailey's overall numbers don't capture that completely. The low amount of hits is a positive, and the K% of 27 in both 05 and 06 is also very good, but I think his K% should be higher given how good his stuff is. In addition, his K% was just 22.1 last year. His control and command improved dramatically in 2006, but regressed this past year. Bailey has also had a BB% of less than 10 at just one minor league level over his career. I do realize he was injured for a chunk of last year, but his numbers were not as impressive as they should have been considering the quality of his stuff. 何來變化球本來就不太行的評語............................................... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
akainorei:我嗅到要戰的味道 01/08 11:41
Belladonaa:我記得他就是因為 fastball-curveball 組合很殺 01/08 11:41
Belladonaa:後來評價高過 Hughes 01/08 11:42
argoth:戰神:大弟 你還不夠格啦 閃開! 讓專業的來 01/08 11:50
argoth:能有96mgh的速球搭配不錯的curve 這樣的組合的確很殺 01/08 11:52
KennyKuo:他的名字不大吉利,除此之外真的是不錯的投資,可期待!! 01/08 11:52
musefita:怎麼可能換的到..... 01/08 11:55
devilsky:跟Verlander差不多的類型 01/08 12:09
devilsky:不過V少年好像是因為改姿勢 球速降控球也爆掉 01/08 12:11
jayin07:我看的版本是他的fastball-curve是當初全小聯盟最好的 01/08 12:30
bll135:鼠蹊傷勢????年紀輕輕......(拍拍) 01/08 13:07
kimifort:由此可看出滾浪在很多人心中的地位 01/08 13:32
kimifort:滾浪說的話從其他人口中說出根本沒人想回應.... 01/08 13:33
RollingWave:scouting report 中的plus curve 是相對於hs 01/08 13:36
RollingWave:並不是說他當時的curve = major league plus curve 01/08 13:37
RollingWave:但爭這個也沒啥用,反正他現在都沒有 01/08 13:39
richertkk:同意..貝利如果還那麼棒的話..就不會出現在rumor上了 01/08 14:36