看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《alwaysblue (Ti Amo)》之銘言: : What the Nick Johnson Deal Would Mean for the Yankees 簽下Nick Johnson對洋基的意義 : By TYLER KEPNER : The Yankees are on the verge of reaching a contract agreement with Nick : Johnson, which would mean losing Johnny Damon and Hideki Matsui in the same : week. Matsui has already signed with the Angels, and the Yankees’ deal with : Johnson (for one year and about $5.5 million) would give them a new No. 2 : hitter and designated hitter. 洋基即將完成與Nick Johnson的合約簽訂(按:只差體檢),這也表示洋基將在一週內 同時失去大門和松井,松井已經投向天使的懷抱了,而簽下Johnson(1年5.5M)給了洋基 一個新的2棒DH。 : Losing Damon will hurt. Even General Manager Brian Cashman acknowledged on : Thursday that Damon is “the perfect two-hole hitter for this place.” The : Yankees will miss Damon’s speed, his quality at-bats and his ability to put : the bat on the ball. And they will miss his personality, of course. 失去大門讓人痛,GM Cashman前幾天也說過:「大門是我們最好的二棒人選。」。洋基 會想念他的速度,穩定的打擊和擊球的能力,當然,還有他這個人。 : But the Yankees priced Damon at about $9-10 million per year, for two years : at the most, and they believe they can live with Johnson. 洋基曾開給大門每年9-10M,最長兩年的合約,不過他們相信有Johnson也是不錯的 (這段不確定意思,是說只有Johnson也ok還是同時有大門和Johnson也ok,還請指教) : Johnson’s assets and drawbacks are obvious. The good: he’s a left-handed : hitter, he knows the Yankees and he got on base at a better rate last year : (.426) than everybody except Joe Mauer and Albert Pujols. The bad: he’s : slow, he’s prone to injury, and he plays a position already occupied by Mark : Teixeira. Johnson的優缺點很明顯。 優點:左打,對洋基很熟悉,09年OBP在大聯盟排名第三(.426),只輸給貓兒(.444)和 撲猴子(.443)。 缺點:有點慢,有點痛痛,而且他的守備位子上已經有一個鐵爺了。 : Then again, by keeping Johnson off the field, the Yankees can limit his risk : of injury, and there is no rule that says Johnson would have to be the : starting D.H. every day. The Yankees could use Jorge Posada, Alex Rodriguez, : Derek Jeter and Teixeira there as often as they like. Johnson, a : happy-go-lucky guy, has been itching to play for a winner since the Yankees : traded him to the Montreal Expos (remember them?) after the 2003 World Series. 把Johnson擺在DH不上場守備可以降低痛痛的機會,不過也不一定要讓他天天站DH。還 有波波,A-Rod,隊長和鐵爺可以站,愛怎麼輪就怎麼輪(小Q:Q___Q)。自從03年世 界大賽之後被洋基賣給博覽會隊(還記得他們嗎?)之後,Johnson就非常渴望能替一 支會贏球的隊伍打球。 : Also, there is this: next year’s free-agent class could be the best ever, : with Josh Beckett, Carl Crawford, Cliff Lee, Joe Mauer, Brandon Webb and : Jayson Werth -– not to mention Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera. The Yankees : figure to spend an awful lot of money in that market, and they want to save : payroll and keep commitments short wherever they can. 明年的FA市場可能會是最有看頭的一次:北極,Carl Crawford,小李飛刀,貓兒,蛇 王和Jayson Werth都可能在列,更不用提隊長和Mo了。可以想見洋基明年需要灑非常大 的一筆錢出來,所以希望今年能省一點,簽一些小而美的約。 : In the big picture, the Yankees are replacing Johnny Damon and Hideki Matsui : with Curtis Granderson and Johnson. So they swap two older left-handed : hitters who made $26 million in 2009 for two younger left-handed hitters who : will make about $14 million in 2010. They replace a speed guy and a slow guy : with another speed guy and slow guy. 整體來看,洋基用Granderson和Johnson取代了大門和松井。這表示兩個老左打($26M 09) 變成兩個年輕左打($14M 10),一快一慢換一快一慢。 : Is it perfect? Of course not. But that is the rationale, as I understand it. : And because they had $9 million or so budgeted for Damon, the Yankees have : more room in the 2010 payroll to chase another pitcher. Will it be Ben : Sheets? Aroldis Chapman? Someone else? Right now, that seems to be the final : significant piece in the Yankees’ plan for next season. 這樣子的改變完美嗎?當然不完美,不過是可以接受的。而且有鑑於洋基本來替大門留 了約9M的薪資空間,現在洋基還有一些空間可以再盤一個投手過來,Sheets?Chapman? 或是其他人?現在,這個人選應該是明年陣容的最後一片拼圖了。 : source:http://0rz.tw/6ajSB -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: west1996 來自: (12/18 18:31) ※ 編輯: west1996 來自: (12/18 18:33)
realestate:這樣看應該是會再補SP沒錯 結果LF還是沒有解決(牛奶?) 12/18 18:32
alwaysblue:那段意思應該是只有Johnson也OK... 12/18 18:36
west1996:感謝樓上,我也是這樣想但是那個But感覺有點怪 12/18 18:44
magickevin:小老闆不是說還要找棒子.. 12/18 18:55
alwaysblue:我想那個but的意思應該是.. 因為洋基相信只有Johnson也 12/18 18:57
alwaysblue:OK.. 所以洋基只願意開出最多兩年,每年9~10M的合約給 12/18 18:58
alwaysblue:大門.. 所以承接現金人上面那一段的文意.. 現金人說洋 12/18 18:59
alwaysblue:基會想念大門..但是卻只願意開那樣的合約.. 是因為洋基 12/18 19:00
alwaysblue:相信就算最後只有Johnson也是OK的.. 12/18 19:00
tinyuh:樓上所言甚是 12/18 19:01
lukehong:所以看來 Melky或是Gardner站LF Orz 12/18 19:09
mic661020:留預算明年底FA市場來灑似乎不錯 12/18 19:28
A1an:Nick Johnson去年的IsoD有0.135,好誇張 XD 12/18 19:32
Brackman:他列的那幾個人幾乎都不太可能進FA... 12/18 19:32
ninini:NJ08年左(?)手動過刀 長打就消失了 不過09年一些數據似乎指 12/18 19:39
ninini:出打擊的power在漸漸回復 12/18 19:39
Nasty:可以先笑想明年的貓兒嗎!! 12/18 19:47
b391702:貓兒如果留不注 雙城會交易掉換農作物吧 進FA機率很低... 12/18 20:13
alexxlee:實在不相信有誰會開3年約給大門 12/18 20:40
KuoHuiLo:隊長FA洋基還會給他兩千以上的薪水嗎 12/18 20:44
lulu0408:隊長的約關乎面子問題...洋基的看板人物... 12/18 21:04
hassanstar:如果今年還是打很好 我覺得至少1500跑不掉吧@@ 12/18 21:11
decorum:Jeter:聽說襪子的游擊部位破個大洞粉久了 科科 12/18 21:25
GodKen:可以補個LF棒子嗎?@@ 12/18 21:26
djcc:隊長跟MO 名與利都賺那麼多了 一定比大門松井好搞定多了 12/18 22:33
noahlin:很難說吧 MO兩年前的約就有點肥 波波的也是 12/18 22:52
noahlin:重點是現階段球隊沒有SS跟CL的備案 只能看這兩個佛不佛心 12/18 22:53
mightymouse:Mo跟隊長是洋基的標誌,價錢太佛心也不好看 12/18 22:58
mightymouse:如果因為價格讓他們兩個在別隊退休,個人認為很可惜 12/18 22:59
grtfor:是該為這幾個位置準備好農作物,否則價格只會高不會低... 12/18 23:03
arsia:老實說我很難想像哪天洋基的SS站的不是Jeter = = 12/18 23:54
OoyaoO:靠眼睛殺人的男人 和Jeter打1.2棒可以給Teix和ARod很多機會 12/19 00:07
WLR:to arsia 總是有這天的~ 12/19 00:09
notmuchmoney:好奇Granderson扛幾棒..... 12/19 00:27
nowistzki:Granderson扛五番吧!!!! 12/19 00:45
hsiang23:依隊形來說 再簽下Derosa 打線陣容會很完整 也好調度! 12/19 09:25
kaku216:松井6.5M vs Nick Johnson dochi ? 12/19 12:39
sneak : 靠眼睛殺人的男人 和J https://noxiv.com 12/28 13:47