看板 P2PSoftWare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
NEW Features Streaming: Watch videos within seconds with progressive downloads – no need to wait. Especially great for previewing a file before committing to the full download. 預覽影片 Remote Access: Start, stop, and monitor torrent downloads on the go. Access your client from any Web browser, or download our Android app (link to Android App). 透過瀏覽器和 Android APP 遠端遙控 Ratings and Comments: Leverages the collective wisdom of the community to ensure the quality and security of downloaded torrents. 評論與評價 Drag-and-Drop Sending: Easily send massive personal files – e.g. home movies, cell phone videos and hi-res photos. Select a file on your computer, drag it into the 猥orrent “Drop files to send” box and a Web link is yours to share. 分享私人影片、照片 Feature Hiding: Minimizing parts of the 猥 interface with a click. 新增加簡化的介面 Portable Mode: Run your 猥orrent client directly from a USB key and take it with you anywhere. 行動模式,從隨身碟裡執行 Stability etc.: 猥orrent 3.0 also offers under-the-hood improvements including a focus on stability as well as improved Web seeding to add speed and reliability to the process of finding the original source of a single-source file. 增加穩定性,像是 Web Seeding 搜尋來源速度更快,更高的可靠性 -- 如果說了後悔 是不是一切就能倒退 回憶多麼美 活著多麼狼狽 為什麼這個世界  總要叫人嚐傷悲 我不能瞭解 也不想瞭解 我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界 那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水〔傷悲〕我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂的世界                             五月天 - 瘋狂世界 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: EijiHoba:轉錄至看板 EZsoft 06/24 18:25
jc0208 :32-bit的stable總算是給他生出來了 06/24 20:03
jc0208 :64-bit不知道還要等多久...一個月沒更新了 06/24 20:04
myua7 :這種軟體有沒有64-bit也不是很重要,大概這樣吧... 06/24 20:12
xvid :沒錯! 06/24 20:19
annie06045 :Drag-and-Drop Sending 這個新功能好妙 06/24 21:25
knives :其實我一直很想吐嘈為什麼是猥orrent,聽起來好糟糕 06/24 21:34
yshinri :因為編碼問題 那個μ在英文編碼加上T再用Big5看 06/24 23:28
yshinri :就會變成"猥"字... 06/24 23:28
yshinri :總之自己腦內補完"猥"→"μT"就好了 06/24 23:29
gh466350 :最近才換到開頭2的版本說.. 06/25 02:10
MinJun5566 :猥orrent 猥瑣種子? 06/25 09:06
tonyhsie :備份設定不像2.x 直接copy資料夾就好了 很麻煩... 06/25 17:48
mules :上次用 3.x beta 更換 .exe 好像就可以了 ? 06/25 19:06
mules :是怎樣的麻煩法 @@ 06/25 19:07
wzj001 :請問 為啥我去官方載了語言包放在 app/utorrent/之下 06/27 01:49
wzj001 :重開後仍然沒有中文的選項呢? 06/27 01:49
myua7 :3.0我也弄不出中文..... 06/27 15:57
EijiHoba :我可以~~~ 06/27 16:11
fantasylee :有中文 但是並沒有全部都翻譯完成 06/27 21:03
annie06045 :CHD還沒支援3.0 有在用CHD再等等吧 06/28 22:42
annie06045 :HDC TTG G.都有支援3.0 06/28 22:43
topdog :請問有沒有人覺得3.0很吃資源阿 使用率都20%~30%再跑 07/01 11:48
topdog :換回舊版就沒問題了.. 07/01 11:48
annie06045 :CHD已支援3.0 07/01 21:49