看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
再轉一篇:查找你的專業是否STEM的權威網站。 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/cip2000/cipsearch.asp http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/31216191.html 發信人: sixthday (魏晉風流如夢吟,才情武功第一人), 信區: JobHunting 標 題: 查找你的專業是否STEM的權威網站,大家自己去查吧 發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Fri Apr 4 16:46:30 2008) Note: 這只是Interm rule. 專業有可能在以後會增加或者減少 到下面的連接去查到你自己專業的 code http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/cip2000/cipsearch.asp 然後看看是不是在這個範圍裏面(注意最後一點的 exception, 並不是 xxxx 代表所有) DC: U.S. To be eligible for the 17-month OPT extension, a student must have received a degree in the following: Actuarial Science. NCES CIP Code 52.1304 Computer Science: NCES CIP Codes 11.xxxx (except Data EntryMicrocomputer Applications, NCES CIP Codes 11.06xx ) Engineering: NCES CIP Codes 14.xxxx Engineering Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 15.xxxx Biological and Biomedical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 26.xxxx Mathematics and Statistics: NCES CIP Codes 27.xxxx 8 Military Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 29.xxxx Physical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 40.xxxx Science Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 41.xxxx Medical Scientist (MS, PhD): NCES CIP Code 51.1401 再加一點: "Note that catch-all NCES CIP codes ending in "99" are not considered STEM designated degrees" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
HoneyDew:這一切都與我無關....文科生的悲哀@@ 04/05 07:28
tingra:學商的是不是也無關啊? 國貿 04/05 09:16
shihyin:我也是51類的,可是後四碼不一樣 @@ 04/05 11:02