看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Yankees face one contractual option after the season: designated hitter Nick Johnson has a $5.5MM mutual option with a $250K buyout. Johnson is currently on the DL with an inflamed tendon in his wrist. It seems unlikely that both sides will exercise the option. If Johnson goes, the Yankees will be freeing up a total of $67.7MM for departing free agents. Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Andy Pettitte, and Javier Vazquez lead the way. We'll also tack on another $2.2375 for Alex Rodriguez's salary decrease and money no longer paid to Chad Gaudin and Melky Cabrera. That's $70MM coming off the books. Increases to players under contract total $8.5MM, with Curtis Granderson, Mark Teixeira, Nick Swisher, and Robinson Cano getting raises. The Yankees also have Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes hitting arbitration for the first time. Boone Logan would be a second-timer, while Sergio Mitre fits into the fourth-time class. Even adding in the arbitration raises, the Yankees should have a good $55MM to work with without raising payroll. Of course, a large chunk of that $55MM or so will be allocated toward new contracts for Jeter, Rivera, and possibly Pettitte. If all three re-sign near their 2010 salaries, it'll eat up most of the free money. In that case a payroll increase would be necessary to get into the mix on other big-name free agents. http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2010/05/2011-contract-issues-new-york-yankees.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pathfinder :現金人亮荷包:阿就沒錢阿 05/12 22:09
decorum :Cliff Lee要進自由市場 洋基怎可能在競標場中缺席 05/12 22:13
TrueTears :要讓Lee跟CC再當隊友嗎 XD 05/12 22:28
chrisinptt :到時候CC , Lee , AJ , Hughes + someone 金豪洨輪值 05/12 22:37
penny50514 :拜託! 我就是喜歡洋基邪惡! 不簽怎麼對得起眾惡魔們 05/12 22:38
Picoro :Lee ... 總覺得 ... 又要綁長約養老 ... 05/12 23:05
Brackman :能簽在4年以內的話再考慮...... 05/12 23:08