看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/wid8r 快速翻譯大意 讓快39的Jorge打DH 到了九月十月膝蓋能以更好的狀態在進攻防守兩端有所表現 24的年輕肉體當everyday catcher 不僅守備打擊都有好表現 考慮到Johnson的傷勢不知道他幾時回來 目前就這樣做對球隊的打線跟防守都好 Should Francisco Cervelli be the New York Yankees Starting Catcher? For much of the early 2010 season, long time Yankees catcher Jorge Posada has been banged up with a calf injury, and has had to miss some time for the team. For the Yankees, though, this hasn't been a major problem, due to the great play of backup catcher Francisco Cervelli. When the season started Cervelli really wasn't playing much, except for when Posada absolutely needed a day off to rest. Then Posada went down with the day-to-day calf injury and, since Cervelli is the only other catcher on the 25 man roster, he has had to play everyday. In his last 20 games, Cervelli is hitting .387 (12-31) with no home runs and seven RBI. His best offensive performance so far may have been Saturday at Fenway Park against the Red Sox, when Cervelli went 3-4 with five RBI. As of right now, Cervelli has not only been picking up the slack on the offense,but he's been playing great defense as well. However, on Sunday, Posada returned to the lineup and played designated hitter for the Yankees, his first game since May 3 against the Orioles. Now, if Posada is ready to come back, you can't keep him out of the lineup. But, it makes it very hard to sit Cervelli, especially with his hot play as of late. Easy solution here: Follow last night's plan for the lineup. Because Nick Johnson is out for quite a while, possibly, with ligament damage in his wrist, the Yankees need to fill his void. Posada's bat is still a valuable one in 2010, hitting .274 with five home runs and 12 RBI so far. Let Posada take over for Johnson in the DH spot and let the younger Cervelli stay as the everyday catcher. Think about it. Posada is 38 going on 39 years old. While Posada can still catch, it takes a lot of wear and tear on his knees and body when he plays that grueling position at an older age. If you let Posada DH and reserve his knees for the long haul of the season, then—by September and October—Posada's knees may not be in bad shape and he could be an even stronger force on both offense and defense, if he does return behind the plate. But right now, Cervelli is only 24 years old, and looks like he has the fresher legs. He can play many games in a row, physically he is much quicker than Posada, and—for a catcher—Cervelli runs very well, so having his legs on the bases isn't a bad asset. Plus, Cervelli is hitting the ball hard and getting important hits. Before this season, when Posada was out with any type of injury, it was Jose Molina who would step in to play at catcher. The Yankees found out first hand that while Molina was a good defensive catcher, he was a major liability at the plate, because he was a bad hitter. This isn't the case with Cervelli, because he can hit and play defense extremely well, and it gives the Yankees more options for their lineup. Now, I know that once—well, if—Nick Johnson comes back, the Yankees will want to put him back in the lineup because of his strong ability to walk and get on base, which means either Posada goes back to catcher or the bench, and my gut feeling is that Posada goes back to catcher. But that's not right now, and considering Johnson's wrist problems, who knows if and when Johnson even returns in pinstripes. Right now, Cervelli should be the everyday catcher and Posada should be the everyday DH. With that combination in the lineup, it makes the Yankees even better on both offense and defense. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
michaellee76:是個好主意!!不知道吉總怎麼想,想看天天C! 05/11 22:35
NicoRobin26 :Montero:... 05/11 22:36
bachelour :今早剛這樣想過,Jorge打DH 有砲火又有守備 05/11 22:36
※ 編輯: beckseaton 來自: (05/11 22:37)
NicoRobin26 :倒是我們的外野還是要給Winn站下去嗎 05/11 22:40
snjohnny :這中文的文法讓我看了好幾次才懂.... 05/11 22:40
meier0112 :記者問過,已經被吉總說 NO了 05/11 22:41
ninini :捕手界的快腿...那是什麼? 05/11 22:44
※ 編輯: beckseaton 來自: (05/11 22:47)
RookieRun :補快! 05/11 22:48
ben316316f :還是烏龜 只是比較快的烏龜 05/11 22:48
beckseaton :中文不好修正一下.... 05/11 22:48
wenhengju :捕快+1 XDD 05/11 22:49
Makubex82 :Cervelli狀況這麼好 不讓他天天上場打擊真浪費 05/11 22:55
krara :但他遲早會變回原形的= = 05/11 22:57
teru88 :等變回原形再換阿...狀況好不給打太可惜了. 05/11 23:04
chancewen :Good idea 05/11 23:05
manieliu :都不給POSADA蹲,到時候他就忘記怎麼蹲 05/11 23:05
Tukiyomi :sure 05/11 23:15
fenghoho :不知道C能不能在洋基定下來 想去買他的球衣了說... 05/11 23:18
prereality :之前就這樣想,像之前有莫二哥的時候也是醬子 05/11 23:18
prereality :而且這幾場下來其實投手和福將搭配的感覺都還挺不錯 05/11 23:19
brock0118 :真的受不了Winn... 05/11 23:39
notmuchmoney:不知道Winn的守備算不算不錯.. 05/12 00:10
WLR :推捕快XDD 05/12 00:11
KuoHuiLo :還是烏龜 只是比較快的烏龜 XDDD 好白吃喔 05/12 00:28
cappa :好阿 05/12 00:35
tobias :Cervelli趕快換頂合尺寸的頭盔吧XD 05/12 01:05
PinChunH :之前不是説Winn的長處是守備 而且他打擊也有回神 05/12 02:05
farst :可是乙組的跑壘 感覺很莫名.. 05/12 02:59
ROCAF :福將那頂鋼盔要戴到什麼時候啊 05/12 09:11
Tukiyomi :乙組的現役生涯盜壘次數排第19名 05/12 10:20
drkh :感覺Posada漏接的次數越來越多了... 05/12 13:26
max0526 :乙組!!!!(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ 05/12 15:51
ROCAF :乙組的梗是誰說的啊 05/12 16:18
tlw0709 :我記得Posada不是很堅持要守備嗎? 之前好像看過 05/12 16:38
tsming :乙組好像是MLB版吧,酸完以後乙組就打三分彈了XD 05/13 12:52
cogi :不是啦 是本版的轉播文 去看HR那天的轉播文就知道了 05/14 12:24
sneak : 是個好主意!!不知道吉 http://yofuk.com 12/28 13:55