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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1C4HxfSh ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [新聞] 聯盟老闆前五名 瘋狂庫班站排頭 時間: Fri Jun 11 01:20:38 2010 ※ 引述《sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂)》之銘言: : http://www.nba.com.tw/news/article/2010-06-10/33300/38543 : 聯盟老闆前五名 瘋狂庫班站排頭 : 發表時間:2010-06-10 : 《DIME》雜誌最近選出聯盟當中的最佳老闆跟最差老闆,在老闆的評選中,一向以 : 狂熱聞名的小牛隊庫班(Mark Cuban)高居榜首,接著是湖人老闆巴斯(Jerry Buss), : 至於在最差老闆的評比中,快艇老闆史特林(Donald Sterling)則是第一名。 : THE TOP 5 BEST & WORST NBA OWNERS : BY DANIEL MARKS : http://dimemag.com/2010/06/the-best-worst-nba-owners/ 補充一下DANIEL MARKS的五位糟老闆 1. Donald Sterling Probably one of the worst owners in all of sports, not just the NBA. Sterling is a notorious penny-pincher who has refused to invest in the Clippers – and as a result has made them a laughingstock during his entire tenure as owner. All of this on top of the fact that the Clippers have won only one playoff series in Sterling’s nearly 30-year tenure solidifies him as by far the worst owner in the NBA. 史特林不只是全NBA,甚至可能是所有運動球隊的最濫老闆 因為拒絕花更多錢投資在快艇身上,老史不僅成了惡名昭彰的吝嗇鬼 球隊也因此在他領導之下成為一個笑柄 快艇隊在他30年統治之下,只贏過"1次"季後系列賽 更是讓他穩居最糟老闆的惡名 2. Chris Cohan Cohan is in the process of selling the team, but since he is still currently the owner, he falls on this list right behind Sterling. Cohan’s Warriors have only made the playoffs once in Cohan’s 15 years of ownership, and he is much maligned amongst the super-loyal Warrior fan base. The fact that the Warriors still draw fans at a high level is a testament to their love for the team not the product Cohan has put on the court. 柯漢目前正準備將勇士隊賣給新東家,但既然他還掛名球隊的老闆 他也免不了要成為這項排行的亞軍 在柯漢擁有勇士隊的15年,球隊只有打進季後賽"1次" 老柯在死忠球迷心中的地位,更是有如不可饒恕的大惡魔 畢竟勇士的球迷雖然對球隊依舊死忠,但那並不是老柯的功勞 3. James Dolan Dolan has transformed the Knicks from marquee NBA franchise into a joke. He is responsible for hiring Isiah Thomas and allowing him to run the team into the ground for way too long, and is also responsible for David Stern’s 2007 remark that the Knicks are “not a model of intelligent management.” Dolan also has isolated the media which can be a problem owning a team in the world’s largest market. If he does get one high mark, it is for his willingness to spend money even if he spends it irresponsibly. 杜蘭入主尼克隊之後,就讓球隊從不可一世的人氣天團變成了天大笑話 他必須承擔的過錯,除了聘請湯瑪斯(I.Thomas) 讓球隊原地打轉了許多年之外,還包括聯盟大掌櫃史騰(Stern) 三年前發表"尼克不是好的管理典範"的宣言 杜老爺捅下的紕漏,還包括讓這支擁有最大市場的籃球隊,反而在媒體上遭受孤立 不過他的優點也不是沒有,那就是他願意不顧一切的砸大錢 儘管他使用的方式不是很負責任 4. Michael Jordan Despite only being the majority owner of the Bobcats for half of this past season, Jordan’s tenures as minority owner have been rocky to say the least. With the Wizards as a minority owner and director of basketball operations, Jordan drafted Kwame Brown and traded Rip Hamilton, eventually being fired by the late Abe Pollin. With Charlotte, after buying a share of the team, he made himself director of basketball ops again and has made some mind-boggling basketball moves. As long as Jordan owns the Bobcats and is in control, I don’t see much hope for Charlotte basketball. 雖然喬丹是在球季後半段才成為山貓的最大老闆 但他先前在巫師當小老闆期間,就已經有過不良紀錄 他在兼任籃球事務總監的期間,先是用狀元籤選了布朗(K.Brown) 接著又交易了漢米爾頓(R.Hamilton),最後終於遭到當時老闆波林(Pollin)開除的 命運 至於他買了山貓的股份之後,他不僅再度任用自己成為管理階層 也作了不少讓人匪夷所思的人事安排 看來只要喬老大依然持有山貓的經營權,夏洛特的籃球就不會有什麼希望 5. Robert Sarver Sarver bought the team from basketball lifer Jerry Colangelo and has yet to live up to Colangelo’s legacy. The Suns have been successful over the past few years despite Sarver’s ownership, not because of it. He has been very frugal when spending money on the team, and his reluctance to go over the luxury tax (despite having a team that could potentially win a championship) has been troubling. Also, his decision to sell numerous draft picks over the years has stunted the Suns’ development of youth, making him an owner that is unpopular with his fans. 薩佛從將一生奉獻給籃球的柯藍吉洛(J.Colangelo)手中買下太陽的經營權 然而他至今卻沒有達到老柯的境界 這幾年球隊雖然依舊成功,但薩佛並不是其中的功臣 儘管太陽隊依然有角逐總冠軍的實力 他卻倒行逆施走儉樸風,不願意付出更多的豪華稅 另外,他將選秀權賣給其他隊的決定 不僅阻礙了球隊培育新一代的接班人,也讓他成為不球迷歡迎的老闆 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
KobeLeBron :喬老大!!! 06/11 01:22
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (06/11 01:23)
LABOYS :但是快艇老闆年年都賺錢 06/11 01:24
kenike :沒有喬丹找來老布朗今年會進季後賽嗎? 06/11 01:25
slamduck :Sarver Sucks!!! 06/11 01:37
slamduck :借轉Sarver sucks板 謝謝! 06/11 01:39
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
windingday :中肯推.... 06/11 01:58
machine139 :如果太陽換老闆,Nash 就不會那麼悲情了 T_T 06/11 01:58
ykshih :太陽老闆有Cuban一半的慷慨早就拿冠軍了...#%&@#$! 06/11 03:55
ASDF0714 :為啥俄羅斯大亨不買太陽 ˊˋ 06/11 08:01
asole :什麼 我們怎麼不是第一名? 06/11 08:44
KANON1117 :原來Sarver才排第五,快艇老闆到底是多爛啊= = 06/11 09:52
ahahah :$arver sux..... 06/11 11:09
ajsnow :才第五真是有些意外XD 06/11 11:29
jasonlin68 :超想老柯... 06/11 12:23
Jacobsen :Cuban真的無限慷慨的話,Nash會在太陽嗎XD 06/11 13:01
Jacobsen :我還是認為評斷Sarver要看他這季後的表現 06/11 13:05
Sakber :庫班是覺得值得花錢不手軟 06/11 13:06
Jacobsen :如果他在這麼激賞的球季後還是不願意留人,那確實爛 06/11 13:07
Jacobsen :那是否可以解釋成Sarver覺得不值得? 06/11 13:08
Sakber :Y...$arver要看今年怎留人 06/11 13:08
Jacobsen :我認為還是離不開商人本色啦,基本上都算合理 06/11 13:08
Jacobsen :本季過後若是依然如此,我也會加入反Sarver行列 06/11 13:09
bll135 :我超不喜歡老闆= = 06/11 13:24
MyGuitar :最佳前五名老闆~隨便一位到太陽~太陽就有可能創王朝 06/11 13:26
DASHOCK :儉樸打球魂!!! 06/11 13:37
neak :快艇爛到前幾年ESPN 有個關於他死忠球迷賣了船屋買 06/11 14:04
neak :季票但老闆的摳使得球隊很少贏的文章,我讀到哭 06/11 14:07
neak :找到了 http://0rz.tw/Y3o2R 快艇跟勇士真得非常爛 06/11 14:23
Sakber :快艇季後賽那年讓我對他們刮目相看 06/11 17:02
Sakber :那時候快艇的陣容真的是很棒 結果後來四分五裂=x= 06/11 17:02
Sakber :整個失望 06/11 17:03
vinPHOENIX :同意帥哥 Sarver開銀行的金融海嘯都要靠政府救濟了 06/11 22:32
vinPHOENIX :現在景氣復甦 今年又打的這麼好 再不拿錢說不過去了 06/11 22:33
poiumko :被資方洗腦成奴才人數之多 真的是台灣獨有的有趣 06/13 11:27
Jacobsen :嘴巴上不饒 還是乖乖做奴才的也很多啊 06/14 11:35
Jacobsen :這本來就是很明顯的事情,太陽的薪資一直不是後段班 06/14 11:36
Jacobsen :分析太陽老闆的心態,並不是一句奴才就比較高尚的 06/14 11:39
Jacobsen :早期聯盟薪資第六,到後來也有聯盟前十,本業遭重創 06/14 11:40
Jacobsen :想維持競爭力但節制開銷我認為很好理解 06/14 11:41