看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. http://ppt.cc/O3zc Though a deal has yet to be struck, managing partner Hal Steinbrenner met with general manager Brian Cashman at Yankee Stadium today, a sign that negotiations to keep Cashman back in the Bronx may be wrapping up. Cashman, who has spent his entire baseball career with the Yankees, has been the team's general manager since 1998. He has maintained a strong relationship with Hal Steinbrenner. Cashman今天在Yankee Stadium和Hal會面,也許現金人合約會就此定案。 現金人小檔案:1998開始在洋基當總經理,整個生涯都替洋基工作。 2. http://ppt.cc/7I-2 By the time two days of meetings in Tampa ends tomorrow, the Yankees will develop a plan they hope will keep CC Sabathia from opting out of a contract following the World Series. General manager Brian Cashman will chair meetings of Yankees brass that will include president Randy Levine, assistant GM Jean Afterman, Billy Eppler, the head of pro scouting, and likely owner Hal Steinbrenner. Cashman's new contract could be finalized in Tampa. "Their hope is to present Sabathia with an offer he is agreeable with before he opts out", said a person with knowledge of the Yankees' thinking. 洋基在Tampa的會議明天即將結束,屆時留住CC、避免讓他世界大賽後實施逃脫條款的方 案會出爐。現金人明天將主持會議,與會者包括總裁Randy Levine、助理總經理Jean Afterman和首席專業球探Billy Eppler,老闆Hal Steinbrenner應該也會出席會議。 現金人的合約應該會在Tampa定案。據熟悉洋基的人士表示洋基希望在CC能實施逃脫條款 之前,提出他能同意的方案。 ((所以明天會有消息報導囉...?)) 3. http://ppt.cc/FE;N As talent goes, the Yankees like Darvish considerably more than Wilson. They also have some concerns that Wilson, who has a tendency to talk himself into some problems, might not be a good fit for New York. 就天份而言,洋基當然覺得Darvish較好,且認為Wilson比較不會“說話”,也許不那麼 適合紐約。 The Pirates have prioritized finding a catcher this offseason, which could make them a match with the Yankees. The Yankees are expected to keep Russell Martin, who cannot be a free agent until after the 2012 season, and try to make Jesus Montero his primary backup. The Yankees can dangle Austin Romine, but they would like to put him at Triple-A as an option in case Montero cannot handle major league catching. The Yankees would definitely trade Francisco Cervelli, but will the Pirates or any other team look at him as a potential starter and also feel he is a safe acquisition after incurring a series of concussions? 海盜隊補強首要任務是找捕手,洋基也許可為之。Russel Martin應該會留,Montero當二 號捕手。雖然洋基想把Romine留3A以防Montero無法勝任蹲捕之任,不然Romine可以和海 盜交易。 ((說到海盜,就想到Marte和Nady =.=')) 洋基一定會想交易Cervelli,但Cervelli有數次腦震盪紀錄,海盜隊或其他隊會視他為先 發捕手嗎? 4. http://ppt.cc/vm7P The Phillies have declined the 2012 options for right-handers Brad Lidge and Roy Oswalt, the club announced Monday. Oswalt, also 34, went 9-10 with a 3.69 ERA in 23 starts for the Phillies in 2011, his first full season in Philadelphia. During his time with the Phillies, which began in July 2010, Oswalt was 16-11 with a 2.96 ERA. 費城人沒撿推土機,洋基一年短約之類的可為之?(比照Pettitte有激勵獎金那種約) 推土機34歲,2010七月之後在費城人的成績:16勝11敗,2.96 ERA。 今年成績:23次先發,9勝10敗,ERA3.69。 5. MLB五場來台明星賽:11/01~11/06(美東時間),MLB會直播。 播出時間:http://www.mlb.com/network/schedule/November_Games.jsp Granderson和Cano領軍,前洋基球員有:Phil Coke, Jose Veras, Mark Melancon, LaTroy Hawkins,台灣隊王建民將先發一場。米卡布因肩傷不來。 ((沒去查Mark Melancon還沒印象他是誰勒~ :P)) ===== 順道一提:昨晚WS Game 4收視率:美東時間8-11點間1千1百90萬人觀賞,也是FOX 1/15後 星期六晚上最高收視率的節目。 XD -- # GS IP HR/9 BB/9 SO/9 FIP BABIP ERA ERA+ WARP A 60 445 0.7 1.2 8.6 2.73 .292 2.77 144 11.9 B 67 475 0.7 2.6 8.1 3.29 .302 3.09 141 9.2 C 67 427 0.5 3.5 7.9 3.54 .278 3.14 140 7.5 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
siliver :Oswalt搶的到嗎??應該很多人想搶吧?? 10/25 08:31
OoyaoO :Oswalt應該是個相對穩定又不用綁長約的選擇 10/25 08:38
laperous :哈 說到穩定 就想到季後賽的派帥...話說派帥昨天傳簡 10/25 08:39
OoyaoO :完全不會想要CJW 一定是五年85M以上 看近兩年轉SP的 10/25 08:40
OoyaoO :IP數就怕了 10/25 08:40
laperous :訊給Holland恭賀他投出代表作 (派帥是Holland的偶像) 10/25 08:41
OoyaoO :達爾就是100M的豪賭 賭對就是年輕又不太佔薪資空間的 10/25 08:41
至少100萬豪賭的乳摸都出來囉~ http://ppt.cc/Z8mX Last week, I polled five agents and one team executive about Darvish's potential posting fee and contract. Guesses on the posting fee ranged from $30-55MM, with the team executive making the highest prediction. The average of the six guesses was $45MM. As for the contract, most people predicted a five or six-year deal in the $72-75MM range. One agent wondered if the winning team will "try to force some options down his throat," especially if it's the Blue Jays. The bottom line: everyone I talked to expects a minimum of a $100MM commitment to acquire Darvish if he's posted this year. It's possible we'll see as many as six $100MM commitments this offseason, not including extensions.
chancewen :CJ今天又不穩了 = = 10/25 08:41
OoyaoO :前段先發 10/25 08:41
laperous :Oswalt一年約可為之 不過 他背傷到底是?! 今年似乎變 10/25 08:43
laperous :嚴重...之前說他因此萌生退意之類的... 10/25 08:44
momo90347 :力矩跟推土機都沒撿 @@ 10/25 08:45
jojo2147 :Colon:要不要我帶你去做幹細胞.. 10/25 08:45
Gwendaline :推土機不知不覺也來到34歲了... 10/25 08:48
Tukiyomi :紐約質報看看就好 10/25 08:48
tn00037166 :岩隈都沒人討論? 想賭他的指叉 10/25 09:00
tn00037166 :沒記錯的話 他已經不用入札金了 10/25 09:02
waderu :推土機當然要衝衝看, 還可以當LF用 10/25 09:22
argie :樓上wwwww 10/25 09:29
lanver1220 :費城人在傻也知道不能撿力矩 已經拿過東山再起後... 10/25 09:32
spurs2120 :推LF,他燦爛的笑容令人印象深刻 XD 10/25 09:32
freesoul :CJ那段的自找麻煩不是指保送,指的是他的大嘴巴 10/25 09:36
laperous :哈 talk walk 眼瞎清楚沒看 噗~ 10/25 09:38
aa0780928 :海盜真的就想到NADY和馬鐵 10/25 10:23
lanver1220 :除了痛痛 還是痛痛 10/25 10:25
meier0112 :海盜...只有 McCutchen有興趣,不過又換不到 10/25 10:31
redsnipertd :搶推土機摟!!! 10/25 10:39
funy98 :岩隈大聯盟輪值有疑慮,今年還受傷,要獲得Darvish可 10/25 10:56
funy98 :能要有被拔一層厚皮的準備,日幣升太多了~ 10/25 10:57
dp44 :海盜那次交易 現在看來雙方都沒什麼好的XD 10/25 11:20
dp44 :不過Jeff Karstens今年成績看起來還不錯 10/25 11:21
ktoaoeex :推土機! 10/25 12:27
renmin :記得兩三年前A-ROD陷入禁藥疑雲時Oswalt還曾痛罵他 10/25 17:26
willy0527 :推土機好阿!!! 10/25 17:59
prereality :剛剛不知道在哪看到推土機想要複數年合約耶 10/25 18:32
noahlin :推土機如果肯投的話拿個複數年不難吧 今年又不是報銷 10/25 19:26
BraveCattle :嗯,推土機曾罵過A-ROD,應該也不想來吧 10/25 19:44
yaoyi94 :結果簽樂透moyer (這樣拼嗎?) 10/25 20:38
krizarlid :搶推土機阿!!! 10/25 20:59
lovecmgirls :費城人的輪值真的爆強...連推土機都敢買斷XDDDD 10/25 23:38
cyhung1025 :費城人輪值每張都ACE等級的 丟一張出來也不為過 10/26 00:12
noahlin :費城人該去拿錢補打線了吧 輪值那麼豪華沒分數也白搭 10/26 00:27
meier0112 :推土機,痛痛風險,洋基要簽又要當凱子,算了吧 10/26 11:40
siliver :喔,不然有哪隻沒痛痛風險又有實力的投手可簽呢?? 10/26 17:14
※ 編輯: laperous 來自: (10/26 17:42)
au03vu3 :推土機合約買斷了 10/26 18:08
aloness :岩隈今年被玩掛了... 10/27 06:35