看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
My friend @ eBay told me there are some job openings. Your resume can be forwarded to the hiring manager directly since he knows him. Staff Eng for App platform: http://www.ebay.jobs/jobs/ staff-software-engineer-job-san-jose-california-ca-271428-71.html Staff Eng for Tools: http://www.ebay.jobs/jobs/ developer-services-tools-engineer-job-san-jose-california-ca-270639-71.html Staff Eng for Mobile Platform : http://www.ebay.jobs/jobs/ staff-software-engineer-job-san-jose-california-ca-272521-71.html They want to find people who are well-experienced.... please e-mail your resume to [email protected] Don't send it to me, I'm not working for eBay....@_@ ps: sorry about typing in English. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iamweep:好奇版上會有那麼多年經驗的人嗎:P 不過有的話也可聯絡我 09/10 07:58
iamweep:我們在招Lead Systems Administrator/Application Enginee 09/10 07:59
※ 編輯: duer 來自: (09/10 08:53)
smallmiou:都沒有intern缺嘛QQ 09/23 06:01