看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛逛官網看到的: Levine: Yanks have 'no intention' of trading Gardner http://ppt.cc/2TqS Yankees general manager Brian Cashman made it clear at the Winter Meetings that he wasn't shopping around Brett Gardner, and team president Randy Levine took it a step further Sunday morning by saying New York has "absolutely no intention" of trading the speedy outfielder. "We think he's going to be on the roster," Levine said on ESPN Radio's The Ian O'Connor Show. "One of the reasons the baseball people signed Jacoby Ellsbury is the two of them together present a tremendous dynamic one-two or nine-one, whatever Joe Girardi decides to write in at the top of the lineup. "One will play left, one will play center, and it's a tremendous defensive situation. So no, there's absolutely no intention to move Brett Gardner. We get inquiries about every single one of our players all the time, [Cashman] listens, but there's no attempt here to trade or move Brett Gardner." Gardner has been the subject of several trade rumors since the Yankees signed Ellsbury. At the Winter Meetings last week, Cashman said the Yankees "have an obligation to hear what anybody's interest happens to be, but we're not shopping Gardy." In other words, they're not shopping him, but they'll listen to any calls that come their way. The speculation makes sense, to a certain extent. The 30-year-old Gardner, expected to make between $4 million and $5 million in arbitration before becoming a free agent next offseason, is an affordable option for clubs looking for outfield help, and the Yankees need to find solutions at second and third base while improving their starting rotation and bullpen. "We have a couple of big question marks," Levine said on ESPN Radio when asked directly about his starting rotation. "I think we'll be fine, but judge us by the time we get to the bell in April." In the same interview, Levine said the Yankees are planning on having Alex Rodriguez in their lineup on Opening Day. The third baseman was served with a 211-game suspension for his involvement with the now-shuttered Biogenesis clinic, and his fate should be decided by arbitrator Fredric Horowitz next month. "From our planning purposes, we have Alex Rodriguez in our budget as is if he will be playing," Levine said. "And that's the way it will be until there's a change of circumstance. As we sit here today there is no change of circumstance as of yet. "We're planning to have Alex Rodriguez play third base from a financial point of view, but we always have contingencies. Our presumption is that he's going to be here for the Yankees playing third base until we hear anything else. His money is in the budget." ============================================================================= Gardner看來明年還會留在陣中,開心~ 另外也提到了A-Rod還是目前3B的表定人選 這是暗示著大聯盟主席強勢主導的禁賽被A-Rod打臉了嗎? 真想快點知道後續呀~~~ 下個月應該就能知道要不要上聯邦法庭了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Scape 來自: (12/16 12:28) ※ 編輯: Scape 來自: (12/16 12:29)
azlbf :推,不過最後一段好像只是官方說詞? 12/16 12:34
madaux :A-rod不會被禁賽的機率有沒有50%以上? 12/16 12:44
個人是支持A-Rod的,畢竟一次就禁200場以上於理不合 就算裁判官這關沒過,也還能告上聯邦法庭 而且就各種消息看來,大聯盟取得證據的方式似乎有些問題 所以開季就禁賽個人覺得機會不大 到最後若真的還要禁賽的話,幅度應該也會比214場少的多 ※ 編輯: Scape 來自: (12/16 12:53)
SNSD999 :Arod能出賽的話 Kelly Johnson扛二壘嗎 @@ 12/16 12:48
SNSD999 :不過外野手有六個耶 真的太多了啦 >< 12/16 12:49
GoldenWasabi:KJ扛2B也OK啦 反正我們也給開羅扛過 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/16 12:54
GoldenWasabi:A-ROD還在的話 打線這樣也不會太差 12/16 12:54
Tukiyomi :場面話而已不要當真 12/16 12:59
m50blue :難說下一篇就是他被交易... XD 12/16 13:00
唉呀,不要這樣嘛 我很想看到腿弟留在洋基打出好成績來~ 穩定出賽不要受傷,然後挑戰一年200H 50SB
crazyman7011:2B沒選擇了 外野好擠啊 12/16 13:00
※ 編輯: Scape 來自: (12/16 13:09)
GoldenWasabi:如果沒有好的方案 就好好追投手吧 12/16 13:06
nickyang :這種聽聽就好 12/16 13:14
nickyang :KJ守二壘的問題不是棒子,是他守得比林宗男還爛 12/16 13:15
nickyang :FO拚命找滾球投手結果二游擺Jeter跟KJ的話真的很悲劇 12/16 13:18
Tukiyomi :Levine只會講兩種話,場面話、蠢話 12/16 13:26
nickyang :Mike Trout表示: 12/16 13:29
Nakata0911 :其實制服組發現二遊的洞已經沒救 只能加強中外了 12/16 13:32
GoldenWasabi:這樣Gardner只能去站10號了 12/16 13:34
SNSD999 :沒辦法啊 不換Phillips Infante又搶輸人家 還有誰可 12/16 13:37
SNSD999 :可守二壘 Ellis也被簽走 好像真的沒人了 = = 12/16 13:39
Tukiyomi :有一種東西叫交易,不是只有FA才能補洞 12/16 13:40
SNSD999 :交易我們的農場又換不到啥好物二壘手 >_< 12/16 13:45
Tukiyomi :好物誰要換給你? 12/16 13:49
SNSD999 :所以八成就是給KJ守了 比他好的應該也換不到 12/16 13:51
GoldenWasabi:看紅人可不可以再送個RP之類的吧 不然真的還好...... 12/16 13:53
appshjkli :堪用就好了,不要把Cano的火力當基準 12/16 13:53
GoldenWasabi:覺得2B是洞大概是因為跟CANO比較吧 12/16 13:53
Tukiyomi :比Kelly Johnson好的就算好物? 這標準有點低欸 XD 12/16 13:54
Tukiyomi :I love Danny Espinosa,但國民不想賣在低點 12/16 13:54
appshjkli :人家不想賣 GG 12/16 13:55
Tukiyomi :Brandon Phillips合約長很醜,又愛放炮 12/16 13:57
GoldenWasabi:頭都洗了 Gardner勢必要交易出去 但不用限定2B 12/16 13:58
Tukiyomi :成績每年都在下降,他NTC裡有NYY 12/16 13:58
Tukiyomi :誰告訴你Gardner非得換2B? 12/16 13:59
Tukiyomi :只要補得了強的都可以換啊 12/16 13:59
SNSD999 :Gardner便宜好用 就算進FA也不至於太貴 希望不要換掉 12/16 14:02
Tukiyomi :Michael Bourn 4y/48M,Gardner可能差不多吧 12/16 14:04
SNSD999 :畢竟索爺 一朗 明年約就到期了 Wells似乎也是(?) 12/16 14:04
SNSD999 :Gardner會這麼貴嗎 @@ 12/16 14:05
Tukiyomi :Wells明年薪水是零,如果FO覺得他不能打 12/16 14:05
Tukiyomi :40人名單要清的話,應該會直接釋出他 12/16 14:06
Tukiyomi :Gardner有輸Michael Bourn嗎? 12/16 14:06
j07242054 :這應該是講講不想被當成必定得清掉他吧 12/16 14:33
SNSD999 :話說田中來的機率越來越低 該想辦法去補SP了 12/16 14:35
baggio1029 :索爺應該是打DH吧!RF會是一朗和WELLS輪值? 12/16 14:44
baggio1029 :川哥又是打???好多外野手 12/16 14:45
Tukiyomi :RF是Beltran,DH Soriano 12/16 14:46
Tukiyomi :新版入札制度明天會正式簽約,屆時才會知道田中動向 12/16 14:48
Tukiyomi :樂天老闆不爽放人,但有說會尊重田中個人意見 12/16 14:48
Scape :4thOF應該會給一朗吧,Wells我覺得會走掉 12/16 14:48
sylviehsiang:外野就給Beltran & ells 去追球 簽大約就給我辛苦點 12/16 15:14
sylviehsiang:拉個OF來守2B 這樣2B有兩個應該洞就小了吧 XD 12/16 15:15
turtleian :…是在玩實況野球還是惹秀? 12/16 15:41
appshjkli :是玩BBO 12/16 15:57
kusami :簽大約辛苦點...受傷有理由了.. 12/16 16:13
OoyaoO :可以自己看成績 Gardner打擊還比燒哥強一點 12/16 16:22
OoyaoO :他進FA拿Bourn那張比價很正常 12/16 16:23
OoyaoO :我也不知道為什麼很多人好像都以為Gardner只是個替 12/16 16:24
OoyaoO :補的OF腿哥 ops+超過105守備又好的CF明明就很難找 12/16 16:26
OoyaoO :二壘其實還有豬小弟這個選項 如果他願意換守位的話 12/16 16:33
jim00325 :豬小弟是? 12/16 17:09
jim00325 :Drew? 12/16 17:09
jim00325 :問完我就想到了 哈 其實不賴耶 先改2B 隊長退了接位 12/16 17:25
jim00325 :會不會想得太美好~~ 12/16 17:25
SNSD999 :Drew好像有傳出紅襪會續簽的消息 >_< 12/16 17:58
skyline0308 :我也希望Gardner留下來 很有衝勁的球員 對自我要求高 12/16 17:58
minas12 :現金一直想交易Gardner來補洞,但談了好幾個都沒進展 12/16 18:56
OoyaoO :要換也要包裹有補到 如果是像Gardner換Phillips這種 12/16 19:17
OoyaoO :還不如不換 Gardner留下來這麼有用 12/16 19:17
j07242054 :改打防守野球 12/16 22:12
baggio1029 :換估角度想小帥哥+Garner的破壞力真的超強 12/16 22:26
cyhung1025 :如果全員健康出賽 感覺火力就已經夠強了 12/16 22:28
qwaqwa2007 :好像是一月一號公布? 12/16 22:40
NYYforever :Levine說的喔.....可靠嗎XD 12/16 23:08
accjm2440 :機槍打線XD 12/16 23:48
MAkuo :通常Cashman這麼說 只是為了增加Gardner交易價值... 12/17 00:53
LoveMoose :只好像今年讓Wells守三壘那樣了(誤) 12/17 01:06
KerryWood :準備搶田中啦 12/17 09:41
SNSD999 :希望能搶到田中 ^0^ 12/17 09:52
joeyer :Merry Christmas 禮物要來啦 12/17 10:09
magicqw :有Arod在 其實打線也沒那麼差 12/17 10:35
magicqw :搶田中卡實在 SP的洞很大 12/17 10:37
pipiann :全防守陣容 防禦力+1 攻擊力-1 12/17 16:55