看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yankees could save $15M with Burnett trade to Pirates 若將AJ交易到海盜隊,洋基(最多)可省下15M http://0rz.tw/Iw151 According to multiple sources, the Yankees and Pirates are nearing a deal that would send A.J. Burnett to the Pirates for two marginal prospects. Pittsburgh would absorb $13 million to $15 million of the $33 million Burnett is owed this season and next. 根據多方消息指出,洋基和海盜即將達成交易:AJ去海盜,洋基拿到兩隻雜魚,海盜幫忙 吃掉AJ未來兩年薪資(33M)的13-15M。 "It will happen this weekend," a person familiar with the deal predicted. "Probably Saturday." 某熟知交易內情的人士透露:「交易在這周末就會完成,可能是星期六。」 The Pirates initially offered to pay $10 million, but the Yankees then demanded a significant prospect if they were going to pick up $23 million for a pitcher not on their team. 海盜隊本來提出10M的價碼。但洋基表示,在這個價碼下,自己就要為一位不在隊上的投手 付出23M,因此要求海盜另給一個具影響力的prospect。 Signed to a five-year deal worth $82.5 million after the 2008 season, Burnett helped the Yankees win the World Series in 2009 when the right-hander went 13-9 with a 4.04 ERA in 33 games and won a World Series game. AJ在2008年球季結束後和洋基簽下一紙82.5M的合約,並在2009年的33場先發中,投出13勝 9敗、4.04 ERA的成績。此外,還獲得一場世界大賽的勝投。 However, the 35-year-old struggled the past two seasons and the Yankees targeted moving him after last year in order to trim payroll. In three Yankees seasons, Burnett was 34-35 with a 4.79 ERA in 99 games (98) starts and averaged 194 2/3 innings a season. 然而,這位35歲的投手在前兩季表現差強人意,因此洋基去年就準備交易他,以便砍薪資。 AJ在洋基三季投了99場比賽,繳出34勝35敗、4.79 ERA的成績,每季平均投194 2/3局。 Because the Yankees have been shopping Burnett since early December, the feeling in the organization is that it would be awkward for each side to have him report Sunday and work out Monday, the first day of pitchers and catchers in spring training at George M. Steinbrenner Field. 洋基從12月初就已經在尋求脫手AJ。如果還讓他禮拜天登錄,禮拜一參加Steinbrenner球 場的投捕春訓,球員球隊兩方似乎都會有些尷尬。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
richard1003 :為了倒掉AJ還要送prospect..... 02/17 14:59
argie :Sorry 翻得不好讓讀者誤會||b 02/17 15:03
※ 編輯: argie 來自: (02/17 15:09)
AvriLavigne :唉 滿喜歡AJ的說,不過09有拿到戒指也算圓夢了 02/17 15:17
away01231259:唉 我喜歡AJ的投球姿勢 02/17 15:19
wen8499 :辛苦翻譯!讚 02/17 15:32
linmelissa :AJ......QQ 02/17 16:33
decorum :AJ大概要Doc當baby-sitter才投得殺吧 02/17 16:45
accjm2440 :AJ謝謝你幫我們拿一座冠軍 02/17 16:52
tadakichi :蠻喜歡AJ的,投球很豪邁,被打出去也很豪邁..囧 02/17 17:12
Alexander13 :AJ,3Q~ 02/17 17:56
blunt2005 :最喜歡的投手~~~ 02/17 18:32
Valter :AJ個性很不錯 還是會有點捨不得... 02/17 18:33
waderu :AJ走了 以後誰負責砸派!? 02/17 18:40
kiuo :列入交接事項 02/17 20:28
Atropos0723 :橫看豎看AJ成績都不錯啊......只是貴了點 02/17 20:57
ohmyya :霸氣投手 帥 02/17 20:58
awayi :貴了好幾點.... 02/17 21:34
appshjkli :不錯是哪個標準XD 02/17 21:49
lawrance0618:(最多)只能省15m?? 所以豪華稅照算?? 02/17 21:58
kusoeni :以4.5號的成績來看還算不錯 不過薪資就不敢恭維.. 02/17 22:03
keroro01 :表現差沒辦法 怨不得球隊 02/17 22:07
OoyaoO :貴了滿多點的 能吃局數ERA+85 16.5M太貴了 02/17 23:13
sycstyle :AJ 03年有拿過戒指吧 02/17 23:51
linmelissa :樓上 我剛查過似乎沒有@@ 02/18 00:04
Valter :有吧 只是那年受傷未能出席季後賽 02/18 00:06
Valter :所以09年時常常說希望在有實際付出的情況下拿到戒指 02/18 00:07
kiuo :03他有出賽,怎麼會沒有,他還說那枚冠軍戒設計的很奇 02/18 00:10
kiuo :怪,所以拿到後就收起來了 02/18 00:10
linmelissa :喔,是季後賽沒出場,可是也有拿到戒指嗎@@? 02/18 00:13
ZMTL :戒指這種東西一般是球團爽分給多少人就分給多少人吧 02/18 01:42
littlecula :AJ有幫我們拿到冠軍戒指我覺得這就夠了!!! 02/18 02:00