看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/X8@n NEW YORK -- Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez left Saturday's 5-2 victory over the Rangers with lower back and oblique stiffness. Rodriguez said he felt the discomfort before the game and it got progressively worse as the game continued after a first pitch temperature of 46 degree.No tests are scheduled at this time, the team announced. "I feel OK.I'm a little sore," Rodriguez said."I had a little Knot right in my oblique and just couldn't get warm in this weather." Rodriguez was 0-for-2 with a walk against Texa left-hander Derek Holland before being replaced at third base by Eric Chavez for the seventh inning with the Yankees leading,3-0. "Ifelt it more on [my] swings." Rodriguez said."I was swinging weakly,just trying to protect it a little bit.Hopefully tomorrow we'll get a little better weather." Yankees manager Joe Girardi said thet if Rodriguez continues to feel discomfort on Sunday, he would likely not put him in the lineup against Texas. The three-time American League MVP is batting .385 (15-for-39) with four home runs and nine RBIs in 12 game for NEW York this season. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
j07242054 :我承認我騙p幣XDDDDDD 04/17 12:29
OoyaoO :簽Chavez的好處就在這邊 就算A神受傷三壘火力也不至 04/17 12:30
OoyaoO :於會太差 去年A神受傷就變Pena 超級囧 04/17 12:31
ckbaboon :最近幾年肉神也有愈來愈痛痛的趨勢@@ 04/17 12:36
dennis0210 :明明就是滷蛋被鐵爺吃光 AROD不爽:教練 我腹肌痛(誤 04/17 12:38
tn00037166 :沒事就好.. 突然換Chavez真的有嚇到 04/17 12:54
mightymouse :Chavez只要不痛真的很好用,也能守一壘,客串個DH 04/17 13:04
mightymouse :打擊火力也OK,今年簽一堆樂透感覺比花大錢拿到的好 04/17 13:04
kin30503 :Chavez是之前在運動家那位嗎??? 04/17 13:09
cyliner :5樓害我大笑出來 XD 04/17 13:10
Amophis :對阿 運動家的前明星三壘手 04/17 13:10
freesoul :Chavez太痛痛了,他本來應該是A's的看板球星的 04/17 13:21
evic1224 :光是今天這場 就用了兩張樂透了 今天樂透真讚! 04/17 13:26
evilvens :沒事就好! 04/17 16:31
lugla2002 :魯蛋是啥 04/17 18:44
MarcLin :魯蛋被吃光,就只剩陽春麵可以吃啦 04/17 18:55