看板 Oneday 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2PM 全球歌迷聯合聲明書 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=643954659 我們對JYP關於朴宰範只用了四天決定退隊這件事情,所表現出的"尊重"和接受態度 表示不可理解。我們相信JYP四年以來都在見證著朴宰範愈發趨向於積極的變化,這就讓 我們質疑,為什麼JYP可以如此輕易地允許他的離開。JYP對宰範這一不公平的做法讓我們 感到非常的不愉快。我們想知道,JYP娛樂公司(以下簡稱"公司"),是否真正有尊重宰範 所處的情況。 儘管宰範已經對自己四年前的不當行為作出了道歉,但公司卻剝奪了他用來對自身進 行反省和思考的時間。這就清楚地表現出,公司根本沒有正面地面對他們應該給予藝人呵 護這一責任。因此,我們無法認同朴振榮製作人於2009年9月10日在官方網站所發表的, 表達他意見的聲明。 在公司正在針對全球市場發展的情況下,作為海外歌迷,我們對公司這樣不人道的舉 動表示震驚。這讓我們不自禁地覺得,公司在強調其目的為培養國際性藝人的情況下,實 質上只是在利用旗下藝人去創造商業價值。我們覺得,公司此舉是在拋棄一個藝人,因為 他對公司已經沒有任何“經濟利益”上的價值。對於JYPE利用而不去保護旗下藝人,並對 藝人採取如此不公正待遇的做法,我們非常憤怒。 關於當時宰範所處的這一環境(身為第三代美籍韓裔對於文化的差異而感到痛苦), JYPE有對他進行保護的責任,但卻選擇逃避這一責任。我們懷疑宰範所發表的"自願退出 "2PM這一聲明,系公司誘導所致,並且不接受公司在不作任何行動去解決問題的同時,又 讓宰範在發表聲明僅6小時後便離開韓國返回西雅圖的這一決定。 在JYPE撤回退隊決定以及朴宰範重歸2PM以前,我們將繼續在海外宣傳公司這種不公 平的待遇。我們希望JYPE認識到其作法顯然會對海外市場及業務產生負面的影響。而本聲 明,是目前來自于除韓國之外全球地區海外歌迷達成一致意見後,所發表的書面聲明。 1.此聲明的中心是關於2PM隊長朴宰範退隊之事實,以及JYPE對於他的離開所採取的措施 。 2.我們不接受沒有朴宰範的2PM以及該團體的任何組合形式。我們支援著2PM,因為這個團 體有完整的以下7名隊員:朴宰範,金峻秀,Nichkhun,玉澤演,張祐榮,李俊昊以及黃 璨成。我們將不接受哪怕只有一名以上成員缺失狀態下,2PM的任何行程和活動。 3.我們不接受公司對於朴宰範發表退隊聲明時袖手旁觀的態度。 4.我們會將這一次JYPE對旗下藝人2PM的不公正待遇宣傳至所有的海外2PM後援組織,這也 將影響到整個韓流市場。 在朴宰範歸隊之前,我們將抵制所有2PM的行程或活動(包括韓國本地及海外)。每 一個,以及所有2PM的海外後援組織,贊同並參與這個決定,且將共同行動。 2009年9月17日 2PM海外歌迷聯盟 -- International 2PM Fan Union Statement http://tinyurl.com/qdpotq We, the international fans of 2PM, do not understand the response of JYP Entertainment (hereinafter also “the company”) toward Jae Beom Park’s decision of withdrawal from 2PM. Despite being the company that had long seen the positive changes in its contracted artist for four years, JYP Entertainment accepted and “respected” the decision made only in four days. We are greatly disappointed at the management company that portrayed an unjust treatment toward its artist and a disregard of human rights. JYP Entertainment has deprived time of reflection to Jae Beom Park who sincerely apologized for his mistake of the past, and is now avoiding the responsibility in which the management company must take. The producer Jin Young Park officially stated the secession on September 10th, 2009, asking to “respect Jae Beom’s decision”; however, we cannot agree to the statement. Fans overseas are shocked and enraged at the inhumane and biased action of the company that rejected it artist when he was predicted not “financially beneficial” anymore, while emphasizing their aim to bring up internationally popular artists. JYP Entertainment must feel responsible for neglecting the culture shock that Jae Beom Park experienced as a third generation Korean-American when he first moved into Korea five years ago. We cannot tolerate the “voluntary secession” the company pressured, and the decision of sending Jae Beom Park off to Seattle only after sic hours from the secession annoumcement. Therefore we, international 2PM fan union, demand a quick and definite answer regarding the repeal of Jae Beom Park’s withdrawal from 2PM; and until then we will not stop publicizing this unfair treatment of the management company to the Korean Wave market overseas. As we hope that JYP Entertainment expects tha negative influence to the international Korean Wave market frontier, we lodge this statement with opinions of the international fan union. 1. This written statement discusses about the secession of Jae Beom Park, the leader of 2PM, and the action of JYP Entertainment upon his withdrawal. 2. We do not accept any units from 2PM without Jae Beom Park. We have supported 2PM (hereinafter also “the group”) because the group consisted of its seven members: Jae Beom Park, Jun Su Kim, Nichkhun, Taek Yeon Ok, Woo Young Jang, Jun Ho Lee, and Chan Sung Hwang. We will not accept any activity of 2PM without any one of its members. 3. We do not tolerate the company’s bystander-like behavior when Jae Beom Park, the leader, pronounced his withdrawal from 2PM. 4. We will publicize the unjust treatment done to the seven members of 2PM by the company to all international 2PM fans worldwide, and also to the Korean Wave market. We will boycott all activities of 2PM without the leader, Jae Beom Park, in all countries including Republic of Korea until Jae Beom Park returns to the group. All international fans of 2PM agree to this decision, and well act together. 8 a.m, September 17th, 2009 International 2PM Fan Union, United Fandom of Hottest -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
agsdf:這份聯合聲明有來自巴西 智利 墨西哥 義大利 拉丁美洲 09/17 08:18
agsdf:菲律賓 新加坡 日本 中國 美國 韓國的fan club 09/17 08:18
※ 編輯: agsdf 來自: (09/17 10:22)
loveeunhye:沒看到台灣感覺空空的><不過還是希望JYPE看到這份聲明 09/17 21:27
loveeunhye:能快點出來解釋清楚!!也快讓JAY回來吧!! 09/17 21:27