看板 Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.noelgallagher.com/ 31.01.2012 11:00 Well… So? I've become addicted to watching the Aussie news. It's beyond hilarious. ........................................................... Kasabian were having one of their legendary parties at some club or other down town. Last men standing were me and Serge at 5am. A good shift. As we left it was starting to get light… and fuck me if it didn't start to ever-so- slightly rain… I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I did neither… I passed out. 巡迴到澳洲 頭子覺得當地的新聞報導和事件 實在又夠瞎但又好好笑 看上癮了 然後最後提到和 Kasabian 啪體到天亮 喝掛了^^|| 28.01.2012 13:00 Well… Woke up that morning and guess what? That's right, it was pissing down… I mean what IS the point of Australia while it's raining? There is no point. I'm staggered by the weather. "Oh, fuck off!" to the sky, said I. .............................................................. "There you go Cinders, you shall go to the ball," I thought. Except she didn't. She went to the tennis. To see Andy Murray lose… AGAIN!!! 頭子快被澳洲的陰雨連綿給搞瘋了 下雨的澳洲 像話嗎?搞什麼鬼啊! 想像對天空大叫抗議的 Noel Gallagher 哈... 澳洲的女總理 發生掉了一隻鞋 灰姑娘般的 被媒體大肆報導的荒謬事件 最後鞋子找到啦 不過她沒去參加舞會 而是去看 Andy Murray 輸球 茉莉又來了:P 25.01.2012 10:00 So then... I had my own show here in Sydney a couple of nights ago. A truly great gig. The best one of the entire tour, no doubt about it!! They do like a sing-song down here. They was loud and proud... Gotta say though, it's a night that will live long in the memory for another reason. That being the night I got my first bra thrown onstage!! I was so proud, and the young lady should be too, if you know what I mean? Made me feel a bit like Tom Jones!!!!! 哈 儘管被天氣搞得很毛 但是 在雪梨的現場 頭子經歷了他單飛後 意義非凡的第一次 就是 他終於得到了 丟上台的第一件胸罩!!!!! 17.01.2012 10:30 But last night, what can only be described as a little girl, kept shouting out rather odd "statements". She sounded EXACTLY like my eldest young son which, in itself, was quite off-putting. And this is what she had to say, and the fact that she was saying it with a slightly creepy steely-eyed stare, made it all the more weird… get on this: - NOEL, I LOVE YOU!! (Fair enough… what's not to love, eh?) - I LOVE YOU, EVEN WHEN I'M AT SCHOOL!! (Ok?) - CAN YOU KISS ME… PLEASE? (What, now? …Right now?) - NOEL, YOU ARE MY IDEAL MAN!! (Ideal man?) - CAN I MARRY YOU? (Erm… no.) - I WANT YOUR PICK!!! (Sorry….) She said PICK… my guitar pick, you filthy swine… I gave it to her after the show anyway, just to be nice and that (the pick!!). All in all a good night. 跳到日本篇 繼上次巡迴那個如影隨形 "Noel or Die" 的標語之後 (頭子說這次又在前排看到 但是這個sign整個被製作的像旗幟一般的升級版!) 又出現一個 抓住他目光的日本女生 頭子觀察到日本歌迷 在歌曲結束 鼓掌之後 會有大概10秒鐘 很恐怖的沉默時間 不過有個小女生 就趁著這個空檔 和頭子連續告白! 上面頭子括號裡面的反應 也太好笑了吧 因為最後一句是 "I want your pick!" (太快可能會聽成 "prick" "dick" 都是男生的那個:P) 頭子還叫我們別想歪了哩 = = 「是吉他的pick 不是我的那個!」 他還是很nice的有把 pick 給了那個女生^^|| PS: 我昨晚夢見了頭子 在演唱會上面 莫名其妙被拱上台和他互動 結果我也告白了 最後還彷彿偶像劇般的 捧著他的臉 親了一下哩 嘻嘻 >//////< Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- We came back to the same place We didn't speak just danced in our minds --Verve, DRIVE YOU HOME -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (02/01 19:57)
goue:我也想親他>////////< 02/01 20:19
u1a1a1a:nice!! 02/01 21:01
nyyfederer:丟胸罩太酷了 不知道回英國有沒有人要繼續這個風潮XD 02/06 22:28