看板 OverClocking 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 PC_Shopping 看板] 作者: ang728 (要耍厨你還嫩的很) 看板: PC_Shopping 標題: [情報] AMD飛龍二 X4 960T可開核X6 時間: Fri Apr 16 21:24:29 2010 Phenom II X4 960T ''Zosma'' Unlock to Phenom II X6 AMD's upcoming series of Phenom II X4 900T series that supports AMD Turbo Core technology and which are based on the "Zosma" die, have been confirmed to be able to unlock both its manufacturer-disabled cores to work as a six-core processor. Zosma is a "cut-down" version of AMD's Thuban six-core die, where two of its cores are disabled. With the remaining four cores, two can function with increased clock-speeds in boost-state as Turbo cores (3/6 could on the X6 chip). The X4 T-series could form AMD's mainstream processor in the sub-$200 range. Source: OCWorkbench http://0rz.tw/SfdOW 拭目以待 摩拳擦掌 抽抽樂來了 -- 傑米,炸掉它吧。 ⊙─ ─⊙▂⊙ 碰到問題,用C4就對了! █◤ Adam Savage Jamie Hyneman MYTHBUSTERS by dajidali -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
RHTZ:繼續開核 04/16 21:24
vinss:科科 04/16 21:25
x5179s00:開核無限好 04/16 21:25
leenle:真是令人心急 04/16 21:25
andyleeyuan:喔喔 04/16 21:25
PlayStation3:喔喔喔喔喔喔(  ̄Д ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 04/16 21:26
PlayStation3:喔喔喔喔喔喔(  ̄Д ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~開開 04/16 21:27
RHTZ:樓上要衝了嗎 04/16 21:27
Egami:~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~ 04/16 21:27
PlayStation3:不知道,很猶豫。 04/16 21:29
zesonpso:INTEL:AMD做弊 04/16 21:29
casiofx:AMD 不意外 XD~ 04/16 21:30
mp44stg44:AMD:╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 04/16 21:30
jric:1060T? 04/16 21:32
kyos1234:歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉~~~!!! 賭性堅強才是台灣人 04/16 21:36
rabbit80891:AMD算準準的,1065T先賣,再出960T可以開核!! XD 04/16 21:39
gbear:煩不煩阿~~~~XD 04/16 21:39
ChangWufei:AMD超值選 科科 04/16 21:44
markcoke: 喔喔喔喔喔喔(  ̄Д ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~開開 04/16 21:56
gtm310050:AMD全民開核運動會 04/16 21:56
doraminima:AMD嘛 不意外 04/16 22:17
ko2540023:開核無限好,只是測人品。 04/16 22:20
romusutoru: 喔喔喔喔喔喔(  ̄Д ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~開開 04/16 22:25
wonderverge: 喔喔喔喔喔喔(  ̄Д ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~開核 04/16 22:25
dolphinus:有沒有可以二開六的? 04/16 22:28
romusutoru:二開六功耗會不會瞬間爆炸啊? 04/16 22:29
dolphinus:可能, AMD 都把不能做 Opteron 的打下來賣 desktop.. 04/16 22:31
x5179s00:POWER表示: 04/16 22:33
escape54321:4開6 出了我就衝了阿!!! 04/16 22:37
novanut:這個一定要衝散裝保開的啦!!! 04/16 22:41
zeilda:夭壽...自從買到可開的555後,就中開核癮了... 04/16 22:48
mike1990:來了來了 阿東西哩? 04/16 22:49
PoisonM:讓他開!讓他開!(振臂) 04/16 22:54
ungm:INTEL:開張六給他,讓他贏莊家一百塊 04/16 23:04
sotw0418:不好意思兩條八 04/16 23:05
yugiohx:http://wiki.komica.org/pix/img350.png 04/16 23:10
PlayStation3:家裡蹲的撒嬌。 04/16 23:19
as920909:非常期待INTEL會怎麼做ww 04/16 23:44
KCKCLIN:開核大大耶 04/16 23:50
casiofx:INTEL應該覺得不意外 反正不是第一次了 04/16 23:52
mike1990:如果是BE 那就非買不可 04/16 23:53
skynate:我習慣開核的時候 夾著牙籤 想開幾核 就開幾核 04/16 23:57
suzukihiro:開張六給它 04/17 00:01
kuninaka:AMD:不能開核的CPU 04/17 00:01
ang728:有刺激的出來了 04/17 00:02
ang728:等下放圖 04/17 00:02
kevin21y: 都是廢物 04/17 00:08
markcoke: 都是垃圾 04/17 00:17
BoxsterX:借轉OC板~ 04/17 01:13
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eddie75 :1怎嚜開阿?? 04/19 11:33
PhenomII960T:^^ 05/16 00:01