看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
NY Yankees infielder Ramiro Pena gives father a rare gift By Marc Carig/The Star-Ledger September 29, 2009, 6:00AM NEW YORK -- For the last few weeks, Yankees utility man Ramiro Pena has played host to several members of his family, who came all the way from Mexico for a visit. Most of them flew back home a few days ago to be with Pena's pregnant sister. 過去幾週, Ramiro Pena的家人從墨西哥過來看他。而幾天前,大部分的家人都回去 陪伴Pena一個懷孕的姊妹。 Pena's father, however, stayed behind, hoping to watch his son play. So when Pena launched the first home run of his major league career in the fifth inning on Monday night, he thought of his father, who watched it all unfold from the stands. 但是Pena的爸爸留了下來,希望可以持續看兒子出賽。 所以當Pena打出大聯盟生涯第一支全壘打時,他想到他正在現場看球的爸爸 "A gift for him," Pena said. 一個給他的禮物,Pena說。 A rare gift, at that. In 1,418 at-bats stretching over his five-year professional career, Pena has only hit six homers. 一個很特別的禮物。 在Pena五年職棒生涯共1418的打席中,他只打出六支全壘打 "It's great to be able to watch that happen," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "Your first home run is always special. For Nino (Pena's nickname among teammates), they always get on him about it, tell him 'you can't leave, you can't leave.' Well, he left tonight." 吉總說:「很高興看到這一幕,第一支全壘打向來都是很特別的,對於 Nino(隊友對Pena的暱稱或綽號),隊友們一直想要整他,跟他說, 你打不出去,你打不出去,但今天他打出去了。」 After his ball easily cleared the fence in right field Pena circled the bases then returned to a dugout that resolved to pull one of the oldest gags: the silent treatment. 當Pena打出全壘打並繞完壘包後回到休息區,他發現他遇到一個古老的玩笑 ~靜默待遇。 "I couldn't do it," said Girardi, who gave Pena a high-five. "I was excited for him." 「我做不到」吉總說,他給 Pena 一個High Five,「我很替他開心。」 The rest of Pena's teammates held out, sitting on their hands as they feigning indifference before finally giving in. They mobbed him in front of the bat rack, celebrating the most memorable moment in an 8-2 victory that otherwise carried no meaning. 可是其他隊友保持中,坐在那裡假裝沒什麼事發生,最後終於決定開始慶祝,, 算是當天最值得回憶的一刻吧。 "When I went down the stairs, I was like 'oh man,'" Pena said. "I knew it was going to be a joke... I was just waiting for everyone." 「當我回到休息區,下了樓梯,我像是『天阿』,我知道接下來他們會跟我開玩笑, 我只是在等大家。」Pena說。 The home run was part a big night for Pena, who is hoping to carve out a spot on the postseason roster. He finished 2-for-4 with an RBI double and a stolen base. Pena, who during the team's recent rookie hazing had to dress up as "Catwoman" -- scored twice. 全壘打只是Pena那個大夜晚的一部份而已,他希望可以去打季後賽。 他當天的成績是四個打席兩支安打,一個帶有打點的二壘安打並有一次盜壘成功 並跑回兩分。Pena在球隊之前舉辦的菜鳥日中裝扮成貓女 "Maybe that outfit gave him some powers he didn't have before," Girardi said. "I'm not sure." 吉總說 「也許那身打扮有給予他之前沒有的某些力量,我不太確定」 Said Pena: "Maybe. Could be." 「也許,可能喔」 Pena說 As is custom, the Yankees traded with a fan to retrieve Pena's home run ball, which he said will become gift for his mother. 就像過去傳統一樣,洋基幫Pena把全壘打球用其他紀念品和球迷交換回來, Pena說那個球將會是送給他媽媽的禮物。 "Ramiro came up and played really well for us over the course of the year," Girardi said "To see him get his first home run, guys love him. He brings a lot of energy to the field every day. He plays hard, he plays the game the right way." 吉總說 「Ramiro上來大聯盟後,今年在球隊上表現的不錯,看到他打出第一支全壘打, 大家都很喜歡他。他每天對球隊在場上帶來活力,他很盡力比賽,他以正確的方式看待 比賽。」 http://www.nj.com/yankees/index.ssf/2009/09/ny_yankees_infielder_ramiro_pe.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
johnjohn1330:溫馨 10/01 16:40
Sechslee:推~ 10/01 16:50
valater:一想到台灣記者把他名字翻譯為潘納就覺得很囧... 10/01 17:39
sherlockt:溫馨小將 10/01 17:40
chengru7273:那助理教練不是就叫 捅你潘納 10/01 17:47
jjsakurai:希望他可以待久一點 上一個好人電燈泡就呆不久 10/01 17:49
conan805:也許那身打扮有給予他之前沒有的某些力量 XDXDXDXD貓女魂 10/01 17:53
cooljoe1985:恥力嗎? XDDDDDDDDD 10/01 17:57
paoan:扮貓女有加持作用XD 10/01 18:02
rie779:終於是正統的洋姬隊員了... 10/01 18:37
j094097:Girardi: 全部都給我穿貓女裝睡覺 10/01 18:37
Dragula:想說哪來1418打席 原來是包含小聯盟的成績^^" 10/01 19:22
sunnei:翻成佩妮雅好了 洋基正妹隊~ XD 10/01 21:52
yuenwwjd:艾瑞克 肛你 10/01 22:29
noonecan:樓上...Eric Gagne 10/01 23:42
jerry761031:溫馨~ 10/01 23:59
yuenwwjd:good job 10/02 01:13
rainingdayz:也許那身打扮有給予他之前沒有的某些力量XDDD 10/02 01:36
mayson677860:可否請問一下 北佬下一場比賽的台灣時間? 10/02 01:55
Sechslee:總版有轉撥時間(台灣) 10/02 02:12
redblouse:以後上場前都先反串女裝好了... 10/02 02:44
R1usb:Nino~~~~真的好溫馨 加油!!!! 10/02 08:01
ju8633:古老的玩笑=老梗...XD 10/02 16:54
sneak : 溫馨小將 http://yofuk.com 12/28 13:36