看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/yGLe ST. LOUIS -- Robinson Cano's effort to get his two club options deleted and a new deal hasn't penetrated the wax in the Yankees' ears. Cano's agent, Scott Boras, attempted to contact general manager Brian Cashman about re-doing Cano's deal and has been met with silence. "I called Cash to ask about dropping the options and he hasn't returned the call," Boras told The Post. The Yankees hold two options on the 29-year-old Cano for $14 million next season and $15 million for 2013. There are $2 million buyouts for both years. The options, which were part of a four-year deal worth $30 million signed by Cano when Boras didn't represent him, are a package deal and can't be split. Cano made $10 million this past season when many in the game say he developed into the best hitter in the American League by batting .302 with 28 homers and 118 RBIs. "I called Cash to ask about dropping the options and he hasn't returned the call," Boras told The Post. The Yankees hold two options on the 29-year-old Cano for $14 million next season and $15 million for 2013. There are $2 million buyouts for both years. The options, which were part of a four-year deal worth $30 million signed by Cano when Boras didn't represent him, are a package deal and can't be split. Cano made $10 million this past season when many in the game say he developed into the best hitter in the American League by batting .302 with 28 homers and 118 RBIs. Late in the season, manager Joe Girardi moved Cano from the fifth spot in the order to third against right-handers. It's not unreasonable to think that Girardi will install Cano as his No. 3 hitter next year against all hurlers and use the switch-hitting Mark Teixeira fifth. Even when Cashman gets back to Boras, and he will because Boras represents free agent outfielder Carlos Beltran, Boras shouldn't expect Cashman to void the option years on Cano. At $29 million for the next two years, Cano is the best bargain in baseball. 原文CC的部分省略不重述, Cano的部分,經紀人Boras打電話給現金人,想把Cano合約中的兩次選擇權拿掉, 但現金人目前還沒回應。 Cano現年29,2011年薪$10M,2012年薪水$14M,2013年$15M,買斷各$2M, Cano現在4年值$30M的約不是Boras簽的,當時他還不是Cano經紀人。 2012 & 2013薪$29M,可謂MLB最划算的選手。 XD PS: Beltran的經紀人也是Boras。 ===== http://ppt.cc/7sfs Soriano will not opt out ST. LOUIS -- If CC Sabathia opts out of his contract following the World Series he won't have company on the way through the door. According to Scott Boras, who represents reliever Rafael Soriano, his client isn't going to exercise the opt out clause in his three-year deal. "He adjusted to the [seventh- eighth-inning] role, liked being there with Mariano [Rivera] and he adjusted to New York City," Boras said of Soriano, who pitched much better after returning from an extended stay on the disabled list with right elbow inflammation. "The player is happy there." Soriano is scheduled to make $11 million next year and $14 million in 2013. There is a $1.5 million buyout for each year on a deal general manager Brian Cashman was against -- believing that was too much for a setup man. Boras praised the Yankees for essentially employing two closers in the same pen and predicted other teams -- Milwaukee used it in the second half of the season -- will copy. "I give the Yankees a lot of credit, they used the platform well," Boras said. "At first [clubs] will say we are overpaying. Then it's oh my [gosh], we are winning a lot of games." Even Soriano's injury helped because the Yankees moved David Robertson into the eighth-inning role where he excelled. When Soriano returned on most nights he pitched in front of Robertson. Before going on the disabled list from the middle of May until the end of June, Soriano's ERA was a bloated 5.79 ERA and he looked very uncomfortable in the Yankees' spotlight. After the elbow inflammation subsided, Soriano's ERA in the final two months was 3.48 and he fanned 24 batters in 23 1/3 innings. 又是Boras旗下的選手~ =.= Soriano不會行使選擇權~ (大家都知道好嗎?:P) Boras表示:Soriano適應紐約了,待在紐約很快樂,也喜歡和MO當隊友,他已適應7~8局 中繼角色。 Soriano的合約是2012年薪$11M,2013年薪$14M,每年都有$1.5M的選擇權,這也是現今人 反對的地方,認為以中繼角色來說太貴了。 Boras向洋基美言:把兩個終結者放牛棚,相信別隊也會複製(如釀酒人今年下半季)。 Soriano今年成績:五月中進DL前ERA5.79,當時非常不能適應紐約的鎂光燈,          手肘發炎復出後,最後兩個月ERA3.48,23又1/3局三振24個打者。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
siliver :拿掉喔??想得美!! 10/27 15:40
lsmking7219 :又不是傻子............. 10/27 15:42
tn00037166 :掛他電話 10/27 15:44
ganbaru :現金人:我先綁約圖的不就是這兩年嗎 10/27 15:55
waderu :神經病 (掛電話) 10/27 15:59
lahugh :現金人:沒空。 10/27 16:05
YHank :白痴才拿掉 10/27 16:05
l26921216 :Boras也懂裸照絕招? 10/27 16:09
DLCSEA :Boras:我也知道不可能拿掉阿 問問又不花錢XD 10/27 16:11
的確問問不花錢~ XD 且 他現在也還沒能從Cano身上賺到一毛錢。
j07242054 :拿掉? 10/27 16:21
johnjohn1330:球隊選擇權???這有沒拿掉都沒差吧NY怎麼可能丟CANO 10/27 16:58
richard1003 :14M的RP....... 10/27 17:06
DLCSEA :拿掉的意思是 直接跟洋基談新約吧 10/27 17:12
yuenwwjd :Sori 拿這麼多 當然過得很開心啊... 10/27 17:15
DLCSEA :Boras...連Sori都可以這樣講 還真是把洋基當凱子了 10/27 17:16
iammessiah :實在想不出現金人有甚麼理由答應 10/27 17:19
stja :XD 10/27 17:26
siliver :難怪現金人會反對這個約,大到誇張 =.=a 10/27 17:35
langeo :問一下又不會少一塊肉 10/27 17:48
bymee :現金人:我在吃飯 10/27 18:32
Valter :3.48 好像也算不上特別好... 10/27 18:36
TrueTears :那Boras應該簽他的客戶時要提供一些折扣阿 洋基買了 10/27 18:53
TrueTears :不少Boras的球員耶 XD 10/27 18:54
chancewen :為啥要拿掉XDDD 10/27 19:38
OoyaoO :同為Boras的客戶Manny倒是用很爛的招變相逼紅襪放棄 10/27 19:46
OoyaoO :放棄他的option 希望Cano別這樣搞 10/27 19:46
noahlin :不太可能像Manny那樣吧 那是要簽生涯最後一張約了 10/27 19:52
noahlin :Cano正值巔峰這樣搞只會把自己搞臭損身價 10/27 19:52
OoyaoO :Cano是洋基唯一在FA前就提前綁約的嗎? 10/27 19:55
OoyaoO :沒綁的話現在就準備進FA了 肯定也是平均20M的長約 10/27 19:55
noahlin :隊長當年也提早一年綁 Cano這種身手20M跑不掉吧 10/27 20:07
noahlin :現在20M越來越不值錢了 看隔壁怎麼花20M的 10/27 20:08
noahlin :如果考慮到經紀人是Boras的話 可能會簽到鐵爺那樣的 10/27 20:11
noahlin :約 10/27 20:12
GoldenWasabi:CANO搞臭自己?有成績哪怕沒身價 反正洋基也堅持就對 10/27 21:13
GoldenWasabi:千萬不要被BORAS唬住了 想想A-ROD事件 10/27 21:13
Cano 自己的說法:http://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=BryanHoch Robinson Cano on Feb. 20, about asking NYY for big extension: "I would never do that. Those are things that have to be their decision." Cano also said the reason for his move from Bobby Barad to Scott Boras was "not that I was thinking about a big contract or anything." Oh.
cloudyst :拿掉?再簽個7年1億的約 可以喔 10/27 22:16
notmuchmoney:Cano還是要簽長約綁下來 就看是今年或明年而已 10/27 22:23
noahlin :第一段就算了 第二段也太假了吧- -a 10/27 22:47
j07242054 :第二段超甲 10/27 23:32
bdmizar :現金人 : 先讓我搞定我自己再說吧.... 10/28 01:52
假設:A). 2012~2017, 100M/6yrs, 16.6M/yr,    B). 2012 $14M + 2015 $15M + 2014~2019, $120M/6yrs (假定自由市場價) 以GM立場來說,會給Cano哪一種?
OoyaoO :當然是第一種XD 10/28 02:06
OoyaoO :另外Cashman的新約應該會在WS完畢那幾天就宣佈 10/28 02:07
OoyaoO :如果Cano剩下兩年都打出差不多.300/28HR/100RBI的 10/28 02:08
OoyaoO :成績 那到了FA肯定不是120M/6Y就可以搞定的 10/28 02:09
laperous :嗯 Boras想拿掉Cano約的選擇權 應該就是想2012~2017 10/28 02:12
laperous :直接開$120M/6yrs吧...這樣他才有佣金可抽 XD 10/28 02:13
GoldenWasabi:A 那價碼簽不下來吧........ 10/28 09:45
zippy :A 應該是要等到Boras改吃素吧?!?! 10/28 10:19
RobinsonCano:靠 A就很好了 千長約比較有保障QQ 10/28 10:36
zippy :樓上本尊真這麼想??? Boras要的是又長又肥哦 10/28 10:48
FlyFreedom :個人覺得外國鄉民的話一點也不重要,我們需要的是正 10/28 16:57
FlyFreedom :確的外電報導 10/28 16:58
laperous :嗯 是不重要 那只是另一種思考方式...畢竟白紙黑字前 10/28 17:00
laperous :沒人知道約到底是甚麼...:) 10/28 17:00
FlyFreedom :我就明說吧,你的前標是外電,就不該加入閒聊的內容 10/28 17:07
FlyFreedom :這樣在[外電]底下,板友們會亂,精華區也不好收 10/28 17:07
laperous :了解。我修掉了。謝提醒。:) 10/28 17:08
※ 編輯: laperous 來自: (10/28 17:09)