看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/2dghycb Yankees designated hitter Nick Johnson is unlikely to return to action before the first week of June and could be out until August. Johnson's sore right wrist may require surgery to remove inflamed tissue, GM Brian Cashman said. The surgery would keep him out four to six weeks on top of the month he already is expected to miss. Cashman said Johnson got a cortisone shot in the wrist last weekend in Boston, but it will not be known for a couple of weeks if that treatment was effective. If not, then Johnson is headed under the knife for at least the third time in his injury-plagued career. "It's my intention to learn if [the shot] worked as soon as possible," Cashman said before Saturday's win over the Twins. "If not, then we want to go right to the surgery. When healthy, we know what this guy can do, but he can't do anything for us right now." The Yankees signed Johnson to a one-year, $5.5 million deal after failing to come to terms with Johnny Damon, whose No. 2 spot in the lineup Johnson was expected to fill. But Johnson struggled in the first 24 games of the season, hitting .167 with two homers and eight RBIs, plus 23 strikeouts in 73 at-bats. He went on the disabled list May 8 after a game in Boston, his ninth trip to the DL in nine seasons. Johnson had surgery on the same wrist on his first tour of duty with the Yankees -- although Cashman said it was in a different area. Johnson also had surgery to repair a broken femur with the Washington Nationals. "He'd be a $15 million a year player if he didn't have this history of injuries," Cashman said. "Instead you get what you get. When he's healthy you get a real productive bat but at the same time you have to deal with this, too. I knew what I was getting into when I started this thing." Cashman said for now, Juan Miranda, a 27-year-old Cuban defector added to the roster from Triple-A Scranton Wilkes-Barre on Thursday, would serve as Johnson's replacement. "Juan's got ability and he's been waiting for an opportunity, so he's got it now," Cashman said. "For now, any problems we have will have to be handled with the roster or Triple-A. Nobody's interested in doing any business this early in the season. Before June 15, you're basically on your own." The injury news out of the Yankees' clubhouse wasn't all bad, though. Center fielder Curtis Granderson, on the DL since May 2 with a strain of the left groin, ran eight sprints at the stadium Friday and hit off a tee for the first time since the injury and declared himself ready for the next phase of his rehab. "I'm excited with how everything went," Granderson said. "But we still have to be cautious with it." Granderson, who hoped to try running the bases as early as Sunday, could not put a timetable on when he might be ready to return. "It all depends on whether we have any setbacks," he said. Reliever Chan Ho Park, out since April 16 with a hamstring strain, completed his rehab assignment with Scranton Wilkes-Barre Friday night and is expected to be activated in time for Sunday afternoon's game with the Twins. "He does have a history of hamstring injuries, and it would be unrealistic to think it won't happen again at some point," Cashman said. "But when he's healthy, he's going to help us." And right fielder Nick Swisher, troubled the past few games by soreness in his left bicep and removed from Friday night's game against the Twins and taken to a hospital for an MRI exam, was back in the lineup Saturday after taking batting practice. Swisher, who felt pain Friday night on a swing-and-miss while batting lefty against right-hander Scott Baker, said he thought he could swing pain-free from the right side against Saturday's starter, left-hander Francisco Liriano. When asked if he would be able to stay in the game if the Twins went to a right-handed reliever, he said: "I don't know. I really don't." "I don't feel it swinging righty but I do lefty," Swisher added. "I've never had anything like it before. It's literally in the head of the bicep." Swisher said the MRI showed no tear, just a slight strain of the biceps. But it still clearly bothered him somewhat, and he asked a clubhouse attendant for a pressure sleeve to wear over the injury before donning his uniform. "I'm the kind of guy, man, I just want to be in the lineup," he said. "It's frustrating when you want to be in the there, but you also got to be careful. You don't want to turn two to three days into two to three months. We got a lot of guys down and I don't want to add to the list." Rounding out the injury report is right-handed reliever Alfredo Aceves, who was placed on the DL Wednesday in Detroit with soreness in his lower back. Aceves received an epidural injection on Friday and will need at least a week or more before he can resume baseball activities. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Sechslee := = 05/16 11:29
chancewen :掰Orz 05/16 11:30
djcc :現金人去撞牆思過 今年誤簽率太高 05/16 11:32
sphix :不意外 05/16 11:32
iawhite :bye bye....-.- 05/16 11:34
zaipinl :650萬買兩顆眼睛兩個月使用權 05/16 11:34
siliver :不是5.5M嗎??話說回來,這還真的很慘 =.=a 05/16 11:35
teddy8989 := =llll 05/16 11:36
pathfinder :希望九月回的來 05/16 11:37
noahlin :August........祈禱季後賽全員健康就好 05/16 11:37
chancewen :馬鐵跟johnson....投資炸裂 05/16 11:38
cogi :之前有一篇文章,在計算NJ 的"在DL率",就是生涯中在傷 05/16 11:38
cogi :兵名單的比率,結果跟他的四成上壘率不相上下 XD 05/16 11:39
ake83611 :不意外= = 05/16 11:39
majorleague1:簽之前就一堆人在哀嚎他是超級痛痛 不意外 05/16 11:41
goodman5566 :..........炸裂,好慘= = 05/16 11:42
cogi :不過當初就是要簽二番,當初的替代選擇,腿姬或松井, 05/16 11:45
upscom :幹 05/16 11:45
cogi :也沒好到哪去就是了 在簽不下Damon的前提下... 05/16 11:45
upscom :潘武雄不錯 05/16 11:45
cogi :其實也要很慶幸沒去簽假日或是Bay,不是嗎?身價不符 05/16 11:46
cogi :所以不需要指責現金人太多啦,就賭錯了而已 05/16 11:46
majorleague1:也比直接丟到水裡好 05/16 11:46
chancewen :還好現在二番有swisher或是腿弟呼... 05/16 11:47
cogi :Marte就錯得比較誇張,穩穩的typeA不撿,簽個overpay的 05/16 11:47
cogi :的約,當時陣中還有Coke這個前一年明顯較好的LRP... 05/16 11:47
chancewen :可能看到去年K掉howard太爽了Orz... 05/16 11:48
Sechslee :還好Gardner爆發 希望Swisher健康 DH給Miranda打好了 05/16 11:49
cogi :不要結果論的話 Marte當初大家就看壞了 NJ卻不是 05/16 11:49
cogi :很多人覺得可以睹,畢竟健康時他是個好打者,又只要一 05/16 11:50
cogi :年的合約,當然現在的結果可能會是我們最不希望的那種 05/16 11:50
miata :簽到假貨 05/16 11:51
chancewen :現在如同cogi講得這兩個都哭哭 05/16 11:51
chancewen :不過如果把小朋友拉上來練一下說不定也不錯 05/16 11:51
cogi :對了 還有Derosa這個當時潛在人選也是哭哭啊 so... 05/16 11:52
chancewen :看看隔壁的牛棚再看看我們..有種哥兩好感覺Orz 05/16 11:52
FORECORD :馬鐵去年被季後賽騙到 05/16 11:53
goodman5566 :Coke這個點我也蠻疑惑的,他還不錯阿~ 05/16 11:54
NICK120 :還好啦 隔壁牛棚有神之調度 05/16 11:55
Sechslee :我們至少有Mo 隔壁連寶貝碰都抖 05/16 11:56
chancewen :馬鐵到2011,2012年有club option 05/16 11:58
siliver :NJ不是假貨,他只是痛痛比較多 XD 05/16 12:05
settier :囧 05/16 12:08
settier :他不是假貨 他是痛痛人 05/16 12:09
FORECORD :NJ還好吧補進來可以偶爾守個1B 05/16 12:10
siliver :另外,洋基的牛棚堅實太多了,有興趣的到官網翻翻就 05/16 12:10
siliver :知道,洋基的牛棚在吉總運用下一直有不錯的水準. 05/16 12:11
pathfinder :大概是想要求Yanks 應該打個130W 才如此嚴苛吧 :P 05/16 12:14
goodman5566 :NJ的確有賭的價值,只是沒這麼幸運而已XD 05/16 12:19
goodman5566 :有mo真的很幸運~可以跟神站在同邊何等的爽阿..... 05/16 12:19
choco1202 :假日不符身價? 他是哪裡打不好了? 去年也是慢熱... 05/16 12:26
cogi :如果現在假日在洋基陣中,你看看他會不會被罵翻(攤手) 05/16 12:27
FORECORD :會~不過當出讓中外範圍更大 05/16 12:29
FORECORD :LF小是對的 WINN有守備 Thames可以打DH 05/16 12:30
choco1202 :還好吧 鐵爺季初還不是低潮 沒有人162場都猛的拉 05/16 12:32
j094097 :不知道眼睛的功力能不能傳給小朋友(誤 05/16 12:40
supetaco :又不是某眼睛漫畫 眼睛便宜的跟什麼一樣 想要就有... 05/16 12:46
rayen :他也不用揮棒吧 站在那邊選球就好... 05/16 13:05
OoyaoO :辜掰NJ 0.0 05/16 13:17
kindai :現金人太愛算了 算成這樣 XD 05/16 13:30
ninini :早期發現早期治療 記得回來打季後賽....( ̄□ ̄|||)a 05/16 13:30
jjcking :這個意思是叫我2K10 2棒要換人打..... 05/16 15:50
subcrew02 :NJ老人不意外...731大限在找個人來補吧 05/16 16:05
notmuchmoney:當初擔心松井痛痛 簽了NJ還是痛.. 05/16 16:12
subcrew02 :要補人也看一下對方傷病史..像NJ這種痛痛竟敢賭= = 05/16 16:17
yoling07 :要離開了!? 05/16 16:22
OoyaoO :還好啦 也不是簽長約 一年而已 對洋基來說簽幾年比簽 05/16 16:26
OoyaoO :多少錢重要吧 05/16 16:26
OoyaoO :而且他去年也出賽了133場XD 05/16 16:27
ninini :DL是躺痛痛人不是躺老人 05/16 16:27
kauw :WINN可以打他DH的位置 最爛也不過如此了 05/16 17:38
supetaco :現在DH給波波打比較好吧.... 05/16 19:14
poiuy0918 :捕手給大同寶寶很舒服 波波打DH感覺也不賴 05/16 20:00
subcrew02 :這樣也有風險滴..萬一C在比賽受傷退場不就.. 05/16 22:04
subcrew02 :取消DH? 05/16 22:04
cappa :現在感覺不錯 05/16 22:05