看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yankees' Levine: We're still planning for Cano/Granderson in pinstripes TAMPA -- Seeking to diffuse any notion that the Yankees won't be able to retain their biggest stars and perhaps suffer a major talent deficit in 2014 when a payroll cut is planned, team president Randy Levine said, "The plan contemplates (Robinson) Cano, (Curtis) Granderson and a full championship team.'' The Yankees have said they plan to decrease their payroll from the low $200 millions to below $189 million to get below the luxury-tax threshhold for 2012, thus significantly reducing their tax rate in future years and saving themselces tens of millions. With that in mind, some folks are starting to do their own little math and wondering how many stars can be retained considering the Yankees will still have three $20-million-plus per-year players (Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira and CC Sabathia) on the payroll in 2014, leaving themselves about $120 million to fill out the other 22 spots on the team. With the contracts of Cano and Granderson up after 2013, folks specifically have wondered how the Yankees will squeeze those two big stars onto their payroll. But Yankees people remain confident publicly they can do that and remain a contender. "We'll have a great team either way,'' GM Brian Cashman said. "At $189 million, we should,'' The Yankees say they will not entertain the idea of going above the $189-million threshhold and are committed to getting below that figure. "The new Basic Agreement has changed the landscape,'' Cashman said. "From a business perspective, we have no choice. Do you want to go over $1 million at the expense of an additional $50 million? We're going to be at or below that ($189 million) number. We will certainly find a way to do it.'' Beyond Cano and Granderson, who have a chance to make it five $20-million-a-year players on their roster, there's a question as to whether they could even entertain the idea of playing for a marquee free agent this winter such as Matt Cain or Cole Hamels. Asked if their new plan of reduction makes that more difficult, Cashman responded, "We'll just have to see how it plays out.'' He isn't ruling out outside stars entirely. "It's possible, as long as it adds up,'' Cashman said. "Anything's possible.'' Meantime, Cashman isn't feeling sorry for himself. He mentioned how they have consistently been the top-spending team in recent years, so there's no room for complaint. Cashman said, We're appreciative of the fact we're able to spend that much.'' http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/blog/jon-heyman/17709790/yankees-levine-were-still-planning-for-canogranderson-in-pinstripes 2014的時候光 A-Rod + Teix +CC 就佔去了75.125MM 真的要壓在 $189M以下就只有大概 $113M 的空間給其他球員分 Cano的經紀人是Boras 肯定會幫他要個接近平均20M/Y的合約 Grandy到時的年紀應該是拼生涯最後一張大約 2014年Pineda跟Nova開始Arb Gardner跟Robertson都是第二次Arb 到時真的能不超過$189M嗎~? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noahlin :其他有錢的隊伍過去五年payroll幾乎都大幅增加 03/11 16:55
noahlin :只有我們家在砍預算...Cano是自家養的一定要留啊 03/11 16:56
noahlin :Granderson太貴的話就算了吧 03/11 16:57
noahlin :腿弟也可以守CF 簽打擊差不多的LF比較便宜一點 03/11 16:58
OoyaoO :Cano應該會拿到二壘手最大合約 03/11 17:14
nickyang :變數還很多,cap不是只有NYY有,其他隊一樣會怕 03/11 17:43
nickyang :SP/野手的Arb不是什麼大問題,$man過去不給新秀長約 03/11 17:44
nickyang :現在沒錢了他應該會改變。更正:新秀投手長約 03/11 17:44
nickyang :不過可以預期的是搶劫的交易這幾年不會出現了 03/11 17:46
j07242054 :豪華稅問題有點大 我們砍預算是因為已經超過了 03/11 18:01
linmelissa :到時真的會跟說的一樣嗎......? 03/11 18:06
OoyaoO :今年年底如果那三隻大咖SP有人進FA就知道是不是真的 03/11 18:09
shineyoung :有沒有可能用Cano,Granderson去搶別隊農場呢? XDD 03/11 18:50
kiuo :拿明星球員去換農場...NYY又不是小市場球隊 03/11 18:59
ganbaru :要減少預算有時候也得換吧....如果Cano提個一年25M之 03/11 19:05
ganbaru :類的合約...簽不下來就只好換出去 03/11 19:05
dp44 :不得不說A-ROD那約太大張了 03/11 19:10
Alexander13 :感覺洋基會比較傾向留Cano 就算到時候約很大... 03/11 19:28
AvriLavigne :到時候再說 03/11 19:36
nickyang :sign & trade在MLB沒有意義 03/11 19:40
nickyang :問題不在小市場與否,問題在有沒有競爭力,只要Teix 03/11 19:42
nickyang :跟CC這些長約球員還能打,Cano就沒有換走的道理 03/11 19:42
nickyang :會這樣想通常是被NBA的交易方式影響太深了,MLB沒有 03/11 19:43
nickyang :那麼多那麼複雜的簽人限制,到期約是不值錢的 03/11 19:44
bjazz7578 :Cano一定要留,現在市場上power夠力的選擇真的不多 03/11 19:59
joe0726 :A-Rod的10年約真是卡死了我們的預算... 03/11 20:29
mightymouse :在core 4後Cano幾乎是僅存的血統純正的明星了,一定留 03/11 21:12
kevin340332 :Cano Gardner Nova Robertson -> The New Core4 03/11 21:38
ImpactBlue :A-Rod那張約甩不掉的情況下 Granderson有可能被捨棄 03/11 22:07
ImpactBlue :Cano是一定要留的 03/11 22:08
ImpactBlue :我是幻想A-Rod自己減薪 讓大家留下來啦..... 03/11 22:12
kiuo :想太多...MLB沒在搞降價讓球隊簽人這招 03/11 22:16
ImpactBlue :那就沒辦法啦 祝福今年A-Rod打出身價來 03/11 22:33
ImpactBlue :不然可能得做出心痛的決定 03/11 22:34
dp44 :會不留Grandy嗎? 有手套有棒子有腿 去哪裡找 03/11 22:40
dp44 :Jeter約14年結束 MO約今年結束 SORI約13年 03/11 23:07
dp44 :雖然我希望MO能一直投下去... 03/11 23:07
sylviehsiang:30M的合約應該要80HR 200RBI 300H 03/11 23:21
ImpactBlue :我考量是基於內野和投手 找不到誰可以開刀擠薪資 03/11 23:39
ImpactBlue :所以就從外野找 那就是Grandy和Swisher 03/11 23:41
ImpactBlue :如果Grandy能複製去年的表現 當然高層會傾向於簽下 03/11 23:42
ImpactBlue :如果說被三振避免雙殺是好事 那他去年被SO了169次 03/11 23:45
ImpactBlue :只要他續約不要開太高價 或許MO退休所擠出來的空間 03/11 23:47
ImpactBlue :足以保有現在的外野陣容 因為正妹也滿健康出賽的 03/11 23:47
ImpactBlue :A-Rod的要求 每年穩定出賽&100+ RBI 就還不算太傷 03/11 23:49
ImpactBlue :今年這關要是擠不過 也等不到Sori的約結束了 03/11 23:50
shineyoung :之前A-Rod跳出合約,害得無法再讓遊騎兵幫忙負擔一些 03/11 23:58
shineyoung :當他找不到球隊願意給更高薪水後再回洋基,球隊又佛心 03/12 00:00
shineyoung :所以當他被爆那些料後,對洋基是真的很受傷... 03/12 00:01
Gwendaline :一年30M只有咱們這種凱字隊付得起 一想到就不爽 03/12 00:06
danny789 :當初A-Rod簽長約應該就有考慮過後面幾年的問題了吧? 03/12 10:34
GoldenWasabi:當初還有預期A-ROD要破HR紀錄的效應 結果竟然發生* 03/12 11:25
GoldenWasabi:不過以A-ROD有辦法在全世界都被戰 這樣也值得啦~~~~ 03/12 11:26
asd25 :我要GrandyQ_Q 03/12 12:25
DaLanPa5566 :老闆:$man說要砍預算,我有說要砍嘛? 可以這樣嗎? 03/12 12:48
cyhung1025 :有預算可以 可是球員還是要簽阿~~~~ 03/12 13:35
jayin07 :拿來戰A-Rod真的很無聊 03/12 16:34
jayin07 :當初我們能拿到最好的3B叫做Joe Crede 要不要看看 03/12 16:35
jayin07 :他現在在哪裡 03/12 16:35
jayin07 :難不成當初真的要簽Aaron Boone? 03/12 16:35
jayin07 :這幾年先發已經夠鳥了,看看少了A-Rod能不能進 03/12 16:36
jayin07 :post-season啊 03/12 16:37
jayin07 :你想要降價還得問MLBPA同不同意 03/12 16:38
jayin07 :雖說年年都在拼命省錢 03/12 16:39
jayin07 :但是有趣的是 當FA出現好東西的時候 03/12 16:39
OoyaoO :ARod那張值得討論的是10年這部份 平均年薪沒啥好說的 03/12 16:39
jayin07 :Hal Steinbrenner都放話"為了某某人我們可以多花點" 03/12 16:40
OoyaoO :他那時候是健康寶寶+全能的強+穩定+合約年爆發 03/12 16:40
jayin07 :當初Matt Holliday就曾經這樣放話 03/12 16:40
shineyoung :是專指那回跳脫合約的事件 變成洋基要負擔全部薪水XD 03/12 18:55
ImpactBlue :今年底還是要把薪資空間擠出來 到7/31還有很多時間想 03/12 19:26
j07242054 :打出那種成績怎麼可能不跳.... 03/12 20:04