看板 Orl-Magic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DYqfQUi ] 作者: AirJames6 (中立球迷) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 魔術蓄鬍明志 季後賽打完再剃 時間: Thu Mar 24 21:42:48 2011 Orlando Magic say they'll grow beards until playoff run ends At the urging of small forward Quentin Richardson, the Orlando Magic have taken a cue from the world of hockey and said they've decided not to shave their faces until their playoff run ends, whenever that may be. "It's one of those team things," Richardson said. "Togetherness. It's something fun at the same time. It's going to definitely look funny, I know." The players said they collectively made the decision between Monday's victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers and Wednesday's win over the New York Knicks. "We talked about doing something as a team," center Dwight Howard said. "We thought about the bald heads, but some of us — myself — don't look right with a bald head. Then we thought about letting our hair grow out; then [we realized] we've got a lot of guys who are going bald, so [it would] look funny with just patches in their head. "So the beard is the only way to go. It'll be tough for me and the young guys to really get it going, but we're all in this together." Growing beards is a tradition in hockey, with players from the eventual Stanley Cup champions often hoisting the coveted trophy with ragged facial hair. Rather than wait until the NBA playoffs start in mid-April, Richardson has started growing his beard with three weeks remaining in their regular season. Other players say they've doing the same. The NBA Finals typically end in mid-June. http://tinyurl.com/4adu6zb 在Quentin Richardson的慫恿之下,奧蘭多魔術做出了一個艱難的決定,他們打 算不管球隊會走多遠,直到季後賽結束之前都不剃鬍子。「這是一個團隊會做的 事情,」Richardson說道,「團結一心,同時還挺好玩的。」 球員們表示,他們是在週一戰勝騎士和週三戰勝尼克這兩場比賽中做出的決定。 「我們討論如何做些集體活動。」Dwight Howard說道。 「我們想到過剃光頭,但是我們中有些人,包括我自己不想被看成禿頭。然後, 我們考慮過留頭髮,結果發現我們中很多人都是禿頭,所以讓他們腦袋上弄些點 綴會很有意思。」 「這麼算下來,只有留鬍子是唯一王道,這對我和年輕球員來說會很艱難,但是 我們將一起去做。」 ps1:現在是3月末,如果魔術殺到總決賽6月中,你可以想像一下…… ps2:目前還有一支球隊正在蓄鬍,他們是灰熊,不過灰熊只是留到衝進季後賽… … http://news.hoopchina.com/201103/58385.html -- ╭────────────╮ 原PO只是個單純的中間球迷 ╰────────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
swordmr20 :簽名檔XDDDDDD 03/24 21:43
KAI1107 :剃光頭比較屌XD 03/24 21:44
qhaabk :鬍子哥正夯 03/24 21:44
ttww1991 :蓄鬍?? 之前姚明在奧運的時候好像也做過相同的事XD 03/24 21:44
garytony1 :我不信JJ會跟他們玩 03/24 21:44
garytony1 :人家靠臉吃飯哩 03/24 21:45
keanjaz :滿期待的.... 03/24 21:45
loquito :原來灰熊在蓄鬍喔 難怪整隊都..好恐怖 03/24 21:50
tenka92417 :第十三篇... 03/24 21:50
Nene5566 :有人翻外絮很好阿 而且她簽名檔已經改掉 大家也不噓 03/24 21:51
Nene5566 :比之前那樣戰好多了 03/24 21:52
ymsya :乃乃可以看上面幾篇他的回應唷^^ 03/24 21:52
tenka92417 :又不是他翻的..是他貼虎撲翻譯.再把底下新聞來源貼上 03/24 21:52
yaobj : 每 ID 每天限發一篇新聞?!可以桶吧~~ 03/24 21:52
tenka92417 :一天貼13篇虎撲新聞... 03/24 21:53
tenka92417 :先貼英文再貼中文就可以騙人嗎? 03/24 21:53
Nene5566 :幹 18286 的回應超蕭張 03/24 21:53
奉天承運 arkod召曰: 若取材於 HoopChina 可以嘗試找出原文外電 並附錄上去與原本翻譯的中文作比較,就可使用 [外絮] 的標題 欽此 tenka92417 yaobj謝恩
highdragon :喔 03/24 21:55
※ 編輯: AirJames6 來自: (03/24 21:57)
b51514 :這邊可能是他的個版 03/24 21:55
ymsya :乃乃果然很聰明 如果你噓下去他就會說他在利用你的噓 03/24 21:56
d9730090 :恩 03/24 21:56
tenka92417 :已經向愛摳大反應..看他怎麼處理... 03/24 21:56
gamble5566 :你們錯怪原PO了...他只是個中間球迷而已啊! 03/24 21:57
bluerhapsody:。 03/24 21:57
tenka92417 :是耶...聖旨很快就要作廢了.. 03/24 21:57
ymsya :問題是你上面那篇 叫節錄 03/24 21:57
tenka92417 :已經向愛摳分析過你的貼文,那不叫外絮.那叫貼新聞.. 03/24 21:58
tenka92417 :而且虎撲底下都會有英文新聞來源連結..又不是你找的. 03/24 21:58
lakb24 :大家還是快點討論鬍子吧,都不要再離題了 03/24 21:59
tenka92417 :虎撲寫手根據英文連結直接翻譯,會比較出差異才奇怪.. 03/24 21:59
ymsya :嘛~原po也有辛苦的簡轉繁跟排版囉~~ 03/24 22:00
evilvens :CC 03/24 22:02
JEON :這個決定超蠢吧 通常這樣講 季後賽很早就結束了 03/24 22:05
RichLowkey56:幹如果想惡性犯規不用推人拔鬍子就好阿 03/24 22:07
greatodin :PO這麼多篇還是要噓 03/24 22:09
Nene5566 :..... 03/24 22:16
totoyou :去籃球場打個籃球吧 03/24 22:18
kogeniusbe := = 03/24 22:19
avadar :輸了要剃光頭? 03/24 22:30
tommyen :XD!! 03/24 22:38
gjo3x06 :(  ̄ 灬 ̄)y▂ξ 03/24 22:44
bjzx5 :辛苦了 03/24 22:50
MOJS :簽名檔已經改掉給推 03/24 22:58
JohnConnor :不想被看成禿頭 但發現很多人是禿頭 好個矛盾XDDDD 03/24 23:08
will313 :推 03/24 23:10
OriginalSin :氣氛很歡樂 03/24 23:27
SunShitChi :到時候還不是輸湖人 03/25 00:02
pp1285 :最後季後賽第一輪被剃頭出局 03/25 00:23
agameking127:轉錄至看板 NTNU-HISBK 03/25 00:54
GYmen :他誰? 03/25 00:56
rbking21 :扮關二哥! 03/25 02:19
dabute :介轉魔術版 03/25 09:20
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rony98:應該不會有人為了早點刮鬍子而故意擺爛吧= =" 03/25 09:26
rbking21:希望今年暑假這群人都變關雲長 03/25 09:33
rbking21:全聯盟最有禮貌的隊伍這樣... 03/25 09:33
wildwest:最有禮貌............XDDDDDDDDD 03/25 10:22
hunight:最有禮貌+1 03/25 10:50
Drexler:JJ: 叫我鬍子就好 03/25 11:42
MOJS:記得馬刺好像也有類似活動.. 03/25 11:56
MOJS:不過他們是比誰先刮鬍子誰就輸了 03/25 11:56
grantwisely:胡志明? 眼殘看錯... XDD 03/25 12:31
MOJS:只是蓄鬍一直讓我想到某隊= =".. 03/25 12:45
josh17:用鬍子影響對手戰力.... 03/25 13:43
hunight:反正就是要推行有禮貌運動!!!(誤) 03/25 14:04