看板 Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
現在知道為什麼他們倆最近感情那麼好啦;) Noel 為外甥 Gene 設立價值英磅25萬的信託基金 等到 Gene 成年 21 歲的時候 光靠這個基金和利息他可就是個百萬富翁了 呵聽說 Liam 感動到說不出話來了呢... Noel makes Gene a trustafarian Noel Gallagher has set up a £250,000 trust fund for his new nephew Gene that will make the tiny baby a millionaire by the time he comes of age. The gift means that, by the time three-week-old Gene turns 21, the interest on the present sum will make him a 'trustafarian' millionaire. And Gene's dad, Noel's brother and Oasis bandmate Liam, with whom he has a famously volatile relationship, is said to have been moved to tears by the generous gift. 'When Noel set up Gene's fund Liam was almost lost for words. It was as if the past rows had never happened. Liam just looked at Noel and said thanks.' PEOPLE NEWS.com Cheers! 有錢人示愛的方式... Patsy "Gallagher" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: 61-221-60-233.HINET-IP.hinet.ne