看板 PHX-Suns 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/mgrmt2 Amaré Stoudemire's camp has not heard from any other NBA team about the possibility of acquiring him or any interest in securing his future with a contract extension. Amare陣營還沒有聽到任何一隊的消息 – 包括交易他或是和他延長合約. Stoudemire's agent, Charles Grantham, said he would like to hear a commitment from one team in particular - the Suns. Amare的經紀人Grantham表示他希望能聽到保障他客戶的承諾, 特別是太陽隊. "Either he's in or out," Grantham said Sunday while in Phoenix. "You're going to have to really make a commitment to him that he's part of your program going forward and that you're going to work around him. Those decisions seemingly are still up in the air. They are going to have to be made at some point. You'll have to talk about either committing to him or trading him. "Those discussions haven't happened yet." 白話翻譯: Grantham: 你是要他走還是要他留, 快點給我講 Discussions about trading Stoudemire have happened. A deal with Golden State unraveled after Thursday's draft over the Warriors' unwillingness to part with No. 7 pick Stephen Curry. A Suns-Warriors trade remains possible with something added to the package of Andris Biedrins, Brandan Wright and Marco Belinelli. 選秀會時和勇士的乳摸 The commitment Stoudemire is seeking from the Suns is more than just being told he won't be traded. He wants a contract extension when he is eligible later this summer. Grantham considers Stoudemire a maximum-salary player worth an extension averaging more than $20 million per season. Amare希望太陽能給他不交易他的承諾, 也希望球隊能延長他的合約. 若太陽有這意願可 以在稍晚的暑假和他延長合約. Grantham認為他的客戶能拿到一張每季超過20M的延長合 約. Grantham and Suns General Manager Steve Kerr spoke Sunday and plan to talk more soon. Grantham近期會和K大總管多談論有關Amare的事 "This is all normal business," Kerr said. "I don't see any of this as out of the ordinary. We love Amaré. He's been an incredibly productive player for us. He's going to weigh his options, and he has the right to do it." 官方文字, 恕我懶的翻 Stoudemire can opt out of his contract next year to be an unrestricted free agent, passing on a $17.7 million salary in 2010-11. Amare可以在下季決定跳出他的合約, 放棄最後一年(10-11), 包括17.7M的薪水. "One way or the other, they're going to have to commit to him," Grantham said. "Amaré would love to be a part of a championship team in Phoenix. That's his first option. He's 26. He's looking at the prime of his career right now. He'd like to win here if that's what their goal is - to win a championship. Grantham強調留在太陽隊並拿下冠軍是Amare的第一選項. "If it's not their goal, then I have to encourage him to think about other things. 'Where should you finish your career? Where could you go to be productive?' I would think any team that is seriously considering him would want to talk to us about an extension, as opposed to just renting him for a year." Grantham: 如果這不是他們的目標(拿冠軍)(果然厲害, 倒打球隊一槍XD), 那我就會要 Amare多思考一下他的未來, 哪裡是他會希望去的? Stoudemire was cleared to work out a week ago for the first time since February surgery to repair a detached retina. Grantham said Stoudemire's right eye will fully recover. Amare一星期前重新開始練球, Grantham說之前的傷勢(視網膜剝離)對他一點影響都沒有. "I have no doubt he's going to play extremely well next season," Grantham said. "Hopefully, it's here for the Suns and they're moving toward a championship. If not, we're prepared and should be prepared to look at other options. Grantham開支票: Amare下季會打的很猛! "His best years are ahead of him. We're all reasonable people. We should be able to sit down and figure this out." 算是結論, Grantham希望球隊盡速和他談. Stoudemire commented this month to media in other cities about how well he would fit in with other teams if he was a 2010 free agent. "It didn't come from Amaré saying, 'I don't want to be in Phoenix,' " Grantham said. "If the Suns are committed to him, he doesn't have to become an unrestricted free agent." 這段是幫Amare消毒, 對於本月初Amare在其它城市接受採訪時表示10時他會是個多適合 其它隊的球員. “Amare從來沒有說過他不想留在鳳凰城”, Grantham表示. “如果球隊展現出重視他的誠意, 那Amare不會成為FA”. ※ 編輯: andynanpa 來自: (06/30 09:41)
Malik :有點此地無銀三百兩的感覺... 06/30 10:01
Verlander35 :看到20M 我直接END了 靠... 06/30 10:19
BrentRoy :Kerr不是前陣子說他跟阿罵安撫過了....? 06/30 10:22
steve11631 :跟勇士換比較好= = 06/30 10:26
truegodchild:...換一換吧 他不是太陽的最後一塊拼圖 06/30 10:32
bll135 :囧......我OP了= = 06/30 10:36
snakebite :新兩千萬.... 06/30 10:50
jasonlin68 :能回到05年的阿罵就簽吧!(好現實) 06/30 11:02
steve11631 :他當年回來真的是最後一塊拼圖...但現在還是算了吧 06/30 12:14
daydream772 :換一換吧... 06/30 12:14
dreamkpg :20M會不會太誇張... 06/30 12:14
DASHOCK :阿罵也要當兩千萬了... 06/30 12:52
TKWdEmoN :20M..... 06/30 13:49
chiusna :會打得很猛.... 先加強他的防守吧 06/30 14:53
twinklestar :來唷!只要20M就好..誰願意來當冤大頭????... =.= 06/30 15:01
lenta :20M有誰想買.................. 06/30 15:03
BrentRoy :Lewis開先例阿...不然以前15M就嫌多了 06/30 15:38
pedroremorse:我一直都覺得 20M的合約 只有聯盟前十人才夠資格拿 06/30 15:51
pedroremorse:難不成是我這觀念要改一改了 ~"~ 06/30 15:52
kulama :經紀人當然要喊高一點 買賣不都是這樣? 06/30 15:55
kulama :反正Amare已經被視為拖油瓶毒瘤之流 動輒得咎 06/30 15:58
sptcq81 :快跟勇士換吧,人選不錯哩,不過太陽也變土匪隊了 06/30 17:09
larson :老尼已經放話不會丟Curry了,那麼Amare for B帥 + Azu 06/30 19:18
larson :+ 義大利人 + Wright其實就很夠了~ 06/30 19:19
jeromee :感謝翻譯外電提供資訊 07/02 19:53
sneak : 新兩千萬.... https://daxiv.com 12/12 16:59
muxiv : 新兩千萬.... http://yaxiv.com 04/20 22:35