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※ 引述《loly (Walker in the wind)》之銘言: : 我媽說 : 他大學時有個同學為了省錢 天天吃泡麵 : 結果年紀輕輕就去洗腎了 你們覺得是因為泡麵嗎?? : 不過天天吃也是很猛啦 我說, 那位你媽的有個同學, 因為天天都會睡覺, 結果年紀輕輕就去洗腎, 你們覺得是因為睡覺嗎? 所以, 要怎麼去思辯?? 想想, 難道只有他天天吃那種食物嗎? 只要能想到這點, 沒有知識也會有常識.... 補充點知識, 國人洗腎的兩大原因: 糖尿病及慢性腎絲球腎炎.... 這兩者有很大的因素是天(基因)註定的.. -- Once international agencies become involved in complex areas of social development, they may inadvertently undermine local efforts to address the problem and exacerbate dependency on outside help...This process can subtly convert people who are poor but highly motivated to solve their own problems into dependents waiting for external help... Supporting Community Efforts to Assist Orphans in Africa. NEJM, 2002;3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Copper 來自: (01/04 08:54)
Abli:借轉 推 01/08