看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cashman: Yankees didn’t try to win AL East in 2010 $man:洋基在2010球季無意爭取美東龍頭 http://0rz.tw/WOlYb You remember 2010, don’t you? That was the September that the Yankees seemed to be trotting out guys like Royce Ring, Dustin Moseley, Chad Gaudin and Jonathan Albaladejo with regularity, seeming to take their foot off the gas pedal while the Rays rolled to the American League East title. 還記得2010年嗎?該年九月洋基穩定地讓 Royce Ring、Dustin Moseley、Chad Gaudin、 Jonathan Albaladejo 上場,似乎是放棄了龍頭之戰,讓光芒隊扶搖直上奪得美東冠軍。 The resulting tailspin left some players scratching their heads. As Andy Pettitte said, late in what would be his final big league season: “I know it’s been irritating for me. It’s just like, ‘What are we doing here?’ This game’s not easy, we’re trying to win. That’s all there is to it.” 洋基的一蹶不振讓許多球員丈二金剛摸不著頭緒。在該年退休的派派在季末曾說:「我覺 得這讓我蠻生氣的。我想問:『我們到底在幹麻?』棒球不該是隨便打打,應該要試著贏 球。這不就是棒球的真義嗎?」 Well, there was more to it, as Brian Cashman admitted on Sunday. The Yankees didn’t care if they finished first, hoping instead to get healthy for a strong run to repeat as World Series champions. Cashman explained why, saying how a second Wild Card will be good for the game. 現金人在禮拜天承認這樣做別有用意。洋基隊當時並不在意能不能拔得頭籌,而是想儘量 維持健康以便再度衝擊世界冠軍。現金人對此現象做出了解釋,並說現在第二張外卡的制 度對棒球有正面影響。 “We conceded the division two years ago because of the previous setup,” Cashman said. “I’m not taking away from Tampa Bay’s Eastern Division title, but we didn’t try to win the division. We tried to line ourselves up for the playoffs and that worked. We wound up sweeping Minnesota and going to play the Texas Rangers two years ago because we got our guys healthy and ready to go.” 「我們前年因為賽制的關係放棄了美東冠軍。我並不是否定光芒隊的冠軍頭銜,但我們真 的沒有想去贏得這個位置。我們希望能整頓球隊陣容,做好季後賽的準備。這個策略成功 了。我們的球員健康且準備充分,因此掃了雙城,前進和條子大戰。」 It has been proposed that baseball will add a second Wild Card to each league that would most likely include a one-game playoff to enter the Division Series, thus creating more incentive for teams to pursue their divisions. 今年各聯盟的外卡會增加一張。在分區系列賽(Division Series)開打前,會打一場季後賽 決定戰。因此,各球隊將會更熱衷於爭取分區龍頭。 “The division title, the way that Wild Card situation was sitting, was rendered meaningless the way the setup was,” Cashman said. “It rendered whether you were a Wild Card or a division champ, it really meant nothing more than a t-shirt and a hat. That was the reality of the circumstance.” 現金人說:「舊的外卡制度使分區冠軍變得沒有意義。外卡跟分區冠軍的差別只在有沒有 新T-shirt可穿、新帽子可戴。事實就是如此。」 Cashman said that Major League Baseball took notice as teams were resting players and lining them up for the playoffs, noting that September games weren’t as meaningful as they could be — and perhaps, will soon be again. 現金人表示,大聯盟當局也發現球員在九月休養生息、準備季後賽的現象。此現象也使九 月份比賽失去了應有的意義。在新制度下,或許這些比賽能夠恢復生機。 “Bud Selig did a remarkable thing adding the wild card and I think he’s now doing another remarkable thing by enhancing the playoff push,” Cashman said. “It’s going to create a lot of buzz and excitement and meaningful games deeper into the season, as it should be. It certainly brings back the importance of being a division winner again.” 「Selig當年引入外卡制度是個創舉。今年他對季後賽門票規則的改變也不惶多讓。這項改 變會讓比賽更具話題性、刺激感、及實質意義。爭取分區冠軍將會顯得無比重要。」 ---- 李組長眉頭一皺,發現事情並不單純。 Bud Selig: 工商服務時間錯了嗎XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: argie 來自: (02/20 10:10)
wen8499 :給推! 02/20 12:22
lavigneA :看到帳號就先推了 威哥 02/20 14:47
Alexander13 :^^ 02/20 21:29
bertkuan :推!!! 02/21 08:32
beckerham : 02/21 10:29