看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Derek Jeter was hit on the elbow and left pinky finger by Justin Verlander in the 5th inning yesterday. After the game Jeter said he was fine and doesn’t expect to miss anytime, but manager Joe Girardi might hold him out a game or two just to be safe anyway. Girardi on Jeter: “He said he’s fine. My guess is it’s going to be a little sore, but he said he’s fine.” Because of the double-header the Yankees don’t have a starter lined up to pitch on Sunday. Hughes or Javier Vazquez could do it, but they’d have to pitch on short rest. What is more likely to happen is that Sergio Mitre will get the start, but that could change if the Yankees need him in relief between now and then. The Yankees have been bit by the injury bug of late, but things are getting better. RHP Chan Ho Park, out with a strained hamstring, is pitching today for the Triple-A Scranton Yankees and as long as everything goes well should be back within a week. Curtis Granderson, out with a strained groin, has also been said to be progressing better than expected and should return this month. Nick Swisher’s biceps injury appears to be minor as well. The only two who may take a little while to return are Nick Johnson, wrist, and Alfredo Aceves, back, but in reality it is too early to tell for either player. http://www.bronxbaseballdaily.com/?p=5744 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hero770624 := = 最近是.. 05/15 01:15
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FlyFreedom :守一點,希望他休息一下。其實沒事的成份大。 05/15 01:19
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ninini :以前是以前....(茶) 05/15 11:03
ninini :以前說過不是這種以後吼~~ 05/15 11:04
sneak : Pena要補SS的位置 https://muxiv.com 12/28 13:56