看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看看Mark Feinsand提供的八卦消息... 這段我真的是翻錯了...genteme原先翻的那段才對... 但It's a shame...絕對不是指"洋基應該是要感到羞恥的" ********************* 只是我很懷疑提供這個消息給Feinsand的是誰...還有可信度有多高... 如果這個八卦消息來源是可信的話, 那小王真的和洋基說再見了... http://0rz.tw/rjehr Wang's days in pinstripes are over BY MARK FEINSAND The Yankees have non-tendered Chien-Ming Wang, effectively ending the pitcher's five-year career in pinstripes. With Wang rehabbing from shoulder surgery, Brian Cashman didn't want to guarantee him $4 million for the coming season, so instead, the talented righthander is a free agent. yet to be made." "There's no doubt that we had to make a tough decision,” Cashman said late Saturday night. “We are still hopeful that our relationship can continue, but those decisions are yet to be made." I know Wang was downright awful this season, but you have to assume the shoulder injury - as well as the fallout from the freak foot injury that ended his 2008 season in mid-June - played into that. Let's not forget that from 2006 until mid-2008, Wang was the winningest pitcher in the AL and a huge reason why the Yankees got to the postseason in 2006-07. Yes, he got crushed in the 2007 ALDS, but he pitched well in the playoffs in '05 and '06. Many believe the Yankees will simply bring Wang back on a lesser deal filled with incentives. Think again. A source close to Wang told me recently that the pitcher is still bothered that the Yankees took him to an arbitration hearing over $600,000 in 2008 - then gloated publicly after winning the case. I'd be shocked if he was back with the Yankees. Some forward-thinking GM will surely roll the dice on him, especially if they believe his agents that he'll be ready to pitch by early May. The source told me this week that should Wang be non-tendered, it would be time for him to "turn the page" on his time with the Yankees. Wang never got the publicity he deserved, mostly because he didn't speak much English (though I can tell you, he speaks much more than most people realize), but he was a great Yankee. I hope people remember him for his dominant stretch and not for his 2007 playoff disaster or his injury-ravaged 2009. Good luck, Wanger. ※ 引述《leddy (耿秋)》之銘言: : So now he’s gone. Good as he was, I believe the Yankees were right to : non-tender Wang last week; paying him $4 million this year made no sense. : Signing him back on a minor-league deal seems unlikely, too, since Wang is : still ruffled by the the Yankees taking him to an arbitration hearing – over : a grand total of $600,000 – in 2008, then crowed about winning. Given the : situation now, it’s a shame that happened. : ※ 引述《genteme (金湯米)》之銘言: : : http://yankees.lhblogs.com/ : : 以下是Sam Borden 的文章 : : 他現在離開了,我認為洋基隊non-tender王建民是正確的選擇。現在給他400萬美金 : : 是很沒道理的。用小聯盟約簽下他也不太可能。2008年他提出460萬美金的要求,而洋基隊 : : 只肯出400萬美金,而走入仲裁庭,最後洋基隊判決勝訴。王建民對這件事仍然耿耿於懷。 : : 洋基最後還對這次仲裁的勝利沾沾自喜。現在來看,為了60萬走入仲裁庭對於洋基隊的高 : : 層來說,他們應該是要感到羞恥的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xven:shame 應該是指遺憾.可惜的意思吧 12/14 22:39
ggggggg:這說法還像之前就看過了,不過應該不是重點吧,$ 才是 12/14 22:56
ggggggg:shame 在這裡翻可惜、遺憾應該比較對 12/14 22:57
derek324kimo:所以簡單說就是小王還很介意之前仲裁的事? 12/14 23:40
jayin07:嗯 12/14 23:42
peadon:文章是說 介意仲裁贏了後的沾沾自喜 12/14 23:43
azlbf:黃色那段 在洋基的時光翻開了下一頁 是指結束了還是? 12/14 23:59
continuum:應該是指結束在洋基的日子。 12/15 00:40
iawhite:嗯嗯...應該是feeling sad or disappointed這樣的感覺吧 12/15 00:43
genteme:嗯嗯..對shame的用法沒有太清楚..讓大家誤會了.. 12/15 00:46
sneak : shame 應該是指遺 https://noxiv.com 12/28 13:46