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※ 引述《Ginola (Madworld)》之銘言: : http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=414165 : 晚上11點是國家隊外出的回營時刻 : 但是三位瑞典國腳沒有按照約定返回,主教練大撤退一怒之下 : 決定打包他們回家,所以第二戰面對郵票國的比賽 : 這三位主將不會在比賽登場(!) : Zlatan Ibrahimovic : Cristian Wihelmsson : Olof Mellberg : 是這三位球員,三位球員全部都是國家隊的主力 : 他們的缺戰,代表瑞典需要一個中後衛、以及一個前鋒入替 : 以及邊路的戰術會趨保守,雖然這對手不強 : 這項命令在我看來,是個殺雞儆猴的動作 : 因為對手太差,所以不需要這些球員都會贏 : 只是一來可能贏了少,反正有什麼不測(冷門)的話 : 教練也能夠卸責,加上瑞典輿論不挺大撤退 : 他需要話題、也需要一點空間免於受打壓 : 基本上處罰是可接受的,但這是有心機的 : 但能給 Mackan 上我會原諒他 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/sep15q.html Angry Ibra snubs Sweden Friday 15 September, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zlatan Ibrahimovic won't respond to Sweden's call for the upcoming Euro 2008 qualifiers in protest at his punishment for breaking curfew. The Inter striker was thrown out of the match against Liechtenstein 10 days ago as punishment for a late night out with teammates Olof Mellberg and Christian Wilhelmsson before the game, a decision he said was “harsh.” Evidently the snub stung, because Ibra has rejected any call for him to play against Spain and Iceland in October. “It's a shame we won't be able to field such a talented player,” noted Coach Lars Lagerback. “I still have great respect for Zlatan as a football player and a person.” This isn't the first time the fiery ex-Juventus and Ajax man has landed in hot water for a lack of discipline. "I do not think that I can persuade someone to play in the national side or, based on FIFA's rules, make them play," continued the Swedish manager. "If a player does not want to play, for whatever reason, then I do not see that he gives anything to the team. Then I would rather have a player who wants to take part 100 percent." Sweden face Spain on October 7 and Iceland on October 11. “I hope and believe that he will eventually accept the national team's working methods, which build on a dialogue between players and leaders about what conditions we should have during team gatherings.” --  簡言之,Zlatan認為之前瑞典足協對他未遵守宵禁的處罰過於嚴厲,  所以十月七號對西班牙、十月十一日對冰島的歐錦會外賽,  他老兄都不想打。 -- Carlo Ancelotti:「斑馬不奔,就等牠奔。」  Marcelo Lippi:「斑馬不奔,就讓牠奔。」  Fabio Capello:「斑馬不奔,就把牠殺了!」 NIKE:「斑馬不奔,就把牠變成馬來貘!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Ginola:老實說是我也不想踢,大撤退沒資格對我(伊布)拿喬 09/16 12:35