看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/hardball/joba_loses_setup_job_but_yankees_DdZMU2gMXjmNCS2bzxyDTJ Joba Chamberlain has lost his exclusive eighth-inning job, but is in no jeopardy of being sent to the minors, sources told The Post. Joe Girardi refused to say on Monday night that Chamberlain had lost his job, but a club official explained: “The first thing we felt we had to do was take him out of the eighth inning.” That began last night when David Robertson and Boone Logan protected a one-run lead in the eighth in what became a 3-2 victory over the Indians. Robertson replaced Javier Vazquez with a runner on first and no outs and induced a double play. Logan then came in to strike out lefty Shin-Soo Choo. It is possible Chamberlain will be used as part of a mix in the eighth inning. But no longer does he have sole responsibility for the inning when he is available. “We would like for him to pitch at the level he is capable of pitching at,’ ’ Girardi said prior to tonight’s game against the Indians. What is not possible, at least for now, is sending Chamberlain to the minors for two major reasons: 1) The Yanks feel it would be a terrible message to bust somebody from main set-up man all the way to Scranton in one move, so they will try to fix him outside the eighth inning and 2) They do not believe Chamberlain is failing because of an attitude problem. Yankee officials actually consider Chamberlain a hard worker. In other words they are not looking at this how they viewed a situation with Melky Cabrera in 2008. That season the Yanks thought Cabrera had become lazy and that was a factor in his struggles, so they did demote him in mid-August to Triple-A. Still, Chamberlain’s struggles have the Yanks checking out available eighth-inning options. They called the Royals last week about Joakim Soria and were told the closer was not available. They are interested in Toronto’s Scott Downs, but an executive from another AL team described the Blue Jays’ demands for the lefty as “not something I can imagine anyone paying for a set-up man.” In fact, right now, the price is being described by multiple executives as too high for all the main available relievers such as Washington’s Matt Capps, and Pittsburgh’s Octavio Dotel and Joel Hanrahan. The Mets and Red Sox are among many teams looking for relief help. The Yanks are preparing as if they might have to solve the problem internally. That begins with trying to remedy the inconsistency of Chamberlain and hoping Damaso Marte heals well from his shoulder problems. They also imagine that, at some point, Phil Hughes could go into the pen to keep him under his innings cap while bolstering the relief crew. The Yanks also are willing to consider if a minor league starter could potentially help down the stretch and in the playoffs, with hard-throwing Ivan Nova a possibility. The Diamondbacks did request Chamberlain last week as part of a package for Dan Haren. However, the Yanks were only willing to incorporate Haren’s salary over the next few years if a trade was essentially a salary dump and the Yanks had to only give up middling prospects. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
asd25 :在來就下去陪川哥吧 07/28 09:55
HomeKei :送回去很怕回不來= = 07/28 09:56
witchdoctor :樓上感同身受嗎 Orz 07/28 10:00
KeiIgawa :(招手) 07/28 10:25
supetaco :樓上養兵千日用在一時 終於有機會出來啦XDDD 07/28 10:32
IsiahZ :其他牛雖也讓我怕怕的,但聞訊還是讓我有一種爽感:p 07/28 10:42
chancewen :尷尬 07/28 10:48
Newtype :漫畫有新梗了~ 07/28 11:49
Mizkyo :JOBA會不會成為敗戰處理投手 07/28 12:26
jdtrue :一般會拿來當mop-up的多是LRP Joba角色應該不會轉那 07/28 12:40
jdtrue :麼大 但是把他調往low-pressure的情況是必然的 07/28 12:40
ShineShineJu:川哥連上來玩玩的機會都沒有 哀... 則春賞耶 07/28 21:00
gerkk :喬巴 ... 07/28 21:26