看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
下面這篇來源是ELLE英國版,僅節錄與A-Rod有關的部份: Kate Hudson has also been dating New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez. She talked about trying to lose weight for the film and her relationship with A-Rod in the issue. "I sometimes feel like when you're talking to boys, they just hear certain keywords.... But if you had a bubble above their head, they'd be thinking about game scores, masturbation and food. I love boys, but I believe they're really simple. Every guy likes to say that they’re complicated, but they're so easy to figure out. What did that Dr Laura say? Something like, 'All men want is sex and for you to make them a sandwich.' I thought that was really funny – and not entirely untrue." 大意: K-Hud最近為了新片和A-Rod而開始減肥 K-Hud認為男人非常單純,滿腦子只有球賽比數、打手槍、以及食物 (所以A-Rod也愛打手槍?) 全文在此:http://www.shoppingblog.com/blog/11030914 照片很妖豔哦! 下面這篇是showbizspy.com: Kate Hudson had a furious bust up with beau Alex Rodriguez after she took it upon herself to answer his phone, it has been claimed. The Bride Wars star apparently threw Alex's phone in the toilet when the New York Yankees slugger complained that Kate had been screening his calls. That's just how Kate is, she'll answer your phone, look in your refrigerator, or at your mail. Also, she figures since they've been together for a whole now, it's fine for her to see who's calling him. But Alex countered that it's often his ex-wife, Cynthia, on the line,and she doesn't to have to deal with his new girlfriend. Kate was miffed, but she got over it. Sometimes, though, she wishes Alex didn't have so much baggage. 大意: K-Hud會檢查A-Rod的手機,看到不爽的東西會把手機扔到馬桶裡 K-Hud認為兩個人在一起就不該有秘密,看一看有什麼關係? 所以除了看手機,也會看冰箱、看eMail,有時更會接打給A-Rod的電話 K-Hud通常接到A-Rod前妻Cynthia的電話會非常不爽,Cynthia也說不想跟她講話 不過K-Hud和A-Rod總是床頭吵床尾和,她不希望A-Rod有這麼多女人跟他有所牽扯 (靠腰,難道A-Rod最近有點冷跟這個有關!?) 最後一段之前耿秋大貼的八卦文裡面有了,就不貼了 以上這篇原文在此: http://www.showbizspy.com/article/194157/kate-hudson-answers-a-rods-phone.html 耿秋大貼的八卦文其實還有最後一段遺漏: For more on their steamy romance - including how Hudson says they'll be together "forever," their plans for a 2010 move-in and whether wedding bells are in their future. 大意: K-Hud希望能跟A-Rod永遠在一起,不管會不會結婚,他們都決定明年開始同居了 原文在此:http://tinyurl.com/yjs6284 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hsieyun:應該是說Kate不希望A-Rod有這麼多包袱(我想可能還包括他 11/05 06:50
hsieyun:的小孩),不過我想以好萊塢換妻換夫的速度,永遠在一起很難 11/05 06:51
FlyFreedom:"baggage"在俚語中有"馬子"的意思 11/05 06:51
FlyFreedom:且那句是接在吃醋電話的後面,我想應與小孩無關 11/05 06:53
s60103:看了這篇新聞 感覺他們遲早會分手...... 11/05 07:07
FatBearInn:控制欲太強 11/05 07:10
shivaeye:雙K連線~ 11/05 07:25
Yeeeha:他真的該好好跟Jeter請教馭女之術.. 11/05 07:29
decorum:新歡總是打得火熱,一般人能熱2年,好萊塢打對折就不錯了 11/05 07:35
Yeeeha:一樣愛玩,隊長玩了10幾年永遠不會玩火上身,還人人愛戴 11/05 07:45
Aerialy:Jeter:駕~駕~ 11/05 07:57
SergioRod:Jeter真的很強 11/05 08:08
ddir:Jeter:我把防守點數都移來點這了 11/05 09:21
oisan:→ ddir:Jeter:我把防守點數都移來點這了 11/05 09:42
lkk88:@@ 控制欲太強 11/05 09:49
lugla2002:我也想要在洋基場上都能看到KATE 11/05 09:50
kee32:K-Hud還需要減肥?咪咪都會消失吧....... 11/05 10:23
ppmdoc:樓上,已經沒影響了吧XD 11/05 10:28
eigawa:這樣不長久啊.... 11/05 10:34
aquablue:A-ROD能找到咪咪就好..XD 11/05 10:36
now123:A-rod:這樣才能訓練我跟球的眼力阿!! 11/05 10:44
tulas:你有看過葡萄乾還能縮水的嗎? 11/05 10:44
isappear:可以借轉a-rod版嗎? 11/05 10:44
taluku:所以...K-UOD 是葡萄乾???(言吳) 11/05 11:02
balakingxp:劇本:馬姿移保險分 馬超續投 有狀況 MO收尾 洋基獲댠 11/05 12:03
balakingxp: 勝 11/05 12:03
albertekins:石 11/05 12:12
odbc:jeter 真的利落多了 11/05 12:13
Elton320:控制欲太強+1 碧昂絲好像很少去控制jay-z 11/05 12:14
Elton320:這樣才走的比較長久吧 11/05 12:15
IamRivera:========吉總又在操我了,台灣的球迷幫我加油吧======== 11/05 12:18
a1len:吉總:撐一下就過去了!! MO:○○○○○○○○ 11/05 12:28
egghead:減肥不是為了AROD 11/05 21:35
sneak : @@ 控制欲太強 http://yofuk.com 12/28 13:42