看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz locked in fight over A-Rod Looks like two of Hollywood's biggest stars are engaged in a fierce catfight over A-Rod. Blonde-haired beauties Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz are reportedly locked in a bitter fight over the heart of Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez. Us Weekly reports in its current issue that Diaz is bedding Rodriguez as a form of retaliation after Hudson hooked up with Justin Timberlake in January 2007, just days after the couple of four years split. "Kate thinks it's payback, pure and simple," an insider told Us Weekly. A friend of Diaz added, "Cameron was actually in a serious long-term relationship with Justin. She thinks it's a joke Kate would be mad. Kate is only upset because she hates being single." Diaz was spotted leaving Rodriguez's $30,000-a-month Central Park West penthouse with bags on May 2, sparking speculation of a romantic relationship. Hudson, meanwhile, dated A-Rod last year and was in the stands for every home playoff game as the Yankees won the World Series. In an effort to hold on to Rodriguez, a source told the magazine that Hudson even got breast implants, but it didn't work, Us reported. Page Six reported last week that Rodriguez has been batting 1.000 with Hollywood blondes. A-Rod and Diaz recently dined with Drew Barrymore and Gwyneth Paltrow at Macao Trading Company. Diaz and Paltrow arrived first, and were joined by Barrymore. "Cameron got a call, then ordered a steamed fish with veggies for her 'friend' who was on his way," a spy told The Post. When Alex arrived, after the Yanks beat the White Sox 6-4 on April 30, Barrymore "moved so the couple could sit together." http://0rz.tw/KdMBY -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hero770624 :XD? 05/15 00:11
NicoRobin26 :還我Kate 05/15 00:13
FlyFreedom :所以說A-Rod只是被利用了(?)嘖嘖 05/15 00:14
rssh0106 :有錢真好... 05/15 00:14
lugla2002 :撲!有看沒有懂 我只會用估狗大神翻譯機 05/15 00:17
Ally1213 :....................... 05/15 00:23
FlyFreedom :懶人包:CD現在睡了A-Rod,她認為K-Hud沒資格生氣, 05/15 00:25
FlyFreedom :因為K-Hud跟A-Rod在一起前是跟Justin在一起,而CD比 05/15 00:25
FlyFreedom :K-Hud更早就跟Justin在一起,而且還很久,所以現在她 05/15 00:26
FlyFreedom :睡A-Rod只是剛剛好而已。話說K-Hud還為了抓住A-Rod的 05/15 00:26
FlyFreedom :心跑去隆乳,然後A-Rod在中央公園西區一戶月租3萬美 05/15 00:27
FlyFreedom :金的閣樓金屋藏CD,差不多是這樣。 05/15 00:27
Tukiyomi :....... 認親大會嗎 05/15 00:28
Picoro :所以 , 巨乳戰術失敗 05/15 00:30
FlyFreedom :結論:如果今年A-Rod不爆發就全是Justin的錯!(無誤) 05/15 00:31
love34567 :肉:噢~不要為了我打架 05/15 00:35
Ally1213 :這些人怎麼睡來睡去! 05/15 00:36
seto :Justin Timberlake真的有這麼好喔....雖然是蠻帥氣 05/15 00:39
seto :果然演藝圈不單純 大家睡來睡去 05/15 00:40
wangfan3 :隊長表示: 05/15 00:41
FlyFreedom : 肉兄,你對桃花的鑑賞力很差 05/15 00:46
lugla2002 :最愛懶人包了!@@!! 05/15 00:50
FatBearInn :在演哪齣啊.. 講話的都是insider,friend, 沒當事人XD 05/15 00:55
sylviehsiang:CD不化妝能看嗎? 搞不好還比五十歲的瑪丹娜還醜 05/15 00:57
FlyFreedom :真相:http://tinyurl.com/2dm6b8z 請慎入 05/15 01:10
FlyFreedom :老實說K-Hud好多了:http://tinyurl.com/24x2ovh 05/15 01:15
peking :老實說兩個都很慘 05/15 01:19
whatbbsis :真的是兩個都慘QQ 05/15 01:23
FlyFreedom :一定要二選一的話我選K-Hud = = 05/15 01:24
supetaco :不知道是A-ROD眼光差還是胃口好 他老婆還比較優勒 05/15 01:25
fenghoho :我選Jeter! 05/15 01:25
supetaco :應該說前妻啦 05/15 01:26
FlyFreedom :supetaco中肯Orz 05/15 01:26
NicoRobin26 :前妻好像是模特兒? 05/15 01:27
asdfzx :fenghoho最中肯吧 05/15 01:29
supetaco :只能說能拿3000萬鎂的人 一定有過人之處Orz 05/15 01:31
FlyFreedom :每個月3萬租個金屋來藏嬌真是小錢... 05/15 01:32
Ally1213 :啊肉前妻是心理諮詢師,兩個人在健身房認識的 05/15 01:33
FlyFreedom :八卦問Ally就對了(無誤) 05/15 01:34
Ally1213 :對阿 我最喜歡看球員怎麼認是另一半然後結婚的 XD 05/15 01:36
seto :不過Us Weekly本身也是八卦雜誌 果然很會挖消息 05/15 01:43
Baudelaire :Catfight! 05/15 07:30
Elton320 :反正好萊塢大家都嘛睡來睡去的 05/15 10:22
Elton320 :這是大家都知道的秘密 05/15 10:23
sneak : 睡A-Rod只是剛剛好 https://muxiv.com 12/28 13:56