看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
強者我朋友又來徵才了 請直接寄信過去 謝謝 eBay Research Labs, are hiring top notch summer interns!!! We are looking for people who are excited about bigs data, distributed computing, and building large scalable systems. eBay generates tens of terabytes of behavioral, transactional and other data and research algorithmic models are built over petabytes of data. If you love big data, eBay Research Labs is definitely the right place! During this summer, you will join us to build the next generation research and analytic platform to be used in eBay and the world, and work on interesting and challenges topics including but not limited to real time, continuous data and event streams and scalable and fault-tolerant systems. An Ideal candidate should have the following profile: * Master or PhD student. * Proficient in Java, C++ or C. * Experiences on large scale data processing framework, such as Hadoop. * Experiences with Pig, Hive, HBase is a plus * Experiences on designing and implementing distributed system with understanding of scaling and performance is a plus. * Strong oral and written communication skills. If you are interested in, please send your resume to [email protected]. eBay Research Labs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tiwei:覺得原po常常post很多不錯的工作 感覺是很厲害的人 哈 03/02 10:42
hfwu:好棒的機會 03/02 15:47