看板 P2PSoftWare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉貼自原站 Dear B*S users, For the first and last time of this year, we will open a sign-up event for new members during the following date: When: 05/09/2013 ~ 05/15/2013 This sign-up event is also open for people who did not pass the ‘ Download/Upload Assessment’ which performed in last November. If you were blocked due to the assessment, you may reclaim your account in the same period. All new members and people who reclaimed your account must pass the Upload/Download/Seeding Bonus assessment for 30 days. More information regarding the new sign-up event will be announced in the near future. 其實現在登入的步驟很簡單 不需要再修改host了~ 站點介紹請參考http://ppt.cc/lzrx 需要注意的是 這次是用IRC申請註冊的!!! 有興趣的再留意一下囉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
popobokimo :IRC是甚麼阿@@? 05/04 10:27
s25g5d4 :Internet Relay Chat 05/04 11:23
s25g5d4 :當初TI也是開放IRC申請 要去他們聊天室裡說明自己想 05/04 11:24
s25g5d4 :申請TL(上面誤)帳號 要怎麼申請我就忘了.. 05/04 11:24
chacha0912 :感謝資訊,這幾天來研究IRC怎麼用 05/04 11:38
ThisIsNotKFC:基本IRC使用可參考小弟拙作 #1G_0Yu7y 05/04 12:02
koster :遇到問題想要找admin也可以透過IRC直接找到人協助 05/04 13:29
reiden :登進去基本上是進 #help 吧 ,切一切頻道就可以了 05/04 19:04
obelisk0114 :要改host才能進,十分麻煩,之前帳號就是host沒改好進 05/05 03:27
obelisk0114 :不去,應該被砍帳號了 05/05 03:27
s25g5d4 :不是說不用改host了嗎 05/05 17:23
obelisk0114 :已經不用改了嗎? 05/05 22:15
ferica :已經不用改了~ 05/06 00:09
QQKKQKQK :這是黑貓嗎?? 還是 HDKOREA 05/06 00:30
ThisIsNotKFC: C 05/06 00:54
hgking :有開放一般註冊頁面 不過HD2PT貼連結沒多久就拿掉了 05/08 22:04
chacha0912 :B2S嗎? 還看的到說:D 05/08 22:30
hgking :後來又貼出來了-.- 順利註冊了XD 05/08 22:36
hangsh :tinvites.redirectme.net/signup_e.php 可以試看看~ 05/09 15:49
chacha0912 :這站沒盒子活不了阿QQ 05/09 16:14
obelisk0114 :下載還要註冊IP 05/12 22:27
ThisIsNotKFC:我放棄了 輔種不算魔力 太蛋疼QQ 05/12 22:59
hgking :這站沒盒子真的很難混-.- 05/13 08:58
ThisIsNotKFC:是還能活因為之前輔種算魔力時 不到三天已經有800魔 05/13 15:42
ThisIsNotKFC:(我輔的滿多都是斷種) 上傳打算靠發種 註冊2禮拜只能 05/13 15:43
ThisIsNotKFC:先候選 兩禮拜後可以直接發種 輔種改了就失去動力QQ 05/13 15:44