看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bronxbaseballdaily.com/2011/10/8-yankees-become-free-agents/ Of these players, Marte is definitely not coming back. Posada is also likely to retire and it is hard to imagine Mitre comes back. The Yankees might not want Colon back after he wore down toward the end of the season, but if he is willing to agree to a non-guaranteed contract like he did last offseason it is possible he could be back. The Yankees would likely be willing to take the rest back. However they will all likely test the waters of free agency in an attempt to land either more money or more playing time elsewhere. The only one of the players who qualifies as a Type-A or Type-B free agent is Garcia, who is a Type-B. That means if the Yankees offer him arbitration and he declines, they could then get a draft pick if he signs else where. The rest do not qualify and it is doubtful the Yankees will offer any of them arbitration. Marte不可能回來,也很難想像Mitre會回來~ ((如果他真的回鍋,全民撻伐吧~ :P)) Posada應該可能會退休。 Colon因下半季續航力不振,洋基可能不會要他,不過如果Colon不介意再簽一次跟2011 一樣的約,洋基就可能要他回來。 其餘的四個洋基應該希望他們回來,不過他們很可能想去自由市場試下水溫,看能不能有 更大的約或更多的上場時間。 四個裡面只有Garcia是Type-B的自由球員,也就是說洋基如果給Garcia仲裁但他拒絕, 然後和別隊簽約,洋基就會拿到一個新秀。其他的三個沒有仲裁權,洋基也應該不可能給 。 ※ 引述《Tukiyomi (月讀)》之銘言: : http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2011/10/30/eight-yankees-become-free-agents/ : The MLB Players Union released the list of players who became free agents : today. It includes eight Yankees. : Luis Ayala : Eric Chavez : Bartolo Colon : Freddy Garcia : Andruw Jones : Damaso Marte : Sergio Mitre : Jorge Posada -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Baudelaire :Colon還是有可能回來的...他只需要多一點stem cell.. 10/31 07:15
Sechslee :Type B那段是說給仲裁但被拒絕,其他隊簽下他,我們 10/31 07:56
Sechslee :會多一個三明治。 10/31 07:56
wen8499 :樂透會一直買嗎? 10/31 08:03
laperous :嘻 我好像漏看了齁~ 給仲裁 他拒絕 they could then 10/31 08:03
laperous :get a draft pick 然後就能拿到draft pick 10/31 08:06
laperous :if he signs else where 如果他被其他隊簽走的話 10/31 08:07
※ 編輯: laperous 來自: (10/31 08:13)
j07242054 :Colon應該會有球隊願意給他大聯盟的保證約吧...... 10/31 09:40
leddy :其餘三個不是沒仲裁權, 是成績未達type B以上... 10/31 10:07
ccwu59 :Garcia給仲裁的話要多少? 10/31 10:10
ccpz :仲裁最少是前一年 70% 10/31 11:08
dp44 :Garcia應該會给仲裁吧 畢竟不貴 拒絕也有一個三明治 10/31 11:10
schatz8 :Posada退休吧 不想看到他到別隊穿別隊的球衣= = 10/31 12:38
noahlin :其餘三個給了也沒損失吧 今年都很便宜簽的啊 10/31 20:42
j07242054 :給了沒意思吧... 10/31 22:15
OoyaoO :問一下 仲裁最低是前一年的80% 這有包括激勵獎金嗎 10/31 22:20
j07242054 :含 10/31 22:33
GDBS :Garcia的獎金是30場先發=>3.6M,今年25場先發,不知 10/31 22:40
GDBS :會拿到多少? 等比例嗎? 這樣就是1.5M+3M=4.5M... 10/31 22:41
j07242054 :看起來像比例? 10/31 22:55
ckbaboon :最後不是說他們沒有仲裁權 是他們不在typeA.B 11/01 00:28
laperous :Garcia是Type-B,其他三個不具資格... 11/01 00:29
ckbaboon :所以他們也有仲裁權 只是給了沒什麼回報 不值得吧 11/01 06:43