看板 PHP 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近發現的 http://www.maani.us/ 我搜尋了幾個PHP相關的圖表工具, 還是這一套最好. 可以Free Download, 唯一的限制是點圖會連結到官方網站 若要免除這個限制,可以付費買licence 另外中文支援不是很方便. 看起來要稍微修改一下. 有修改成功的朋友別忘了上來告知一下. 給點提示: 1:改font 2:文字部分要轉碼成UTF-8 官方說明 Fonts PHP/SWF Charts has the font Arial bold embedded in it. By setting the above font attribute to Arial, and the bold attribute to true, the embedded font makes the text look identical on all machines, regardless of whether the machine has this font or not. Other advantages of an embedded font is that it can be rotated, and it can be rendered transparently. The disadvantage is that it increases the size of the flash file, the reason why the tool only has one embedded font. (The gallery only uses this font.) You may set the above font attribute to any other non-embedded font. If the local machine doesn't have the exact font, Flash uses whatever font most closely resembles it. Non-embedded fonts may look different than expected, but can be sharper and more legible than embedded fonts at small point sizes (below 10 points.) When non-embedded fonts are used, any rotation and alpha attributes are ignored. Text using a non-embedded font is always displayed horizontally, and fully opaque. To display special characters or languages other than English, type unicode text, save the source in UTF-8 or UTF-16, and pick a font that can display the special characters. The embedded Arial font can display characters with accents for most of the european languages. If it's not sufficient, then pick another non-embedded font instead. One way to display any text without worrying about fonts is by including it as JPEG images or SWF flash files, using the draw image function. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: