看板 Oneday 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From: oneday-room http://tinyurl.com/kt2hqp 英文翻譯: http://2pm-online.com/eng.php http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee204/ojth/422_b.jpg
Waiting for 4 years, flying for 1 year, and falling down in 4 days 5 years of living in his motherland taught him that it is "The Republic of Korea" not just "Korea" 5 years of living in his motherland taught him that it is "Korean Language" not just "Korean" 5 years of living in his motherland taught him that it is "Park Jaebeom" not just "Jay Park" Park Jaebeom, a guy who has yet to learn and fulfill a lot of things. Please give him a chance to fly in "The Republic of Korea" once again. The allianced 2PM fans are pleading JYP Ent. to revoke Park Jaebeom's resignation. -The allianced 2PM fans- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rockbear:標題真的很心酸T T 09/14 10:43
JEKKI2:標題下的心酸卻也是事實...J蹦快點華麗歸來!! 09/14 13:32
loveeunhye:看了又心酸了!!快點回來吧!!大家都在等你!! 09/14 19:44