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※ 引述《david75 (時也!命也!運也!)》之銘言: : 標題: [請益] sybase_connect()出錯 : 時間: Wed Aug 13 14:05:19 2008 : 已經有將php.ini中php_sybase_ct.dll前的;拿掉 : 也重新啟動過Apache和電腦了 : 不過還是會出現錯誤Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sybase_connect() : 好像還需要Sybase client libraries才能使用 : 推 alpe :php\ext\php_sybase_ct.dll 在嗎? 08/13 14:20 : → alpe :btw. php5.2.6 的lib有點怪怪的 有幾個lib沒辦法load 08/13 14:21 : → david75 :在,我的php版本是4.4.4 08/13 14:33 : → alpe :看一下 apache error log 吧 08/13 16:34 : → david75 :Unable to load dynamic library...php_sybase_ct.dl 08/14 08:58 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'httpd\\php\\ext\\php_pgsql.dll' - \xa7\xe4\xa4\xa3\xa8\xec\xab\xfc\xa9w\xaa\xba \xbc\xd2\xb2\xd5\xa1C\r\n in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'httpd\\php\\ext\\php_pdo_pgsql.dll' - \xa7\xe4\xa4\xa3\xa8\xec\xab\xfc\xa9w\xaa\xba \xbc\xd2\xb2\xd5\xa1C\r\n in Unknown on line 0 這是我前天裝新的 php 遇到的問題. php 5.2.6 那版的 因為一直沒辦法 load 到 lib , google 也是說找其他版本, 所以我就 裝 5.2.5 去了... ... library 包的時候沒包好吧. 自己 compile 應該不會有這問題才是. -- Exactly. For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered. THAT is the exploration that awaits you: not mapping stars and studying nebulae,but charting the unknown possibilities of existence. Star Trek S7E26 "All Good Thing" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
david75 :那網頁上寫需要Sybase client libraries 08/14 11:43
david75 :↑這個又是什麼呢? 08/14 11:43