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※ 引述《breazer ()》之銘言: : 程式裡面有一行code 是長這個樣子 : $fp1 = fopen("","r"); : 可是如果192.168.0.141 這個ip的電腦網路線被拔掉之後 : 會讓這一行code卡住 直到php本身timeout : 結果就只執行到這一行code就停了 之後都跑不到 : 我該怎麼限制這行code的執行時間?? : 好讓這行執行太久的時候 可以跳過這行繼續執行下去 借花獻佛...http://tw.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php Ex1. If you need fopen() on a URL to timeout, you can do like: <?php $timeout = 3; $old = ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $timeout); $file = fopen('http://example.com', 'r'); ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $old); stream_set_timeout($file, $timeout); stream_set_blocking($file, 0); //the rest is standard ?> Ex2. During development of a set of non-blocking functions for downloading files from http-servers I've discovered that it's not possible to set timeout for fopen('http://somesite.com/somefile', 'rb'). All functions for controlling non-blocking mode (stream_set_blocking, stream_set_timeout, stream_context_set_option) use resource handle that is created via fopen(). But fopen() for HTTP connections internally makes quite a big set of actions: it creates socket, resolves webserver name, establishes actual connection. So hanging can occur anywhere in resolving and creating tcp-connection but you cannot control it. Solutions: 1) Use socket functions. Set socket in non-blocking mode just after creation. Implement HTTP-protocol yourself. In source code use these manually created functions. 2) Write a wrapper for myprotocol://, which internally will use first solution, but in source code you'll use fopen('myprotocol://somesite.com/somefile', 'rb') with some way to set timeout before calling it. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
breazer:我試了第一個方法是可以work的 感謝!!! 12/13 19:19