看板 Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《PatsyGallagh (再一次...用力)》之銘言: : 看看一些國外歌迷對頭子吉他的看法: : @ James Dean Bradfield (Manics)is a better guitarist than Noel Gallagher. : That's a fact, not an opinion. : I think Noel is a decent guitarist who's made some great guitar solos in the : past. : @ I think this is unfair...since : James Dean Bradfield is naturally right handed : Noel Gallagher is, at the end of the day, a left handed person who had to : learn right handed : you try and learn guitar like that...its bloody hard, even just learning it : normally, never mind with your weaker side!! : (這個歌迷說想想 Noel 是左撇子卻學著用右手來彈吉他...這一點還滿不簡單的哩 : 對哦不知道這樣“顛倒”的學習對 Noel 來說到底是怎樣呢...) 其實頭子兩手都可以彈.... 我也看過他拿左手琴談過...... : @ Noel is no (Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page )but he is more of a song writer and : rhythm guitarist than an out and out solo player. He said in Q once that : Gem and Andy are actually far better guitar players than him but I still : havent really heard anything from Gem to prove he is any better than Noel : He hasnt written a solo like "Hotel California " recently has he????? : (Noel 和大師級的吉他手當然沒得比,他比較像是個[用吉他來創作]的寫歌人 : 以及節奏吉他手。這個歌迷還疑問起 Gem 了,雖然說 Noel 一直說 Gem 和 Andy : 比他強很多,但是 Gem 好像還沒表現出來?) : @ Techinically Noel isn't brilliant, but the way he puts such simple things : and little tricks together shows a great understanding of the Guitar and of : his own abillity, on Ability vs results, Noel is possibly the best ever, : ie Hendrix was great, but did he play within him self? : (技巧上 Noel 根本不算哪根蔥,但是他能夠找出自己的方式把極簡單的東西和一些 : 小小的技巧融合在一起,表現出對吉他這項樂器的了解還有對自己能力的了解, : 就呈現的整體效果來說,Noel 可能是最棒的。) : @ why does the way he learned have anythin to do with it? yeah, guitar : learnin/playin is hard in itself but its not like he was FORCED into playing : the way he does. thats wrong. noel would have learnt the most comfortable way : cuz anythin else is just stupid...unless he was copyin lennon which wouldnt : surprise me. : as for his ability its pretty standard. not good, not bad. hes good at making : simple stuff sound effective. take for example the "3 note solo" on scyho. : effective but rediculously easy. : oh yeah, by the way, i thought paul weller played lead guitar on champagne : supernova. i like the way someone credited on of THE BEST guitar parts : oasis have to noel when it was someone else! thats funny. i dunno i could : be wrong. : (這位歌迷首先質疑其實左撇子學吉他應該也是“自然”的選擇正常的吉他把位 : Noel 應該不會強迫自己用不舒服的姿勢學琴,除非他刻意和 Lennon 一樣 : [原來 Lennon 也是左撇子學吉他哦!?] : 另外他認為頭子吉他還過得去,不特好也不特壞,不過倒真是會用簡單的東西 : 達到效果,他舉例像 SCYHO 的“三音符 solo”雖然和整首歌滿搭調的 : 但是也簡單的太誇張了吧 : 最後他疑問 Champagne Supernova 的 solo 到底是不是 Paul Weller 彈的 : 因為他常聽歌迷讚美這首歌的 solo,似乎是美麗的誤會?) 沒錯....應該說在最長的那一段solo的部分.... 到了約4分46秒的那一個部分.... 就變成Paul Weller 彈的..... 雖然MTV中是頭子彈的... 不過....那個solo一個人也可以彈得出來啦.....嗯嗯... : @ not a great guitarist and hes never made out to be one, been playing guitar : for a year and a half now and i can do most of his solo's so they cant be : that hard although the live forever solo is one of the best guitar solo's : ever in my book : (這位歌迷說他自己學吉他才一年半就會彈大部分 Oasis 的 solo : 所以就高難度來講,Noel 從來不是個棒的吉他手。 : 不過他倒是說 Live Forever 的 solo 是他自己覺得最棒的之一) 這一首歌.....也有進入英國某雜誌票選的百大solo歌曲之列.... 是oasis歌曲裡面在該排行中最高的歌曲.... : @ What about the jam at the end of "gas panic" all Noel is doing is using his : "FLANGER" pedal and his reverb & feedback to make his favoured sound : ( In "Roll it over" and "Little by little" he uses a very similar sound. : But it isnt hard to do in anyway at all (Sounds good though!!) : I think even Noel would admit when it comes to lead guitar playing he is : not even in the same league as his idols (Dave gilmour, Jimmy page etc) : (這位歌迷說明 Noel 很愛某種特定的效果,在數首歌中都有用到 : 但其實那是一種做起來還滿簡單的效果,只不過聽起來不錯! : 還有他認為即使 Noel 也不會把自己放到和那些偶像吉他手一樣的高度吧) : @ i don't think i'd be surprised. noel's not a great guitarist. he's very good : in several areas, his touch is fantastic, he has an excellent vibrato, and : excellent pitch. that's why he pulls off those unison bends so well that : you rarely hear from other guitarists. And yes, paul weller only handles : lead on the second four bars of the supernova solo. listen for the tone, : his is very distinctive. : please don't mention the jam on gas panic as great guitar. someone really : needs to hear a little stevie ray i'm afraid. sliding a bottleneck up and : down the neck randomly and hitting random strings is hardly great guitar. : (哦這位歌迷提到 Noel 當然不是個偉大的吉他手,但是在幾個領域他彈得還滿好的 : 不過有些是吉他的術語,我就不十分清楚該怎麼翻譯了... : touch =? 指他彈琴的力道.....事實上吉他彈奏的時候.... 雙手的力道也會影響音色..... : vibrato =? 指顫音....最簡單最明顯的可以去看T&T現場.... 在進入acquiesce之前的幾秒鐘.... 可以看到頭子的左手按著弦在抖..... 修飾的幾本技巧.... : pitch =? : munison bends =? ^^^^^^^^ 應該是unison...^^ 上面這兩個我也不太懂....不過大概是贊同頭子的編曲能力吧.... : 另外他還說要聽真正好的 jam 要去聽 Stevie Ray 的;) : @ Hm, I don't get it. How did you come up with James B? Are you Manics fan? : Second, just cuz somebody knows all Noel's playing doesn't make him a bad : player. My brother can do all of Oasis, 90% of Manics, all of the Beatles : without looking at the notes, just by listening. It says nothing about the : musicians. The Beatles have tons of 2 chord songs but they are still one of : the best bands and their songs are tops. I don't like these kinds of : discussions. I want this deleted...LOL : Anyways, James B respects Noel greatly and...Yea! When he was asked about : the best gig he was ever @, he said the Main Road : (呵這位歌迷首先不瞭為什麼「狂街傳教士」的吉他手會被扯進來? : 再來他覺得有人會彈 Noel 全部的 solo 也不代表他就是個爛的吉他手吧 : 他舉例他兄弟會彈 Oasis 的全部、Manics 的百分之九十,披頭的全部 : 都沒看譜完全用聽的抓,可是這又能幫以上三個團的樂手證明什麼? : 披頭有一堆只有兩個和絃的歌但他們仍然是偉大的樂團,他們的歌還是超棒的啊;) : @ According to Noel the reason they wont be playing (Probably) All in the Mind : Live is because neither Gem or Noel could reproduce the solo that : Johnny Marr done. : (這不知是真是假,這位歌迷說他聽 Noel 說過 Oasis 現場之所以不表演 : Probably All in the Mind 這首歌是因為不管是 Gem 或 Andy 沒辦法 : 再現 Johnny Marr 於專輯中跨刀彈的 solo???) : @ Several important things: : The melodic or musical value of a solo has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with : the technical ability and skill required to play it. : Unison bends are not difficult to play AT ALL. : Noel has never done anything I would consider even remotely challenging. : This is not to imply that he is a bad guitarist, but simply that he is not : great. This has nothing to do with how he is as a writer and a musician, : but is rather an unbiased analysis based on observation. : (我覺得他綠字部分說得滿好的: : 「solo [在歌曲裡的]的旋律性或音樂性價值和彈奏所需的技巧和能力一點關係也沒有。」 : 他覺得 Noel 基本上沒做過什麼有“挑戰性”的吉他功夫, : 這並不代表他是個不好的吉他手,只不過不是棒的吉他手罷了。) : @ to whoever asked if hendrix playd within himself... : of corse he did he plays with more emotion than anyone. : noel aint a great player if u want great tecnical players then listen to : yngwie malmsteen.steve vai.joe satriani etc.. but id rather listen to noel : anyday cos they bore fuk outa me : (;)) : @ fool on the hill you are completely right all these guitarist like satriani, : and malmsteen get shoved in my face constantly, and i'm like who cares. : They may play very complex guitar parts, but they can't write songs, : they're just boring as fuck. Thats why I like page and kirk hammett, they : incorporate their guitar playing into their songs. Its also the reason i : like noel, hes a songwriter first and foremost, hes not a shredder. : Noel Gallagher is a very good guitarist hes doing a damn sight better : than all the guitarists that are slating him on this board... : i'd call it jealousy : (這位歌迷覺得他比較佩服能把吉他活用到歌曲創作的人, : 光是複雜的吉他技巧會讓他感到無聊...) : Cheers! : Patsy "Gallagher" 附帶再說一點.... 我個人覺得....音樂就是音樂..... 技巧並不代表音樂..... 就像是Joe Satriani(前幾篇我稱之為佛的人...) 她的吉他技巧真的是出神入化... 但是...他卻公開表示他覺得John Lennon的solo很恐怖..... 他寫不出那種solo...... oasis終究會被一些聽技巧派的人歸類於沒有技巧的團.... 不過...愛當井底之蛙....就去當吧.... 沒有看清音樂的本質..... 和一個會談吉他的機器人....沒什麼兩樣.... 只是差別在人彈有時會出錯而已.....嗯... -- ...........網路是虛幻的...搖滾是真實的.............. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: crazymorning 來自: (09/07 17:30)