看板 Oneday 關於我們 聯絡資訊
目標: 希望接歪批注意到HOTTEST 目前 HOTTEST已經讓junhosButt和wooyoungsCheeks成為熱門話題 Twitter聽到大家的呼喊 為何接歪批不行 因為他都裝死 規則: 每個人都要同時間開始 一個帳號一分鐘一tweet 申請越多帳號越好 別把多個#trends放在同一tweet 接下來的活動: attack Twitter at 台灣時間5PM 19thOct; Monday; Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #taecyeonsTeeth here] 20thOct; Tuesday; Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #khunsWink here] 21stOct; Wednesday; Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #chansungsFood here] 22ndOct; Thursday; Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #junsusVoice here] 26thOct; Monday[NOTE THE DAY]; Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #jaebumsAbs here] 27thOct; Wednesday; 我想應該是Tuesday Example: @followjyp [insert message that includes #7members2PM here] 最後一天是最重要的! 要讓接歪批注意到! 要讓接歪批了解沒有Jay的2PM無完整! 如果不知道要tweet什麼 可以tweet: @followjyp Hottests made #[person of the day] a trending topic. Twitter heard their cries. Why can't you? 7 = 1 @followjyp if #wooyoungsCheeks unite Hottests, imagine the impact Jaebum's comeback will be. 7 - 1 = 0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
loveeunhye:想幫忙~但是,我真的不懂TWITTER要怎麼用耶@@ 10/18 19:17
kukuso:不會用+1 我也想幫 10/18 19:38
fat0740352:難怪我覺得這篇怎麼看都看不懂... 10/18 23:28