看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=txyankeeswhatsnext&prov=st&type=lgns Damon wants to return, will explore other options NEW YORK(AP)—Johnny Damon(notes) soaked it all in as he shared a float with first-timers Nick Swisher(notes) and Jerry Hairston Jr.(notes) for the New York Yankees’ championship parade through the Canyon of Heroes on Friday. The whole scene made him a little wistful. It’s good he got to do it in his first year here,” Damon said as the energetic Swisher bounced around beside him after the parade finished in the shadow of City Hall. “It took me my fourth and possibly final year. I am so overjoyed because you don’t know how many times you get this opportunity.” Damon helped the Red Sox win the World Series in 2004 and played one more season in Boston before bolting for a $52 million, four-year contract with New York. That deal is up now and the parade is over, leaving the outfielder’s future as one of the major questions facing the champs heading into the offseason. I think that’s just the reality of our game,” slugger Alex Rodriguez(notes) said. “You hope obviously as many guys come back as possible.” World Series MVP Hideki Matsui(notes) and left-hander Andy Pettitte(notes), who won the clinching game in each playoff series, also are eligible for free agency. The fate of Matsui and Damon could be linked if New York decides to add another big bat in the offseason, and both have said they want to come back. “At this point right now, I’d like to just take a little break and just let my body rest,” Matsui said through an interpreter, after his creaky knees limited him to DH duties this year. “I think at some point we’ll pick up some of the offseason topics that need to be worked out and go from there.” The 37-year-old Pettitte is deciding whether to retire or return for a 16th major league season to try for a sixth World Series ring. Damon, who turned 36 Thursday, tied a career high with 24 homers this season and hit .281 with nine RBIs in the playoffs. He also had one of the postseason’s most memorable plays, stealing second and third on one pitch during New York’s three-run rally in the ninth inning of Game 4 against the Phillies. “Obviously, I’m going to have a lot of options,” Damon said, “and I think what it comes down to is what kind of option the Yankees want to give me or not give me. Why wouldn’t I want to come back? We have the best owners in baseball. We have the best team. We have the most revenue and the biggest payroll, so who wouldn’t want to be part of the Yankee tradition? I would like to continue mine and I feel like I can come back and do a great job again.” Damon left New York’s clinching Game 6 victory Wednesday night with a strained right calf but he called it “probably a week thing” after participating in the parade His injury wasn’t the only one overshadowed by the World Series win. After the Yankees wrapped up their 27th title, closer Mariano Rivera(notes) said he tweaked his ribs in the ALCS against the Angels, with his ailing side bothering him for the rest of the playoffs. It don’t matter now,” Rivera said when asked Friday about how much pain he was in on the mound. “It’s over. Thank God it’s over. It was manageable.” Rivera tossed 5 1-3 scoreless innings over four appearances in the Series, recording two saves. He had five saves in five opportunities with a 0.56 ERA in the postseason, just adding to his reputation as a big-game pitcher. “He did what we needed him to do,” reliever Joba Chamberlain(notes) said. A handful of players started cleaning out their lockers at Yankee Stadium after the parade was finished. The name plates had been removed and the carpet was clean after it was soaked with champagne during the celebration after Game 6. A.J. Burnett(notes) gave hugs to Chamberlain and Chien-Ming Wang(notes). Eric Hinske(notes) took his folding chair with the Yankee Stadium inaugural season logo. It’s definitely a day to celebrate and enjoy,” captain Derek Jeter(notes) said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
krara:有可能嗎?= = 不降薪有點困難。 11/09 01:23
shongzcwea:掰~掰~掰~掰~ 讓我們撈個typeA吧 11/09 01:23
krara:不過我還是希望2010年的陣容裡有他就是。即使他不斷在退化… 11/09 01:23
nickyang:他要留下就不會有typeA... 11/09 01:29
birdy590:講白一點, 應該不敢 offer arbitration 11/09 01:31
appshjkli:怎麼不敢?別忘了他的經紀人是Boras;還有以他現在的年紀 11/09 01:32
PinChunH:當然會想要留阿 賺比較多 看阿布說想留 然後又大開口... 11/09 01:32
appshjkli:應該是會要撈個養老約;給他仲裁接受了也沒啥損失 11/09 01:32
PinChunH:真的有心想留 價碼就不要太擔心了... 11/09 01:33
appshjkli:拒絕就一個TypeA可以吃 11/09 01:33
birdy590:現在的困難點是, 如果真的接受了反而麻煩 11/09 01:33
PinChunH: 貪 11/09 01:33
appshjkli:接受了又怎樣,這點錢又不是吃不下;再用他一年也成 11/09 01:34
birdy590:而且經紀人是Boras並不等於一定會進 FA(看看 Abreu) 11/09 01:34
djcc:先搶年輕大物 其他等搶不到再說 11/09 01:35
birdy590:真正的目標應該是 Matt Holliday, 剛好換掉 Damon+松井 11/09 01:35
appshjkli:一句話,接受了也沒怎樣阿;最多塞到DH去玩玩 11/09 01:36
djcc:現金人表示:從最貴的開始簽 11/09 01:37
birdy590:"這點錢"本身就很有問題了, 去仲裁可是保證兩位數咧 11/09 01:40
appshjkli:顆,隨便你吧;但是要記得這隻球隊是NYY不是OAK 11/09 01:42
philluke:還是年輕肉體比較好吧 11/09 02:05
devilsky:沒有備胎 會被搶翻吧 可以先續簽Damon 再來談Holliday 11/09 02:18
devilsky:去年Swisher這招 是在差不多價下能搞來鐵爺的原因之一 11/09 02:18
Sechslee:給Damon arb我覺得是很OK的做法 他接不接受我們都有好處 11/09 02:20
philluke:鐵爺感覺就是因為喜歡洋基才會簽成的..XD.... 11/09 02:31
freshbox7:期待假日加盟! 11/09 02:31
philluke:雖然好像跟Swisher沒啥關係 但不能否認這是個好步 11/09 02:32
asd25:時間的問題吧 去年沒進季後賽 一次掰兩隻~ 今年WS 很難抉擇 11/09 04:34
yamatai:如果 ARB 被接受,大概價碼落在多少? 超過10M 絕對不值 11/09 07:44
kicksmile:whrere is the note 11/09 08:09
kicksmile:哦只是個link to note 11/09 08:10
Vala:如果能簽下R.Holliday和J.Lacky就整個爽到 11/09 08:43
killwhite:簽到5a拉 11/09 08:50
asd25:簽Lacky的必要性 我覺得沒這麼高 Holliday 算第一選擇吧 11/09 09:03
siliver:哪會不值??Damon好歹今年也有OPS+123,也能跑能守(雖說守 11/09 09:38
siliver:的不好),只用一年的arb簽很划算了,不簽也是type A. 11/09 09:38
siliver:另外arb好像是前一年的80%起跳,所以Damon至少有10.4M. 11/09 09:47
chancewen:大門跟松井應該2選1 = =,畢竟DH需要常常輪值 11/09 09:51
aeonian:兩個holladay 簽下來 那就真的第二十八座到手 11/09 10:17
saysayliam:鳥王好像要用很多魚來換 不太可能換的到 11/09 10:24
realestate:魚 是鮑魚還是雜魚? XD 11/09 10:25
angelme:私心希望留松井XD 11/09 10:33
siliver:一個是叫Holliday,另一個是叫Halladay,都不是holladay.... 11/09 10:35
OoyaoO:藍鳥季中的開價是 Joba+Hughes for Halladay 11/09 10:35
OoyaoO:這好像在割Cashman的肉XD 11/09 10:36
armyguy:鮑魚???那就要找雨刷囉...... 11/09 10:36
asd25:那開價太殘忍了 可是我們農場又端不出什麼像樣的菜= = 11/09 10:42
asd25:不知道後續會有哪幾隊搶..用的又是怎樣的菜 11/09 10:42
devilsky:只有Joba+Hughes 沒順便跟你要Montero已經很不錯了 11/09 11:03
OoyaoO:忘記藍鳥對費城開什麼價了 好像也是天價XD 最後費城選擇了 11/09 11:04
OoyaoO:Lee 我覺得這是個很棒的選擇 11/09 11:05
devilsky:HALLADAY比較貴 前兩年的用量也頗危險 代價又更高 11/09 11:13
devilsky:雖然他根本是神級的 不過... 11/09 11:15
iso903306:可以用老派那種獎金制合約或是簽個兩年約流下大門 11/09 11:22
iso903306:覺得不一定要搶Matt倒不如留點錢 明年搶貓兒比較重要 11/09 11:23
FlyFreedom:藍鳥開口跟費城要Happ + Drabek + Brown 11/09 11:27
OoyaoO:不是每個人都是你想用低薪+激勵就可以照辦的 特別是剛打出 11/09 11:27
OoyaoO:生涯又一代表作的球員 11/09 11:27
iso903306:與其搶痛痛雷奇 不然搶藍鳥假日比較耐操又不會痛痛的困 11/09 11:27
OoyaoO:而且Mauer有一定會進FA嗎XD? 會不會想太遠了 11/09 11:28
Sechslee:拜託... 鳥王又不是用錢搶的 差很多好嗎 11/09 11:28
OoyaoO:Lackey=$就可以搞定 Halladay要人肉包裹的... 11/09 11:28
iso903306:Lacky最近這幾年越來越常受傷 搶她保險? 11/09 11:30
OoyaoO:不過Lackey要的是一份AJB等級的約 我比較喜歡可能可以一年 11/09 11:30
OoyaoO:一簽的親愛老派 11/09 11:30
OoyaoO:你沒有搞清楚重點耶 Lackey只要錢 Halladay要錢+人 11/09 11:31
siliver:Lackey要拿到AJB的合約確實合理,不過我也比較喜歡Pettitte 11/09 11:34
OoyaoO:嗯 很合理 他進FA的前三年都比AJB好 而且年紀小一歲 11/09 11:36
rayven:拜託別再花錢簽DH,已經有波波跟阿肉兩個預約席了 11/09 11:37
siliver:明年應該有比較多的機會看到二號捕手 ~"~ 11/09 11:44
OoyaoO:搞不好明年老波持續神勇蹲1000IP+ XD 11/09 11:46
asd25:說貓兒就真的太遠了 雙城的看板球星 )遠目 11/09 11:55
notmuchmoney:波波明年也來個回春 蹲120+場~ Jeter守備都進步了... 11/09 12:23
roudolf:因為Jeter跑去守三壘..就少守備範圍問題 11/09 12:48
garbo:其實我還滿想看松井去別隊,尤其水手 11/09 13:20
fred0780:去象隊 它們缺人 11/09 13:28
Quickspace:Jeter有肩力問題 他傳球不準 11/09 13:43
asdfzx:鳥王和貓兒八成拿不到 就算拿到也是被剝掉一層皮 年輕人被 11/09 13:54
asdfzx:清空 對連霸戰力造成影響 雷基雖強但還是老&傷的問題困擾 11/09 13:56
asdfzx:對比他的要價 連老東家都不太想留了也不是個值得衝的對象 11/09 13:57
OoyaoO:AJB都不嫌老不嫌傷了 Lackey怎麼會有這種問題呢XD 11/09 13:57
OoyaoO:只事我認為應該不會在SP這塊綁三個大約在那邊而已 11/09 13:57
OoyaoO:Lackey進FA的近三年成績 平均188IP ERA+129 11/09 14:00
OoyaoO:AJB進FA的近三年成績IP 174 ERA+113 Lackey還年輕一歲 11/09 14:01
Faith1128:holliday跟Bay感覺好像差不多,為什麼大家都不考慮Bay? 11/09 14:02
asdfzx:簽雷基進來 季後賽有兩枚銅板要擲 XDDDDDD 11/09 14:02
Faith1128:Bay比較老但是已經證明可以在美東生存,Holliday就不知 11/09 14:03
Faith1128:是因為防守嗎? 11/09 14:03
asdfzx:Matt假日只是因為他長年待在山上 11/09 14:04
Tzylu:Holliday 有比較青春的肉體 11/09 14:07
asdfzx:相信NLDS那個經典E可以讓Matt的價碼稍微低一點 |||||||||| 11/09 14:14
poning:沒可能 A-Rod季後賽吃屎好幾年還不是get高薪 11/09 14:31
aaps:怎麼殺價?在Boras面前甩白毛巾嗎 11/09 14:35
asdfzx: Boras好像也沒往年和洋基大老闆坦帕幫談判時那麼神了,2007 11/09 14:40
asdfzx:ARod不是把Boras炒掉?...之後也沒聽到$搶劫成功的Case 11/09 14:42
OoyaoO:ARod07只是Boras出來當黑臉吧-.- 他們最後也要到了一筆大型 11/09 14:46
OoyaoO:簽到退休的合約了 結果而言是成功的 他倆只是在演戲吧XD 11/09 14:46
OoyaoO:最近的大型合約不就Teixeira跟Lowe 你能說他不厲害嗎XD 11/09 14:48
OoyaoO:Holliday那個E雖然很搞笑 但相信不會對身價有影響的 11/09 14:49
siliver:也許會影響個幾千塊美金吧 XD 11/09 15:16
guato:好吧,其實是Matt不夠帥 (誤) 11/09 15:37
guato:不然便宜簽到Nady也不錯 :P 11/09 15:38
ccwu59:Nady只有聯盟平均水準, 且三不五時會故障 11/09 15:54
VICHYO:松井大門都不要簽 2600萬說不定MATT+WOLF都可以搞定 11/09 16:16
sneak : 因為Jeter跑去守三 https://daxiv.com 12/28 13:44