看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
代eBay強者我朋友po 請注意這是約聘的工作 不提供H1b 下面有e-mail 請直接寄信過去 eBay Research Labs is looking for contractors: Position and Job Description: Software Engineering Contract Position (6-12 months with possible extension) 锠 As part of the eBay Research Labs team work on innovative prototypes and applications in Search and eCommerce. 锠 Code scalable User Interfaces in HTML, Javascript and / or Flash. 锠 Code robust software components in JAVA which interface with databases. 锠 Work with JAVA Servlets, Web Services and APIs. Qualifications: 锠 BSCS degree or highly relevant software development experience. 锠 Proficiency in Javascript (4+ years) is a must. Exposure to frameworks like JQuery or MooTools highly desirable. 锠 Experience in JAVA (4+ years) and MYSQL or other databases required. 锠 Experience working with / configuring Apache/TomCat, Flash and UNIX systems a plus. 锠 Prior experience working with large datasets , Hadoop and highly scalable software systems a plus. P.S. this position does not sponsor H1b, the applicant must have legal work authorization in US. Contact: [email protected] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: duer 來自: (08/19 09:49)
birdychang:有這些條件 幹嘛去當雜工 灣區就業市場火熱 08/19 09:57
iamweep:contractor的薪水較高,只是沒福利,有的人喜歡做 08/19 10:42
TripleC:有的contractor的薪水非常高, 之前聽過一個月15k的 08/19 11:05
kruz:ebay/paypal現在都比較喜歡找contractor.其實contractor也不 08/19 11:34
kruz:錯..時間可以自己控制,錢又多.而且這類的contractor真的要做 08/19 11:35
kruz:都可以做好久,我朋友在這家做PM contractor已經快四年了.. 08/19 11:35
eshai:能力夠的人其實當 contractor 滿自由的啊!! 錢又多的話 08/19 12:14
birdychang:有家庭醫療保險算下去不合吧 工程師時間不都可以自己 08/19 14:02
birdychang:控制? 08/19 14:02
eshai:可以做一年,放個長假,再回來繼續接案子囉!薪水夠高的話 08/19 14:20
kruz:保險算下去也不一定會不合.每個人情況都不一樣.. 08/19 21:29
birdychang:單身年輕當然OK 有家庭小孩的超貴吧 08/20 03:47
duer:通常這種工作應該是和那種已經有身分的post Doc. 08/20 14:38
iamweep:或者夫妻一人正職一人contractor就可解決保險問題 08/21 13:51
cchris:沒錯,夫妻其中僅一人當contractor,工作自由,薪水又高 08/24 09:55
cchris:保險的問題也由配偶解決了,這是最完美的組合 08/24 09:55