看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
球賽輸了嘴巴絕對沒輸 http://0rz.tw/HI5Io Philadelphia's Jimmy Rollins: Phillies are still better than New York Yankees Jimmy Rollins did a lot of talking before the World Series opened last week, predicting a Philadelphia triumph in five games, six at the most. Now that the Yankees have made him look ridiculous, about the only thing New Yorkers want to hear Rollins is how he'd like his crow served. "Of course we're going to win," Rollins said on Oct. 27. "If we're nice, we'll let it go six. But I'm thinking five, close it out at home." Philadelphia took him so seriously there was an ad over the weekend for Phillies World Series Champion T-shirts at Macy's in one of the city newspapers. As for eating crow? "They were the better team this series," Rollins said Wednesday night."Do I think we're the better team? I really do. They just executed. I think we weren't playing bad, but they were playing that much better. ... They got the hits, we didn't. It's that simple." Rollins didn't back up his words, hitting just .217 in the Series, but he is hardly the only one responsible for Philadelphia's failure to repeat as champions. Ryan Howard had a two-run homer Wednesday night, but hit .174 for the series with a record 13 strikeouts. Shane Victorino hit .182 and scored only three runs. The team batted .227 and its ERA was 5.37. "We got beat," Howard said. "They were the better team. They outplayed us. You have to tip your hat to them." Victorino said. "We'd loved to have been on top again and back-to-back champs. Going into this season when all those guys signed (with them), everyone knew they were going to be a good team. Who knew we'd go head-to-head with them? "We battled, but they came out on top." Once again the Phillies had trouble delivering when they mounted threats. The team went 0-for-6 with runners in scoring position Wednesday night and was 11-for-44 over the six games. "It seemed like our offense, when we had to really get down and get the big hits or we had to do things to kind of take them out of the game, it seemed like we couldn't do it," Phillies manager Charlie Manuel said. "We just didn't play as good as we can, but at the same time, we also played a real good team who did a good job, and they've had a great season. "They definitely deserved to win." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
appshjkli:哎喲,給他嘴泡一下也不會怎樣啦;冠軍盃抱走就好 11/05 21:51
jackrosejj:比賽就是結果論 鳥他咧~~~~~~~ 11/05 21:51
tommy7594:嘴砲無敵~ 11/05 21:51
NIKE74731:好啦好啦遊行讓你參加啦 反正搭個火車就到了 OK? 11/05 21:51
jason0312:還敢講喔= = 今天這場他打的超濫 11/05 21:52
joe0726:XD 11/05 21:52
tupacshkur:好啦~不要哭啦!! J-RO 11/05 21:52
joker6:拍拍(安慰拍拍) 11/05 21:55
tomomo520:嘴炮還不是輸給今天隊長頂在XX的冠軍杯 11/05 21:56
heacoun:不求他恭喜Yankees拿冠軍,但這也太嘴砲了XD 11/05 21:57
noonecan:howard說的倒是挺實在的 11/05 21:59
jackrosejj:Howard榮登被三振王!!!! 11/05 21:59
Sechslee:XDDD 11/05 22:03
asdfzx:費城打線實在威爆 明年把黑魔使練好再來吧 11/05 22:13
joe0726:如果費城人明年又拿division title我也不會感到意外 11/05 22:17
NIKE74731:New York DLs 11/05 22:19
argoth:XD 11/05 22:19
OoyaoO:費城打線真的很威 你很難去避免忽然被尻一發 11/05 22:19
OoyaoO:不過第一棒的JRO OBP實在有夠低的-.- 11/05 22:20
fiona:費城人要是黑魔使表現跟去年一樣的驚奇,輸贏還難以定論 11/05 22:20
OoyaoO:他們明年輪值至少還有Lee/Hamels/Happ/Blanton 11/05 22:21
fiona:不過他們打線夠強,看那恐怖的全壘打數字 11/05 22:21
BGrap:可惜不是 11/05 22:21
OoyaoO:打線也威猛 再拿一次分區冠軍也不意外 11/05 22:21
chianghh:洋基的打線更強啊~~(茶) 11/05 22:22
joe0726:那當然XD 11/05 22:23
OoyaoO:他們讓OBP只有0.296的JRO打第一棒幾乎整季還可以得分國聯 11/05 22:25
OoyaoO:第一 真的厲害XD 11/05 22:25
raygod:感謝Rollins拖垮費城人 11/05 22:28
QQ5566:這...只好繼續補強打線了!? 11/05 22:31
perception61:不是說五戰就要料理掉嗎 再嘴砲阿xd 11/05 22:33
fetoyeh:只能說他要慶幸PHI沒真的被4-1掃掉 不然他就慘了 XDD 11/05 22:34
argoth:還補強 這樣已經很可怕了~"~ 11/05 22:35
fiona:最機的是那句"If we're nice..blahblah",果然嘴砲無敵XD 11/05 22:35
argoth:運動員就算輸也得嘴硬一下啊XDD 11/05 22:35
kie0522:意思是洋基很好心 讓費城多贏一場 11/05 22:47
williamsohot:嘴泡冠軍給你 世界冠軍我拿!! 11/05 22:49
windman5049:我覺得洋基打線沒有發揮全部水準,費城是敗在4棒斷層 11/05 22:51
jagdzaku:敗犬在遠方狂吠 11/05 22:52
windman5049:跟第一棒,看看洋基世界大賽幾個沒2成的= = 11/05 22:53
fiona:洋基的七八九棒季後賽很常成為自動出局數..尤其WS.. 11/05 22:55
joe0726:都冠軍了不是嗎XDD 11/05 22:57
OoyaoO:靠投手鎖住費城的 6場先發只有AJ那場是SP炸裂而已 11/05 22:57
teru88:令人害怕的長打打線. 如果其他先發回穩.其實挺威的~~ 11/05 22:57
OoyaoO:整個季後賽三位SP都有作到他們該做的事 11/05 22:58
fiona:是說投手靠那3+1也不是辦法,今年賭贏了,明年難說XD 11/05 22:58
OoyaoO:打了15場比賽SP完全炸裂只有AJ對費城那場 11/05 22:59
teru88:不過遺憾的是.洋基有CC.AJ(game2).派派.MO神跟酷斯拉. XDD 11/05 22:59
OoyaoO:這根本超棒的 11/05 22:59
OoyaoO:只是原本以為會很穩的Joba/Hughes/MO連線 只有MO屹立不搖XD 11/05 23:00
teru88:看到MO上場完全不會有任何的壓力.穩當到極點.@Q@ 11/05 23:04
windman5049:對阿! 所以我對J.Ro那段 I think we weren't playing 11/05 23:05
windman5049:很有意見就是@_@ 真的是嘴砲無敵 11/05 23:05
teru88:其實如果我是費城人的球迷.我會希望他閉嘴..XDDDDDD 11/05 23:07
asdfzx:沒關係啦給她嘴砲發洩一下 反正J-Ro惠我良多(好人卡Get) XD 11/05 23:34
warchiefdodo:牛棚不可能期待都穩的 整個寄後賽就AJ炸那一場已經 11/06 00:06
warchiefdodo:很好囉....如果CC不堪中三日炸掉就慘了 尤其是天使 11/06 00:07
warchiefdodo:費城某些打者真的怕左投 11/06 00:07
OoyaoO:不過兩隊都充分展現季後賽要靠長打取分 11/06 00:12
OoyaoO:要靠一壘安打一支一支慢慢打得分好困難 11/06 00:12
teru88:嗯嗯 可能因為壘上有自己的隊友 壓力大反而都打不好.= = 11/06 00:15
b2209187:說到嘴砲 他哪PTT鄉民強阿... 科科 11/06 00:45
b2209187:鄉民都說的一嘴好球 科 11/06 00:45
lavigneA:她應該也常常上PTT 11/06 00:49
iolo1166:嘴砲王超神準:close it out at home 11/06 09:52
sneak : 不過他們打線夠強,看那 https://noxiv.com 12/28 13:43