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Damon's quest for 3,000 hits keeping Yankees at bay 大門衝擊三千 洋基敬謝不敏 http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/yankees/forget_about_hit_LhWK6fOBqWp9dNKqr6pP5M The Yankees want a lefty-swinging designated hitter. Johnny Damon — New York and championship proven — is available. His agent, Scott Boras, insists “this is not a dollar decision.” 洋基想要一隻左打的DH。經歷過紐約和總冠軍洗禮的大門是可用的人選。他的經紀人Boras 表示:「問題不是在錢」。 At first look, Damon would appear the best fit, especially since he has retained enough athleticism to remain a threat on the bases. Yet he hardly appears the priority, falling behind at least Raul Ibanez on the wish list. 乍看之下,大門是最佳解。他的體力仍足夠在壘上造成威脅。然而事實上,大門的順位不如 想像中的好,至少不如一把奶子來得好。 There might be 3,000 reasons why. 理由和三千有關。 Damon has done nothing in recent years to hide his obsession with reaching 3,000 hits, in part because he believes it will elevate his Hall-of-Fame chances. He is just 277 hits shy of the milestone. 近年來,大門毫不隱瞞地表現出他對三千安的執念。目前大門只差277安就能達成三千安。 這項壯舉能夠提高他進名人堂的機會。 However, executives from three teams that had interest in Damon expressed concerns a fixation with 3,000 has diminished an attribute that greatly contributed to the perception of Damon as a winning player: patient, tough at-bats. And statistics appear to confirm the criticism. 大門被看好的原因在於他打擊時耐心又難纏。然而,日前對大門有興趣的三個隊伍都擔心 :「他會不會顧著追求三千安而抹煞自己的打擊優點?」統計數字看來證明了這一點。 Damon’s batting average dropped 10 points from 2010 to 2011, but his on-base average fell a more dramatic 29 points to .326 from .355 — his career average entering last year. His walk percentage fell to 7.9 per 100 plate appearances after he had averaged 10.7 over the previous five years, never falling below 10.0. 2010到2011年間,大門的打擊率下降了一個百分點,但他的上壘率更下降了2.9個百分點。 去年他的上壘率已經跌破生涯平均,保送次數也掉到7.9次/100 PA。在這之前的五年,他 的平均保送次數是10.7次/100 PA,而且從沒跌破10次過。 And the detailed data at Fangraphs.com shows in 2011 Damon was chasing a far greater amount of pitches out of the strike zone, and pitchers noticed because they responded by throwing fewer strikes. Fangraphs提供的數據更證實,2011年的大門追打了很多壞球。投手們看來也發現了這點, 因而降低了對他投出的好球數。 Damon, historically a disciplined hitter, swung at 31.3 percent of pitches out of the strike zone. That was, by far, his worst mark for the 10 years Fangraphs has tracked the stat and marked the third straight year he incurred a significant increase. There is a belief he is trying to raise his hit totals to draw closer to 3,000 and it is coming at the expense of those tough, patient at-bats. 大門曾是一位有紀律的打者。然而,他去年揮擊了31.3%的壞球。根據Fangraphs近10年的 記錄,大門這三年的壞球揮擊比率顯著地增加,以今年表現最差。這可能是他為了衝擊三 千安,而拋棄耐心、難纏打擊風格的證據。 When asked about this via text message, Damon wrote: “I think the OBP (on-base percentage) went down because in 2011 I felt like there were tough calls on me so I was a little more aggressive. I liked the results with production better because of it.” 面對簡訊的詢問,大門如此回答:「2011年我覺得判決常對我不利,所以為了成績揮棒變 得比較積極,OBP才會掉的。」 Some executives also are worried Damon, historically a positive clubhouse influence, would grow unhappy if he did not get the kind of full-time at-bats he needs if he is going to reach 3,000 hits by the end of next season. 某些高層也擔心曾是clubhouse氣氛帶動者的大門,可能會因為沒辦法全職打擊衝擊三千安 而整個low掉。 The Yankees’ job opening is mainly to be the DH against righty pitching. Against lefties the Yankees mainly envision putting Andruw Jones in the outfield, using Eduardo Nunez at either short or third, and DHing Derek Jeter or Alex Rodriguez. 目前洋基主要是缺對付右投的DH。面對左投手時,應該會把安豬放在外野,E哥丟到SS或3B ,然後讓阿肉或隊長打DH。 Damon, like ex-Yankee Hideki Matsui, who also is available, performed better against lefties than righties. Ibanez, meanwhile, had a .747 OPS vs. righties in 2011, nothing special but better than Damon’s .715 and Matsui’s .654. The righty-hitting Vladimir Guerrero, also a free agent, had a .743 OPS vs. righties. 大門和松井一樣,打左投打得比右投好。一把奶子在2011年對右投的OPS是.747,比大門的 .715和松井的.654還要好。目前也是 FA 的右打 V. Guerrero 對右投的OPS則為.743。 For what it is worth, the now-retired Jorge Posada had an .814 OPS vs. righties in 2011. 現已退休的齁黑對右打的OPS則有.814。 The Yankees are looking to finalize this decision before camp opens Sunday. However, nothing will be done with the DH until the A.J. Burnett trade negotiations are complete because the Yankees have to make sure they do not obtain a DH in such a deal. 洋基希望能在禮拜天訓練營開始前搞定DH。然而,目前還要等看看AJ的交易是否能換到DH。 In all likelihood, the Yankees will send Burnett and about $20 million of the $33 million he is owed over the next two seasons to the Pirates for two middle-rung prospects. If that trade is finalized, the Yankees will look to re-sign Eric Chavez as a backup for A-Rod and add a DH, with Ibanez appearing the leading candidate. 目前洋基最有可能的動作是送走還有兩年約的AJ,吃下他33M薪水中的20M,並從海盜那邊 拿回兩個中等的prospect。如果這筆交易成立,洋基就會簽下 Chavez 來當阿肉的後備, 並且再買一個DH。目前的優先人選看來是一把奶子。 But I was told at least one Burnett trade scenario would return a lefty-swinging DH type. The Indians, for example, could trade Travis Hafner. Between 2012 salary and a 2013 buyout, Hafner is owed $15.75 million, so by taking on that burden the Yankees would have to eat less of Burnett’s actual salary. In addition, Hafner had an .886 OPS vs. righties last season, second in the AL to David Ortiz among DHs. 不過據報,洋基還有機會AJ交易案中獲得DH。以笑臉人的Travis Hafner為例,他明年的薪 水加2013年 buyout 總共要價 15.75M 。如果笑臉人和洋基達成交易,洋基吃AJ的薪水可 能就不需要吃那麼多。Hafner上季對右投OPS ,886,是美聯DH第二名,僅次於老爹。 The Yankees also had talked to, for example, the Pirates about a lower-cost lefty-DH type such as Garrett Jones, though that move is unlikely. 洋基也曾向海盜徵詢較廉價的的左打DH(如Garrett Jones),不過這筆交易不大可能成立。 For now, the Yankees look as if they will purchase a lefty-swinging DH on the free-agent market and — unless there is a change in strategy — Damon’s hunt for 3,000 will have to continue somewhere else. 目前洋基仍應該會在FA市場找左打DH。如果既定策略不變,大門恐怕要去找其他地方圓他的 三千夢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AvriLavigne :感謝分享 翻譯辛苦了 02/15 00:00
everykid :推!! 02/15 00:08
GDBS :推! 02/15 00:11
pkbrown :推!! 02/15 00:15
jonnydamon :嗚嗚.... 02/15 01:10
KusoPvt :再怎樣Damon去年打的還是比Ibanez好的多... 02/15 01:19
prereality :可是兩者比起來椰子是被上半季大低潮拖累成績 02/15 01:28
prereality :大門是整季差不多就那樣 02/15 01:28
prereality :(私心比較想要松井XD) 02/15 01:29
balance621 :看來還是Posada復出最好 XD 02/15 01:31
prostitute :大門比奶子好一點吧 腿長一點...忘不了09WS鬼之切入 02/15 03:50
chancewen :大門跟松井都可接受:D 02/15 09:34
danny789 :個人很喜歡Chavez 02/15 12:32
argie :The Hafner for Burnett deal is no longer on the 02/15 13:17
argie :table. http://0rz.tw/KAsgu 02/15 13:18
yeeh :會不會搞到最後拿AJ跟Royals換 02/15 23:20
BImmY :辛苦翻譯推~!! 02/17 05:04
kimeabsolute:本來要拿AJ去換天使的Abreu 02/17 08:44
kimeabsolute:但是LAA在AJ的 no trade clasue裡, 失敗 02/17 08:45
YAchine :現在要找回原鑽石打線陣容? 02/17 12:28
white75724 :大門那個理由也太牽強了 看來是真的被三千安迷惑了 02/17 16:49