看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/a96h Brian Cashman: Yankees Will Not Pursue Albert Pujols New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman joined the show to talk about the offseason and more. Dan asked if the Yankees are interested in Albert Pujols. Cashman said no. “Despite him being fantastic, it’s not an efficient way to allocate our resources,” Cashman said. Cashman said they won’t go after much on the offensive side of the ball. “ Offense is not an issue here,” Cashman said. “Our priority this offseason is pitching? Dan asked if they were interested in Rangers pitcher C.J. Wilson. “I don’t think it’s a stretch to tell anyone he’s the most attractive candidate,” Cashman said. 現金人:不會追Pujols,他很棒,但追他對球隊效益不大。 現金人還說:打擊方面不會做太多補強,進攻方面不是問題,季後首要務是投手(?) ((原文句末加個問號是有懸念嗎?=.=)) 主持人問:對CJ有興趣嗎? 現金人:CJ是讓人最有興趣的大物沒錯。 http://ppt.cc/Wzpm Yankees GM Brian Cashman clarifies remarks, says A.J. Burnett is in team's plans for next season Cashman says he used a bad choice of words by saying 'if' the righthander is on the team next year Brian Cashman typically chooses his words very carefully. Tuesday, that wasn't the case. During a conference call to announce his own new contract, Cashman began an answer about A.J. Burnett by saying, “If he’s with us, he’s in the rotation." While some interpreted that as a sign that Cashman was planning to deal the enigmatic righthander this winter, the general manager clarified himself Wednesday, saying that wasn’t the case at all. “I guess it was a bad choice of words,” Cashman said. “My intention wasn't to imply that we were looking to trade him. I tried to explain that for everybody that doesn’t have a full no-trade, I’m willing to be open-minded, listen and try to be creative. I’m trying to add to my rotation, so if I subtract from it, I’ll have to add even more.” Burnett is 34-35 with a 4.79 ERA in his three years with the Yankees, and that includes a 21-26 record and 5.20 ERA over the past two seasons. He’s 2-2 with a 5.08 ERA in seven postseason starts, although he did throw 5 2/3 innings of one-run ball in Game 4 against the Tigers last month to extend the AL division series to a decisive Game 5. “Even though he’s been inconsistent, he provides a lot of ability,” Cashman said. “He won one of our two playoff games (this year) and he’s not afraid of this environment. There’s something to be said for that.” There’s also something to be said for Burnett’s ability to stay healthy, something that hasn’t been an issue during his time in New York. Burnett has made 33, 33 and 32 starts in his three seasons, averaging 195 innings per season. With CC Sabathia re-signed to a new five-year deal, the Yankees have Sabathia, Burnett, Ivan Nova and Phil Hughes lined up for four of the five rotation spots. The Yankees will look to add at least one more starter this winter, although they could bring in more and create a competition for the spots in the back end of the rotation as they have in each of the past two seasons. “It would be hard for me to move him, because we need the innings,” Cashman said. “Subtracting from the rotation puts even more pressure on us to add to it. I won’t be shopping anybody, I can tell you that.” 現金人澄清說AJ下個球季還是會待洋基, 之前用"如果"來回答AJ明年是否續待洋基是說錯話。 事由是他星期二在新約記者會上回答說:如果AJ明年續待洋基,會當先發。 也就是因為那樣,有人解讀為現金人有計畫交易AJ, 因此星期三現金人自己澄清完全不是那麼一回事,只是選錯字,用錯詞, 他想表達的是沒有拒絕交易限制的每個選手,去留不設限。 他也說現在正在補強先發,如果去掉AJ,就要補更多先發。即使AJ表現不穩定,他還是有 些能耐的,他今年贏得季後賽兩勝中的一勝,且他不畏懼任何狀況。 再來就是AJ在洋基期間都很健康,AJ在洋基三個球季分別先發33, 33和32場,平均每一季 吃掉195局。 AJ在洋基三年成績:34勝35敗,ERA4.79 AJ2010和2011成績:21勝26敗,ERA5.20 AJ季後賽成績:七次先發,2勝2敗,ERA5.08。 今年ALDS和老虎第四場投了5又2/3局,失一分。((記憶猶新啊~~~)) 隨著CC五年約塵埃落定,洋基先發有CC, AJ, Nova和Hughes,今年冬天至少會再找一個先 發,當然也可以像過去兩個球季一樣,多找幾個先發後段輪值的替補。 現金人說:要他交易AJ很難,因為洋基需要吃局數的投手。先發名單去除AJ,先發補強會 更加吃緊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: laperous 來自: (11/06 03:15)
Minato :請問joba的狀況如何了?? 11/06 03:19
laperous :開TJ復原中不是嗎?預計明年春訓會看到他... 11/06 03:29
OoyaoO :輪值最後一格再來玩一次樂透好了 11/06 08:24
OoyaoO :不知道BenSheets復原狀況如何 11/06 08:24
dp44 :真希望看到CJ跟達比休 可惜格子跟銀彈有限:( 11/06 08:49
OoyaoO :我真的覺得除非CJ手是天生神力 不然簽個五年躺兩年的 11/06 09:00
OoyaoO :可能性滿高的 11/06 09:00
e5f6 :Despite him being fantastic,him應該改成his吧~ 11/06 09:18
waderu :依現金人一向的操作, 有可能是假消息 11/06 10:24
waderu :CJ假出價, 另追SP大物, 普神....會是口嫌體正直嗎? 11/06 10:25
PlusP :依過去經驗,當Cashman說的很肯定時,該標的物的其他 11/06 10:39
PlusP :競爭者皮就要繃緊一點XD 11/06 10:40
magicagar :可能追Burhle嗎@@ 他好穩.... 普神搞不好是聖誕禮XDD 11/06 12:09
magicagar : Buehrle 拼錯@@ 11/06 12:11
ckl1012 :AJ CJ 那有沒有BJ DJ阿XD 11/06 12:43
kofz :有BJ 在光芒 11/06 12:44
pipiann :當Cashman說不要的時候!!明年多一個火星人 11/06 13:18
trivant :DJ的話 想到一個音相近的..Dillon Gee..不過不太需要 11/06 13:23
trivant :這個 11/06 13:24
TrueTears :道奇之前有個D.J. Houlton 後來好像去日本打球了 11/06 13:38
Alexis0204 :我覺得現金人獎的蠻對的阿 真的不大需要去追普神吧 11/06 13:41
Alexis0204 : 講 11/06 13:41
Alexis0204 :比起普神我真的覺得先發先想辦法弄穩再說Orz 11/06 13:42
YAchine :老荷現在在軟銀 11/06 14:28
YAchine :老荷現在投得還不錯 但是節奏比日本還日本..... 11/06 14:29
stonemonkey :身為普飯的我蠻期待他換穿別隊制服的..反正他也幫紅 11/06 15:31
stonemonkey :鳥拿下WS了... 11/06 15:32
SKY760508 :洋基是真的沒有追火星人的需求 現在把投手顧好 11/06 16:32
SKY760508 :比較重要 11/06 16:33
nasa709 :洋基說不追就是要追的意思 11/06 18:15
kjug :寧願把簽普神的錢拿來砸C.J+達比修比較實在 11/06 18:50
kjug :尤其是達比修才25歲 雖在日職 卻是持續屠殺的表現 11/06 18:52
kjug :只是不知道要花多少才能簽到他 11/06 18:53
pkbrown :光AJ能健康投就要偷笑了.. 11/06 18:55
mightymouse :除非真的薪資無上限,不然簽普神實在不是聰明之舉 11/06 21:08
OoyaoO :達比的入札+薪水應該要超過100M吧 11/06 21:10
OoyaoO :CJ應該少說也會拿到AJ等級的合約 11/06 21:11
OoyaoO :如果是洋基要的話CJ的代價會比達比高 因為還要算豪華 11/06 21:13
OoyaoO :稅 另外TEX肯定會給CJ仲裁 所以要給賠償選秀籤 11/06 21:14
danny789 :"CJ是讓人最有興趣的大物沒錯"感覺是說給別隊聽的XD 11/07 08:04
azlbf :請問o大 追達爾的100M不算在豪華稅嗎? 還是只算薪資 11/07 11:38
laperous :簽達比修不影響豪華稅 也不會影響選秀權 :) 11/07 12:24
maydaychi :喊西街是為了放給隔壁去簽得一條餌.... 11/07 12:29
GDBS :入札金不算入Payroll自然不算豪華稅,薪資還是要算 11/07 21:16