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看得懂的人就看一下 http://www.der-stille-bob.de/content.php?kat=blacklist&lang=en The Silent-Bob Edonkey Server The Server with the necessary *OOMPH* Some information about the blacklist problems in p75 Background information: The slimit module, introduced by Lugdunum in version p58, judges clients by their behaviour towards the servers. If the server load produced by a client is too high, the client gets blacklisted by the server. This kind of protection is necessary to guarantee stable servers. Every client starts with 1200 credits, and has to "pay" a "price" for every action. When credits drop to 0, the client is blacklisted, and not served anymore. Up to version p74, being blacklisted simply lead to being ignored by the server, thus getting no answers to source requests, mostly unnoticed by the user. eMule's source exchange lessened the effect of this. In version p75 this was changed. Blacklisted clients now get kicked from the server, instead of just getting no answers to requests. To get an idea, here's a list of actions and the credits that have to be "paid" for them: per data packet (frame): 1 credit per source request: 16 credits per login attempt: 100 credits per aborted login attempt: 900 credits (eMule clients with deactivated "safe connect" option) A login attempt, that is refused because the server is full, does not cost any credits. The client earns 1 credit per second (up to a maximum of 1200 credits) This applies to both the server the client is connected to, and to all servers in the client's serverlist, because every known server is frequently asked for sources via UDP. The main problem: Todays clients are not very resource sparing. Every time a server is asked, it's asked for every file in the the client's download queue. So a client with 50 queued downloads frequently bombs every server with 50 requests at once. The client developers should be aware of their responsibility for the network, and build clients, that the average user that doesn't use cracks or extremely modified configurations can use without putting too heavy load on the network. Most users cannot be expected to have enough knowledge of the network's functionality to understand how to act right on their own. This job has to be done by the clients. As long as the clients act the way they do now, the only way for the user to prevent heavy server load and get blacklisted is to reduce the number of queued downloads. Credit consumption depends on various things, so the only advice i can give is: Don't queue more than 30 files at once! To my knowledge, the eMule developers are working on a solution. It's not implemented in v0.29c, so we have to wait for a better version, maybe v0.30. Using servers that run old server software is no solution, because 1. these servers won't give you any sources once you are blacklisted 2. no Lugdunum server with version p58 or higher will give you any sources once you got blacklisted due to UDP source searches. In short: when your client's behaviour leads to a kick from one server with version p75, getting blacklisted by almost every server in a short time is almost 100% guaranteed, thus you won't find any sources via this servers. The only way to find sources then is eMule's source exchange. This problem exists for months, but now you can actually see it! I gathered some of the information on this site from these URLs: http://lugdunum2k.free.fr/kiten.html http://www.emule-project.net/board/index.php?showtopic=24033 Translation by Hamsterer and Stonedeagle. THX! Index Technical FAQ Links Contact -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
echohou:德文 :| 推 08/21
echohou:阿..剛起床眼花 :( 推 08/21