看板 Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《lovebp (Brad&Jen4ever)》之銘言: "Jason deserves a lot of credit: They're playing together,"Knicks guard Allen Houston says of the Nets. "Nobody cares who scores; it's a total team. That's very rare." Granted, Kidd's brief time in New Jersey has coincided with an injury-free stretch unprecedented for the star-crossed Nets, not to mention that rare moment for an NBA club when no one is playing for a contract and everyone has plenty to prove. Starters Kittles,Martin and Keith Van Horn have come back from major injuries. Still, Kittles says, Kidd's "attitude, his approach to the game, is what really turned things around. He makes me a much better player." "Jason的確實至名歸:他們打的是團隊,"尼克的後衛Allen Houston談到籃網的表現."沒 有人在乎誰來得分,it's a total team.這很少見."Kidd在紐澤西的這段時光,運氣一 向背到極點的籃網竟然一反前例的無人受傷,而且在NBA中也很少見會有任何一隊像他們 一樣:沒有球員正在為了下季的合約而努力[籃網很愛簽長約],而每個人都還很有進步 的空間。先發的Kittles、Martin、KVH[他是什麼?可以吃嗎?Pierce曰:可以,而且超 好吃!XD]都走出了嚴重的傷。也許有人會將籃網的成功歸功於上述這些因素,而不是 Kidd,但是Kittles說,"Kidd的態度與比賽的方法才是真正使一切改觀的因素.他讓我大 大的升級了."[這裡說一下我的看法:籃網為何在Kidd來之後風水就變好了?還記得以前 那個玻璃腳籃板王Jayson Williams說過他搶籃板的動力是因為「別人不傳給他,只好自 己搶球回來投」但當Kidd在陣中,一來不會有沒球投的窘境,二來你的進攻方式多是快 攻或是空檔跳投,沒有了費力的個人單打動作,哪來受傷的空間?] Kidd set the tone on opening night, playing for a half-empty house. Indiana's Jalen Rose erupted for 35 points in the first three quarters, and the Pacers led by 13 in the fourth, but Kidd didn't let the Nets panic. After Rose made two straight jumpers, Kidd said quietly to Scott,"I'll take Rose."Rose scored only one more field goal. Kidd finished with a team-high 10 rebounds, four steals and nine assists, and New Jersey won. Kidd在只坐了一半觀眾的籃網主場的開幕戰便立下這種氣氛。溜馬的Jalen Rose在前三 節便瘋狂取下35分,幫助溜馬在第四節保持13分的領先,但是Kidd不會讓籃網繼續手足 無措下去。在Rose連進兩個跳投之後,Kidd輕聲的跟Scott說道,"我來照顧Rose."之後 Rose僅僅再投進一球。Kidd抓下十個籃板、四個抄截、九次助攻,都是全隊最高,而籃 網也因此獲勝。 Privately, Kidd had told teammates the night before training camp opened that things would be different this season. After being named one of the Nets' two captains, he stood and spoke as he had never before spoken to a team. "We're going to communicate,"Kidd said. "No matter if what we say is good or bad, we have to communicate. If we don't, we'll be in trouble." 早在訓練營開始的前一晚,Kidd便私下告訴隊友這一季things would be different。在 任命為籃網兩位隊長的其中之一後[本季Kidd是唯一的隊長],他站起來並且做了一件他從 未做過的事:向全隊發表演說."我們要能夠互相溝通"Kidd說."不管我們說出來的是好是壞 ,我們必須要互相溝通。如果我們不這樣做,we'll be in trouble." A year ago, communicate wasn't even in his vocabulary."Oh, hell, no," he says . Over Kidd's four-plus years in Phoenix, Ainge and his successor as coach, Scott Skiles, had great success in sharpening Kidd's practice habits but less in making him a great leader. He led by setting an example of energy and tenacity,but as one Suns executive puts it,"Sometimes a team needs direction" As Kidd himself puts it,forcefulness off the court "is not in my blueprint" All his life,his response to any clash with his mother was a stony silence, and while he and his father were best friends, Steve was not one for talking things out. To the moment Steve died, in May 1999, Jason had no idea that his father had a heart problem."After I got the call, things began to hit me,like his not being able to get his shoes on," Jason says. "Maybe his feet were swollen. If I'd known that, I would've tried taking him to the doctor right away,but he would've stopped me.He wouldn't tell anybody if he was sick." 一年前,在他的字典裡找不到「溝通」這兩個字。"Oh,hell,no,"他說.Kidd在太陽四年 多的歲月裡,總教練Ainge跟他的繼任者Skiles成功的加強了Kidd的練球習慣,但在培養 他成為一個好的領導者上卻未加著墨。他藉由豎立充滿活力以及奮戰不懈的模範來領導 球隊,但就像太陽一名行政人員所說的,"有時球隊需要指示."Kidd自己也曾經說過,下了 球場依然奮戰不懈"is not in my blueprint."這一生中若跟他母親產生衝突,Kidd回應 的方是就是保持沈默。而即使他跟他爸是那麼好的朋友關係,但他們之間也不是什麼事 都講出來。1999年五月當Steve過式的時候,Jason甚至不知道他父親有心臟方面的毛病 。"我接到通知後,往事一幕幕湧上心頭,像是他無法自己將鞋子穿上。"Jason說道. "也許是因為他的腳有浮腫的現象。如果那時後我知道的話,我一定會試著立刻將他帶去 看醫生,但他也一定會阻止我,他不會告訴任何人他生病了。" It's no shock,then,to hear that Kidd went two months in 1996 without speaking to his last coach in Dallas, Jim Cleamons, or that, at the peak of his 1995- 96 feud with Jackson,they played, dressed and traveled together for six weeks without talking. Just before Kidd was traded to Phoenix in December 1996, Jackson says, he sat Kidd down and said, "Jason, I'm not mad at you; I was disappointed because we were good friends. If you had a problem with me, you could've talked to me about it. A more impartial observer, Popeye Jones, then a Mavericks forward, says of Kidd's tenure in Dallas, "He didn't understand how to lead. He'd let a lot of stuff build up inside him, and sometimes he would explode." 因此你不會驚訝Kidd在96年有整整兩個月沒有跟他在達拉斯最後一任的教頭JimCleamons 交談,也不會驚訝95~96年他跟Jackson之間的衝突到達頂點的時候,他們一起打球,更 衣,旅行,卻有六個禮拜的時間沒有說過一句話。在96年的十二月,Jackson在Kidd被交 易到太陽隊之前,找他一起坐下來談,"Jason,我不是生你的氣,我是很失望;因為我們 曾經是很好的朋友。如果你對我有所不滿,你可以來找我談一談。"而小牛隊的前鋒 Popeye Jones則以公正客觀的第三者角色談論Kidd在達拉斯這段期間的表現,"他不懂得 統御之道。他總是將事情堆積在心裡,而有時他就會因此一下爆發出來。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
kiddgogogo:再推~~~~~~~~~~~ 推 06/08
lovebp:翻的真好阿..讚..本版翻譯高手^^ 推 06/08
ggia:對啊 翻得真好 多謝! 推202.178.165.131 06/09
booth:叫你們板主不要傳水球來鬧 罵不過人又寄垃圾信來 有夠卑劣 02/14 09:29