看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
著名的農場作者John Sickels 訪問了洋基的資深球員營運副總 Mark Newman http://tinyurl.com/yjqmcrw 以下簡單略譯 Thursday morning I spoke with Mark Newman, Senior Vice President of Baseball Operations for the New York Yankees, asking him several questions about the Yankees farm system, focusing on their philosophy in the draft and Latin America, and looking at some sleeper prospects for the future. 禮拜四我在Mark Newman 還沒喝醉前找他問了幾個問題 SICKELS: Mark, you've been running the Yankees player development system for more than a decade. As the ultimate large-revenue team, the Yankees have some obvious advantages in terms of player procurement. But is there a downside? Have there been any challenges or problems specific to the situation that the organization has had to overcome? 問: Mark, 你的運作資金是無限大,請問有什麼困難。 NEWMAN: That's a broad question. When I look at it from the perspective of player development and scouting, our mandate to win yearly in the majors gives us two main challenges: our draft slot and the fact that we often trade prospects. Where we pick in the draft is always an issue, at least if we're doing our job by winning at the major league level. We almost always have lower picks in the draft, and that makes it harder to get players with high upsides in the draft process, especially for the hitters. 答: 最大問題就是選秀排太後面,還有還沒出貨半成品就已經被賣了。 At times we need to trade prospects to build a major league roster that can achieve our goals, the (Javier) Vazquez and (Curtis) Granderson trades are examples. Of course, sometimes we can bring players to the majors as well, like (Robinson) Cano or (Phil) Hughes or (Joba) Chamberlain, and that's always satisfying. But either way, it is an expand/contract cycle that we have to manage in the farm system. 雖然半成品被賣很多,最近還是有些成品出貨。 Because of those two factors, especially the draft slot issue, we will take risks on some players to get a high-ceiling guy in the system. 選秀只好盡量找高風險高報酬的標的。 SICKELS: Like a signability risk or an injury risk. 問: 所以就是簽有受傷風險或是不一定能簽下的? NEWMAN: Yes. 答: 是 SICKELS: With that in mind, and looking at the list of Yankees top prospects, there are a lot of products of the Latin American operation: Jesus Montero, Gary Sanchez, Manny Banuelos, Kelvin De Leon, etc. Sanchez cost $3 million to sign, De Leon $1.1 million. Generally speaking, do you think it is more cost-effective to give a large bonuses to a smaller number of players, or smaller bonuses to a larger number of players, given the fact that Latin American players can be quite difficult to project. 問: 洋基最近幾年在拉美大有斬獲, 請問你簽人的時候是盡量希望用同樣的錢去簽少數 大咖還是簽下很多小咖。 NEWMAN: That's a debate we have internally all the time. We try to do a bit of both. Cultural and language assimilation is always a risk with the Latin players, so we work hard to assess that risk before we go after a player. 答: 這個問題我們常討論,拉美球員常常有文化適應上的問題,我們會評估所有的風險 (這未免太官腔了吧 = = ?) There has to be a solid reason or really outstanding tools to give a Latin player a large bonus, but if we think the risk is worth it, we will take it. It would be fairly rare for a guy with a Montero or Gary Sanchez or Arodys Vizcaino-like upside to fall to us in the draft, so we look hard to find guys with that kind of talent internationally. This is especially true for the position players, since few guys with genuine impact bats will get to us at the bottom of the first round. We have to take the risk to get guys like that somewhere, so we'll look in Latin America. We can find tools there that are hard for us to acquire in the draft. 我們要有很好的理由才砸大錢 (這也是廢話) 尤其我們想找在draft 裡面碰不到的好打 者。 Montero seems to be working out, and we have high hopes for Sanchez as well. Of course we sign lots of smaller-bonus Latin American players too, and in that way our strategy is to find quality within quantity. Sometimes the guys who don't get big bonuses will surprise you. 但是我們也會簽很多小咖 (OS: 結論就是林盃金多所以大小通吃啦!) SICKELS: Along the same lines, do you have specific positions you concentrate on in the draft, any sort of bias towards college or high school types? 問: 你會比較注意高中或是大學生嗎? NEWMAN: We have no particular bias towards high school or college players, although we do look for impact guys who might drop to us for reasons not related to their talent. The pitcher we drafted a couple of years ago, Gerrit Cole. We knew that was a risk because he had the UCLA commitment, his family is wealthy, and we knew that he had aggressive bonus demands. Because of his upside, we took the chance that we could make it work, but he went to college instead. That was one risk that didn't pan out. But to be extraordinary involves risk, and our goal is to be extraordinary. 答: 沒有,反正能找到高報酬可能性的就衝了,就像Gerrit Cole, 只可惜他是個好野人 所以不鳥我們。 SICKELS: Would Slade Heathcott be another example of a risk/reward player? 問: 所以Salde Heathcott 也是? NEWMAN: Yes. In his case we knew he wouldn't be cheap to get away from LSU, but we felt the tools are so good that it was worth the risk. In that case we got the player. Another impact bat from last year was J.R. Murphy. We knew it would cost some money to sign him (ed.-Murphy had a Miami scholarship), but we love the bat and that was another risk we were willing to take. He has big-time makeup and a terrific hit tool. 答:是,他跟JR Murphy 都是 SICKELS: Can Jesus Montero catch? 問:Montero 能當捕手嗎? NEWMAN: When we signed him we knew that was going to be an issue. But I asked our scouts, "is the bat good enough for him to play in the majors if he can't catch?" All of our scouts said "yes." The bat has turned out to be excellent, but the glove has improved a lot over the last year. He is a better defender and in better physical condition now than he's ever been. His throwing has improved dramatically. He has plus arm strength, which has never been an issue, but his footwork is better now. The main thing we are focusing on with Montero is improving his lower body flexibility. He is a very bright guy and can run a game. The jury is still out, but by both objective and subjective measures he's made great progress. 答:簽的時候我們就有考慮過,可是結論是他不論在哪都是大砲。 但是他去年進步很多 ,只要下半身動作再流暢一些就有機會。 (OS: 畢竟只有30 cm 大砲沒有腰的話...) SICKELS: You have several impressive catchers in the system, Montero, Gary Sanchez, Austin Romine, Murphy. Was this a deliberate attempt to build depth at that position? 問: 你們有刻意去收集捕手嗎? NEWMAN: No, it wasn't deliberate in that way. We do put a premium value on c atchers, shortstops, and center fielders when we look for players, but specifically building up catching depth wasn't a concerted effort. Of course, it's worked out nicely because catching is such a valuable commodity. 答: 沒有,我們注重C /SS /CF 但是沒有刻意要期中那個。 SICKELS: Andrew Brackman, starter or reliever, and where does he open the season? 問: Brackman SP or RP? 在哪開始? NEWMAN: He's a starter and will begin at (Class A) Tampa. I know people think we might move him to relief since he pitched well when we limited his innings late last year, but we still see him as a starter. He looked great in instructional league, and he looked good in major league camp this spring. We think he's made a lot of progress. 答: SP, Tampa, 去年季後的指導聯盟跟今年春訓投得很好。 SICKELS: I always like looking for sleeper prospects and find them more interesting sometimes than the bigger names. Would D.J. Mitchell fit into that category as a sleeper prospect? 問: DJ Mitchell 是黑馬嗎? NEWMAN: Yes. He gets great sink on his fastball, commands it well, spins his breaking ball and can change speeds. We see him as a potential (Alfredo) Aceves-type, and Aceves has been very valuable to us. 答: 是,他的尾勁很好,控球很好,而且變化球也很好,他可能是下一個Aceves. SICKELS: Jeremy Bleich., fourth starter? And how do you pronounce his name? I've heard it different ways. 問:Jermey Bleich, 4 號先發? NEWMAN: It's pronounced "Bleish." His stuff is better than I thought it was when he came out of college. We thought he'd be an 89-92 MPH guy, but last year he was throwing 92-94 and hit 95 at times. We like his secondary stuff but he needs to command his fastball better. Fourth starter sounds about right, but there might be more in there if he can keep that kind of stuff this year. He will start the season in Double-A. 答:他去年似乎吃了金柯拉球速變快,變化球不錯但控球有代加強。四號差不多可能更好 ,應該從AA開始。 SICKELS: The famous switch-pitcher Pat Venditte. If he keeps putting up ungodly numbers, how fast can he advance? 問:左右開投 Venditte 會進展多快。 NEWMAN: There is no one else like him. From the left side he gets people out with angles and command. From the right side he has an average fastball but a good breaking ball and he throws strikes. We have no comparables for a guy like this, but if he keeps pitching well we will keep promoting him. He will begin him at Tampa but if he keeps up this kind of performance we will advance him aggressively. 答:他是特例,只要他繼續屠殺我們就會讓他前進,大概從Tampa 開始。 SICKELS: Can you give us a few additional sleeper prospects to watch for 2010? 問:再舉幾個黑馬吧。 NEWMAN: One guy we really love is Jose A. Ramirez, who was in the Gulf Coast League last year. He can get his fastball up to 95-96, and he has an outstanding changeup to go with it. When we traded Arodys Vizcaino, we had it in the back of our mind that Jose could turn into a very similar prospect. Jose Ramirez 可能會跟Arodys Vizcaino 差不多。 Another pitcher to watch is Adam Warren, out of North Carolina in the fourth round last year. In college we scouted him at 90-92, but in pro ball he was at 92-94, and after a long college season that was a pleasant surprise to see consistent arm strength. He has four pitches, a very solid delivery, and knows how to pitch. We also like David Phelps, who we drafted out of Notre Dame (14th round, 2008). Like Bleich and Warren, he throws harder now than he did in college, 92-95 last year. He's improved his curveball and change, and if the secondary stuff keeps developing he will really emerge this year. He has a clean simple delivery, another thing we like. Adam Warren 跟 David Phelps 也有吃金柯拉球速變快。 For hitters I'd watch David Adams out of Virginia (third round, 2008). He's a polished hitter and we really like his glove, he's right there with Cano defensively. David Adams 他喜歡,可能跟Cano 一樣有人在壘就打不到球然後守備會腦殘。 SICKELS: Mark, thanks for your time. NEWMAN: Anytime. 不負責的詭異翻譯。 -- My blog: http://yankeewave.blogspot.com Following the New York Yankees and baseball 2010 New York Yankees : reunion tour -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: RollingWave 來自: (03/19 19:47)
hhashoww :壘上有人的時候可以給Cano先來份金柯拉嗎 XD 03/19 20:01
lahugh :吃了金柯拉球速變快= = 03/19 22:06
edward0147 :可以問一下 什麼是金柯拉嗎? 03/19 23:37
ninini :有點看好David Adams耶 希望不要讓我失望 03/20 00:26